Learning My True Identity In Christ with Rick Warren

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The way you see yourself influences every area of your life. Your identity determines whether or not you will be happy, successful, full of hope, and able for God to use you for great things. Satan is hard at work using things such as the opinions of others, painful experiences, and even the media to conceal your true identity in Christ. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren takes a look at 1 Peter 2 and identifies the five fingerprints of your true identity. You’ll learn how to see yourself through God’s eyes and restore your true identity that was stolen by hurt, failure, damaged self esteem, and mistakes.

(Rick Warren) (Identity) (Love) (Belonging) (acceptance) (Saddleback Church) (Saddleback Lake Forest) (Learning my true identity) (Learning who I am) (accepted) (acceptable) (valuable) (lovable) (Forgiven) (Capable) (God is love) (Personal identity) (identity theft)
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Today is my Day 5 of Fasting and I woke up with this message playing in my phone. I accept this message and declare that the devil is a liar! I am done feeling sorry for myself and I accept my identity in Christ. Oh how I love you Lord! Thank you for loving me and accepting me with all my faults, make me more like you.


1 I’m completely accepted
2 I’m extremely valued
3 I’m eternally loved
4 I’m totally forgiven
5 I’m fully capable


I needed to hear this message. I'm sick and tired of dealing with the rejection & praise of man. My identity, worth, and value does NOT come from man, it comes from God and who He says I am! Thank you Jesus for the blood you shed on the cross. Thank you for dying for my sins and my salvation. Thank you for this message Pastor Rick, God bless you abundantly. 💗


I will listen to this speech again. At 66, I have rarely believed that I was valuable, acceptable, forgiven, loved and capable. In my lifetime, I do not remember my parents telling me that I embodied these qualities. I grew up internalizing a great deal of shame. I well remember being told many times, "You should be ashamed of yourself." Or "You are not good enough."

I also heard many of these critical judgments from many in the Church.

I will listen and internalize this message every day.


I pray for this man to be healed and healthy in Jesus name amen 🙏


During my childhood, I wasn’t good at my studies and my father used to beat me for not concentrating. Once I attended a healing prayer meeting and discovered believer’s speaking in tongues. I thought this is a great idea to grab the attention of my parents and even I started speaking in tongues and my father stopped beating me. I cheated my family several times until a preacher told them that I was possessed by evil spirits.
I’m the youngest in my family of five siblings. My mother always said she has six diamonds but she did not know that I was the ‘black sheep’ in the family. I hated Jesus for no cause. I kept sinning deliberately having a hard heart. I committed my whole youth to the Satan. I visited temples in order to please my friends. My conscience always kept pricking me that I was doing wrong, but I hardened my heart.
I grew up sinning, despite knowing that Jesus is the only Lord and Saviour. Finally, I found myself as the most wanted person on God’s offender’s list. I hated Jesus for no cause and enjoyed worldly life. God saved me multiple times from accidents and dreadful situations, but still I was hard heartened and stubborn and immersed in sin. Stealing money from my house finally made me rob God’s money in various ministries. I drowned myself in sin and sin caught me firmly that I did not find any direction to escape. The devil kept persisting me that I am his and I cannot escape from his control. It also reminded me that there was no forgiveness for me neither in this world nor the Kingdom to pass as I have deceived the Holy Spirit numerous times. After knowing that I had no forgiveness, I completely surrendered myself to Satan as I had a misconception that even God will not forgive or accept me as His child.
I was troubled within, evil spirits haunted me, and fear gripped me. I thought the spirits would kill me so I made an agreement with them that I will be on their side on a condition that they must stop troubling me. The devil visited me at least once or twice a month and it used to feel my body and I could also sense its presence. Whenever I was guilty, I prayed, I cried and shed tears but I did not find deliverance, as I was a hypocrite.
Once during my youth stage, my father requested me to take him for a prayer meeting in Gymkhana grounds, Hyderabad. Actually I wasn’t willing to go with him, but I thought if something happens to him I will be accountable so accompanied him. I did not listen to the message, but during the prayer time, the preacher prophesied, “who is that person who deceived God’s Holy Spirit, God loves you and is telling you to turn to Him or else He will cast you into the lake of fire.” Immediately my whole body started shivering, my knees kept knocking together and I realized that the preacher was talking about me.
Immediately the next day I went to the prayer meeting get prayed over me and the man of God placed his hands on my head and said Lord deliver him from his “lustful eyes” and this conviction only lasted for a few days and I went back to my own life. I tasted cigars, I didn’t like it, I tasted alcohol I didn’t like it and the devil began testing me in which way I will be comfortable with him and I got addicted to pornography . I was so immense and attracted to obscene images and as days passed by this became an addiction and I spent hours together to fulfil my hearts desires.
I pretended to be a very righteous person in the sight of my family, pastors, and believers. I took baptism in 2001 to get rid of my problems, but frankly speaking guilt kept following me wherever I went and the addiction did not leave me.
I got married with a wonderful child of God, and I promised that I will not indulge in bad things anymore, but the evil one wasn’t willing to leave me from his grip. I had bad dreams, the evil one kept visiting me but the desires reduced but never stopped.
Terrible dreams shook my life. Once I died and I met Jesus and He looked at me and said ‘Come it’s time for judgement’ and I suddenly hid something from my eyes so that the Lord must not see it and I woke up trembling and woke up my wife and told her to pray for me. Once I had a dream where my coffin just stopped from entering the gates of Hell. It was a terrible scene. It was not easy to give up my addiction, but I believe that God touched my life because of the reverent prayers of my wife and my family especially my godly mother.
I wanted deliverance as the sin in me came up to the brim. I thought this is not the life I must live, the evil one became even stronger and during this time I cried out to Jesus with a true repented heart, He came to my rescue and this helped me to pen down my testimony.
I confessed all my sins at Jesus’ feet, and poured out my frustrations and Jesus delivered me from all satanic snares and I began sprouting in the Lord.
Now I realized that we have a better place and we will be worshipping the Lord with other saints. I strongly believe because God shed His blood for me to forgive and redeem me. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I thank Jesus for giving me this inspiration so that people somewhere in the corner who are struggling like me will know the truth and get delivered from various addictions that has held them hostage.
The devil is a liar, it only comes to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t believe when Satan prompts you, and do not get agitated because when God is with us, no one can be against us. Romans 8: 38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
We are not alone in this battle against evil foes. The battle belongs to the Lord and we must just give Jesus a chance. I am not ashamed to tell my story as Jesus has cleansed me with His blood. The satanic barricades have been destroyed and Jesus set me free and he cleansed all the scars that Satan has afflicted on me. I want to commit the rest of my life to Jesus who saved my life.
Pastor Rick Warren’s messages gave me a lot of comfort and it strengthened my faith. I thank Jesus for such encouraging messages to stay firm in Christ.
All praises be to Him alone for He deserves all glory and Honour! Please forward my testimony to all your family, friends, relatives and WhatsApp friends you know so that the prince of this world (Satan) would be put to shame and God’s (Jesus’) name be glorified for ever. Amen!!!


We are all created in God's image, we have a purpose for living, all created unique, with different DNA, fingerprints, thumbprint, eyeprint, voice, dental, we are completely accepted, completely loved by God, praise be God from all the blessings flow! ❤❤❤


Jesus come into my life and reveal my true identity. Let me be the person you made me to be.



This sermon spoke to me, thank you Pastor Warren. EVERYONE, please pray for my heart, mind to be healed from my confidence issues. To be fully confident in myself and not let failures depict my thoughts & actions.


GOD used this message to save me from suicide. Thank you pastor Rick


My son sent this to me and I’m crying healing tears . Thank you !!


I listen to all of your messages everyday and it made me more closer to God more than ever. Thank you so much Pastor Rick and Saddleback Church!


My future and lovely wife who is sleeping right next to me show me this video.
I love her and i know god lead me to her and to this point of my life.
God bless you all.


This was an amazing sermon. I cryed at the bit where he said when that rape stole your identity. When that abuse stole your identity. I am so grateful that I have received the love of God.


Thank you Man of God. This freed me. I have reclaimed my identity!


When we dont know our identity in Jesus we go through life wherever the wind blows us. We wander in the wilderness like the Israelites free physically but not mentally. Thank God for 2020 a year to know my identity in Jesus and to have an authentic relationship with Him.


This was the best sermon I have ever heard in all my years of attending church.


Please pray for me I am still in remission no cancer in my body


The message was 5 years ago but still brand new. God’s word never get old. His message had been sent from God direct to me. I am a new person because of his anointing and also Joyce teaching. I read his book called “the purpose of life” now I have purpose to live. I love his wisdom and heart. God bless you again and again.


I'm extremely blessed listening to your message brother Rick Warren. God bless you and help you to be a blessings to many in the days to come.
I’m completely accepted
2 I’m extremely valued
3 I’m eternally loved
4 I’m totally forgiven
5 I’m fully capable

The satan never allowed me to agree to these five points, but now I know "I am a Child of God"

Thank you once again!
