Finding My Identity in Christ | Priscilla Shirer

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In this video from the Defined Bible Study, Priscilla Shirer tells the story of how she found her identity in Christ and made her faith her own.

Priscilla Shirer is a New York Times Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Co-founder of Going Beyond Ministries.

The entire video is above, and the entire transcript is below.

I was probably in college when I really began to understand and internalize and probably really digest what it meant to have my identity rooted in Christ. 

And the reason why that is is because I just grew up in a great family, a strong family, a church-life kind of family. You know, kind of ingrained in my whole world. I have great parents and great siblings. And we were taught the Scriptures. 

I knew what the Word of God said about me, but it wasn't until I was sort of out of that protective bubble and I was around people who were saying different things, who had different ideologies and philosophies and values and morals, that I had to make my own choices about whether or not I was gonna live in accordance with what other people thought who I should be and the labels that they were placing on me, the freedoms that they thought I should have that made sense to them coming from their worldview and their frame of reference. Or whether or not I was gonna let the freedoms and the boundaries and the identity and the value and the morals that God says about me, whether I was gonna let that actually frame my perspective, frame my thinking, and govern my behavior. 

And so I started making those choices with a lot of bumbles and a lot of stumbles and a lot of missteps.

The identity of Christ became ingrained in my own reality. I realized that God, you know, doesn't have grandkids. That you're either His child on your own, not riding the coattails of anybody else, or not. 

And so I was already a Christian, but being a Christ-follower became my rooted identity when I was at that stage in my life. And I'm grateful because it's carried me ever sense.
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The Greatest Gift 🎁 you can Give Your Child is showing them their identity is in Christ


I'm still finding my identity in Christ. i was brought up in church. I believe what I've been taught about Him, and I've experienced miracles in my life that only He could have brought me out of, but I still mess up daily and have to ask for His forgiveness when I do something wrong whether it was intentional or not. I'm still fighting repetitive battles and trying to submit to Him the best I can at a pace I can manage or He thinks I can manage. I know I'm getting better as He helps me each step.


"God doesn't have grandkids"
Very profound statement. Don't inherit your parents religion.
It's either your his child with your link or you're not!


I think I truly became rooted in Christ in 2020 even I had pretty much the same upbringing baptised at 12/13 I truly started understanding the depths of discipleship 2 years ago. Thank you for being a light through this journey Priscilla 💓💯 may God bless you abundantly 🙏🏽


I appreciate this message so much I thank God for some of these motivational ministers because they do have their place with in body of believers. because some of them I can identify with their testimonies especially those that are transparent and authentic. By hearing their journey build my faith, and allow me to see things in me that I did not know is there and things I can do that never thought I would do to the glory of God.So I thank God for them.


Thank God for the oppurtunity to know you more. Being true to oneself is about willingness to discover oneself not afraid to fail or Be vulnerable. This has always being the path to solid foundation when Christ is at the frontlet. Would like to know you more. Your chats has helped a lot in engaging the culture to find the truth of God as a Christian. Please keep the good work. 😍


Just words to express r all very lucky to have such god


Good speech keep up the good work and God-bless you Thank you


Aww this is so on point and the truth with love, Ty. 💘


This is a marvel. I read a book with similar content, and it was a marvel to behold. "The Art of Saying No: Mastering Boundaries for a Fulfilling Life" by Samuel Dawn


Your identity in Christ is: You are the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS! 2nd Cor 5:21


where can i find the bible study videos for the teen girls book?


Your identity in Christ ? Read the Scriptures and only the Scriptures to find out how to find it.


I love that, God doesn't have grandkids.


More a Christ becomer (a la II Corinthians 3:18). But I did connect with the Christ in you, even in a video!!


1 Timothy Chapter 2:
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
