If Mormon parents were honest in baptism talks

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This is one of your best videos! But I really love all of the work you do. It really resonates with me.


I am glad to hear when people are out of this but I really hope you all still believe on Jesus. Please don’t let all the extra stuff/lies/traditions and flaws of man deter you away from the Way, the Truth, and the Life that is Jesus. He is the only Way to Eternal Life/Heaven. Father God is the Great Almighty I AM Who is the same yesterday, today, and forever **not created but Creator of all** and Jesus is one with Him, He is His only Begotten Son. The gospel is true. Forget all the extra man made doctrine/traditions and stuff, we just need Jesus and to follow Him. ❤much love 💕


As a Christian, it always makes me sad when people have such traumatic experiences. Mormonism seems to be a big area, but it’s everywhere. :( Thank you for reminding people about the issue of socially pressuring what should be a spiritual decision.


theres only 2 religions, GOD's and mans, Christ warned us about organized religion, the devil is a trickster and hes the manager now, not the owner


Mormons are the nicest people you tripping bruh


I'm curious how much of these sorts of feelings are actually justified, and how much of them are our own insecurities. I have found that for the most part, we are paranoid about what people are thinking of us when no one really cares in reality lol my experience is that the lds Church is very loving.. and I live in utah where members are notoriously judged as being harsh. Not a member.
