Church Mix TRANSFORMATION with Waves SuperRack + Proton Duo

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Gear we use to make videos at Churchfront:

00:00 Introduction
00:14 Overview of the Project
00:51 Antenna Structure and Cleanup
01:31 Sound System Upgrade
02:06 Drum Setup Improvements
02:47 Stage Area Improvements
03:31 Backstage Tech Room
04:16 Audio Gear Organization
05:01 Wave Super Rack Setup
06:39 Group Processing for Broadcast
07:19 Room Mics Deployment
08:18 Conclusion and Future Plans

• • • • •

Disclaimer: This video and description contain affiliate links.

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I’m very grateful for Matt and Churchfront! You guys rock and Matt especially has continued to be incredibly helpful to us. Our mix is night and day difference.


A&H SQ Series is such a powerful platform for churches


Thank you.I believe that I am going to be your next client.


*We want to thank you guys so much for taking the time to help us out and transform our online experience! We have gotten a ton of positive feedback on the new mix and it is all thanks to you! We can not wait for the next phase with video!*


Would really like to hear more than 20 seconds of the before and after audio. Especially since the title says mix transformation.


27 Plus Million views? I dont know how you do it dude, but more power ($$$) to you. I think i'll start a channel about Chicken Wire and Egg Beaters.


Hello, what are the effects that were applied for the streaming sound output?


Churches on a budget can purchase a 32-channel LV1 console for between $3900 and $5900.
It is also possible to obtain the performance of a Waves Proton server for just $200 instead of $850, if required.


HI. I seem to see a lot of plugins loaded, so is the duo server enough for the job? What is the difference compared to its more expensive models?


Hey are you guys AV installation guys or Audio Engineers? I am a new audio engineer and while I understand everything you are saying conceptually. I didn’t go to school to run cables and “set up” venues. I mix the sound and understand the board and how to tune everything but I think the pastor also thinks I install equipment. I can set it all up yes I know how much running cables and all that it’s really blurring the lines between AV and audio engineer when they’re both different schools/certifications so I just really wanna know your thoughts!


We have a SQ6 and I have been looking at some kind of waves setup to go along with it. But we are in a small room, and I’m a bit worried about delays for the sound to go through a lot of systems before it hits the speakers and wedges. How much extra delay does a system like this add?


Hi, im from Vietnam and i have a question. what kind the mics u used for room mics? and hard pan for those mics? should i low cut about 300-350hz above for those mics?


How does the Proton Duo connect to the SQ ? Via the Waves card for SQ ?


Just a question, why are you locking churches with limited budgets into proprietary protocols?
You could have given this church the same set up for cheaper or similar pricing by using a Mac and super rack performer with Dante.
Now they are locked into using only waves plugins with limited processing power and in the future if they want to expand or revamp their system they will either have to scrap what they have and purchase all new plugins & equipment or continue to be bound with only waves proprietary gear.

Waves, is great and has great plugins but as soon as these churches realize what is available to them, they will soon realize what you have limited them from.
Using performer and a MacBook Pro or Mini, they can use both waves and 3rd party plugins like black salt, get way more processing for money, and be able to use that system with any console in the future.


The challenge of these videos, is we are hearing from the person who did the work. All this self praise gets a bit tiresome. Wonder what an independent reviewer would say about the work done. Sounds more like advertising to me !. Over time one gets wiser....
