Difference 3D Tool | 3D Features toolset | 3D Analyst ArcToolbox

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Eliminates portions of multipatch features in a target feature class that overlap with enclosed volumes of multipatch features in the subtraction feature class.

Closed multipatch geometry is required for this analysis. The Is Closed 3D tool can be used to determine if a multipatch feature class contains closed features, and the Enclose Multipatch tool can be used to eliminate gaps in multipatch features.

Input features that are fully enclosed by a subtract feature will be completely removed in the output

This tool's execution can be very time consuming, and care should be taken when selecting input datasets.

The output features will not have any of the attributes of the input features. If necessary, a spatial join to the source features or a relationship class to the optional output table can be constructed to map attributes from the input features to the output dataset.

This tool is a 3D set operator that provides analytical functions on 3D features. See Working with 3D set operators for more information on what set operators are and how to use them.
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