Mormon Parents Who Will Never Love You

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It's such a terrible feeling when your loved ones that you want to be close to only want to bend you to their will rather than be there to support you when you need it.


My mom has called me hateful and a liar for leaving and speaking out. She told me she doesn't want to see my posts on Facebook. So I made sure she couldn't see them... then she sent me a bunch of church stuff. And I told her that I didn't agree with their "lies". She said she wasn't going to argue and why did I start this again. I was flabbergasted... "mom you started this conversation, but now I'm arguing because I don't agree and I am being honest." She basically told me to shut up and listen. I said "Mom, I'm 52, and you want me silent in the corner, well I won't be put in a corner. I love you, I understand you." I've told her I'm here if she needs me... but she isn't a mom to me, not that she ever really was, but I don't need a missionary, I did need a mom. I'm tired of trying to be the daughter she wants. My adult children told me that I'm the best mom and always their for them... I want them to be who they want to be. Including my child who's transitioning. They made me a good mom. I wish I had me for a mom.


My Dad is a very devout Mormon and completely accepts me, regardless of the fact that I don't agree with the church or attend. And every philosophy or other ideologies I've studied, he listens to everything I have to say and never makes me feel badly or wrong. I feel for those who don't have that.


No contact is something you might need to consider. It's very hard, but it can really help you heal.


Her limited mindset is not about you. Her inability to stop pushing the Mormon agenda is not about you. She is stuck. And I know you want so badly for her to be un-stuck and to love you for who you are, but the fact is she is stuck. And you can't fix that. I wish healing for you, in whatever form that ends up taking. And I wish healing for her so she can have a more full life and experience the joy of loving your family unconditionally. I'm so sorry this is hard.


I was raised Christian fundamentalist and can 100% relate. My therapist asked me if my mom could even be happy that I was happy and it made me realize that the answer is “no”.


God, I feel this. My parents aren't mormon, they're baptist, but still very conservative. I embody so many of the things they hate (they just dont know it yet), and I'm terrified of being even a little vulnerable with them. Its depressing as hell.


It must be so difficult being the first generation to say 'this isn't for me', when every previous generation has believed the lies and gaslighting. Stay strong.


I feel you. I have the same problem with my mother. She just doesn't know how to interact with me, because all she's able to see when she looks at me is the kid she thought was going to grow up to be a bishop someday. She's incapable of seeing me as I am now.


This is an amazing way to summarize my entire relationship with my mother since I left 5 years ago. I've struggled to put it in words in a way I could try to explain to her, if ever I feel like I could be vulnerable enough to do that again. Thank you.


It is difficult to understand how parents can disown their child for having different beliefs. I simply cant imagine disowning my daughter. It would break my heart in pieces.


This hurt my heart. I am so sorry that you feel like you can't be "heard" and accepted as the person you are without feeling there are string attached and hidden expectations. 😢


Thank you so much for this video. So validating. I had the same mother. It's heartbreaking to realize that her love is conditional and she doesn't see you for who you are. You're not alone, Nuancehoe ❤


Conditional love is rough. It hurts a lot. Took me a long time to realize I *am* worth knowing. It is their loss.


I am not Mormon or even religious. Im very spiritual. I live in an extreamly Mormon community in southern Colorado. Its fkn weird. If never seen so much molestation and infidelity than i do in the Mormon community. Smh. But theyre all mad cause my yard isnt perfect. Theyre mostly hypocritical


Im going through this with my evangelical parents. I left religion in 2007. They still cant accept it and they never will. They dont know or understand me OR my teenagers. And in the end, as much as that hurts, its really THEIR loss. Theyll never get to know the amazing person i became when i loved myself instead of fearing a god. Theyll never understand how their only grandchildren could be so happy without being raised to love Jesus. And at the rate things are going, theyre going to die alone without any of us at their bedsides.


Sorry you have to go through that. I was raised Christian but when I was about 13 I was given the choice to do what I want with my religion and I chose not want any part of anything.

I just feel very lucky that my family never treated me differently because of my choice


I recently overheard an argument my neighbor was having with his mom. He was frantically asking for her help, begging her to listen to him and although I didn't hear what she was saying, I got from the repeated "You're not listening to me!" and "You don't try to understand" that she just wasn't listening to him at all or just didn't put in the effort to find a solution.


There are many homeless LGBT youth in the region in and around Utah. Conservative churches need to learn to take responsibility for their children rather than just disowning them and dumping them on the streets.


I love you so much. I decided this year that my parents and my Mormon family no longer have a place in my life… I’ve worked very hard to create peace and joy and love, and something bigger than tolerance… And that’s all they wanted to give. This video is done for me. No illusions. Love you sister.
