NO MORE WHAT?! | Sacrifices when Starting a Business

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Let’s talk about sacrifice: the not-so-sexy part of entrepreneurship. So much of building a successful business relies on what you’re willing to sacrifice. I am five months into being a full-time entrepreneur and this channel is all about sharing the real as I experience it. Recently, I sacrificed my six-figure salary, moved back in with my parents, and put the happy hours and weekend trips on hold. Being a girl boss means calling the shots on your life, and they aren’t always glamorous!

1. Salary
2. Benefits
3. Health Insurance (got back onto my mom’s)
4. Apartment - Moved back in with my Parents
5. Social Events - happy hours, brunch, nightlife ($$$)
6. Eating Out
7. Pampering - Hair & Nails
8. Shopping
9. No new car - still driving my hooptie from high school
10. Ego

Let me know some sacrifices you’ve made in order to build your biz!

// S U B S C R I B E.
New Videos Every Tuesday & Thursday!

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// R A N D O M D E E T S.
- Sweater: H&M
- Earrings: Nordstrom
- Lip: Huda Beauty Liquid Matte - Trophy Wife

// E R I N.
I'm Erin and I'm a new full-time entrepreneur. I'm super excited to take you all along this crazy ride as I build my business from the ground up. Starting a business is much more than what influencers make it seem. It takes grit, hard work, and a lot of learning along the way. I'm taking you through the trenches and on the mountaintops with me, giving you a good look inside the life of a startup entrepreneur.

A little about me:
I'm from Detroit. 24. Graduated from Howard University in 2016. Majored in Broadcast Journalism. Graduated. Thought I would go off and work for CNN or something. Got a job at a credit union as a spokesperson. Had a blast. Applied for a nationwide contest to win a job at National Geographic. Won. Served as their first Digital Correspondent. Contract ended. Started my biz. Moved back in with mom and pops. Here I am.

I've been on Youtube for a bit, but this is my new and improved channel!
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This is the best video on the whole of YouTube regarding entrepreneurship… especially seeing how far you’ve come!! Pure inspiration and I whole heartedly agree this is the part most people don’t speak about but it’s a part of the journey not many people are fortunate enough to not experience…. Cycling instead of driving, making your food last longer than it seems possible and watching your bank digits countdown as you invest every penny into your vision…. That direct debit every month 🤦‍♂️ was like clockwork for real..
thanks for your channel and wisdom


The part about "seeing your bank account dwindling away" is so relatable at this moment of my venture into entrepreneurship. Thanks for the video.


Hard work, sacrifices and determination is tge key. Also having support helps. I can truly relate to what you are saying. People that has the simple worker bee mentality will not understand the mind of an entrepreneur and will hold you back it you let them.


Thank you for this honest video for the struggles and complications that can happen to people who start off doing YouTube because it is portrayed as a very short term go hard & get rich. Short term as in the first 5 years and some people will never make it a lot of people don't put that out there so thank you


People really underestimate the sacrifice and its way deeper. When you take that leap you are voluntarily choosing to bet on yourself with no guarantee of return. You find out very quickly that the majority of people in your life including friends and family fully expect you to fail and go back to a 'real' job. Even when you are successful, they still discount it as your 'little' job. It feels like you are sacrificing your own peace of mind for a while getting it going but the best thing about betting on yourself is proving that you were right. Its the best feeling - but really annoying that all those people who expected you to fail then talk about how they supported you from the beginning. Keep doing your thing girl.


I have to sacrifice my down time with hubby... I'm realizing that to be successful, I have to use ever spare second outside of my 9-5 to build!! It's going to be HARD!


I admire your ambition and business. Comfort is so dangerous though when you know you’re supposed to be doing something else. DO NOT GET COMFORTABLE ANY TIME SOON PEOPLE. Keep building, saving, investing and repeat. The leap/thinking about the leap is TERRIFYING though... this is why to make things JUST A TINY bit comforting for me I’m aiming to build up regular reoccurring passive income from rental property. Still risk, however if built right it can be a good consistent flow of passive cash. Key part: IF BUILT RIGHT. I started in 2015 with a two flat in Chicago (I don’t recommend). I got arrogant and let a good job slip because I just knew I was a boss and so smart because I built passive income. Wrong. Ended up with one terrible tenant after the other and BOOM I’m left with a vacant building that needs repairs, expensive mortgage, and lost the job I had at the time so next to nothing to help keep me from the extreme hole I fell in! Financially and emotionally! It has been so rough but thank God I’m not a quitter by any means! Thinking of uploading more documentation myself regarding this and what not to do so I can help anyone from getting in the space I did.


"It takes more than a good idea." YES!!!


You are such a breathe of fresh air. I can definitely relate. Thank you much for this and for being soooo honest.
Sacrifices on my end ... just like you
1. Ego ( I didn't realize that's what it was until you said it ... Thank you for articulating that )
2. Living with my parents longer than I imagined ( God bless them )
3. Irregular income
4. Having more money flowing out than in
5. Learning to do my own hair and personal grooming at home ( this has been super humbling and helpful in getting me to be more comfortable in my own skin and loving on myself directly )
6. My idea of a social life ... investing more in hobbies I can do alone at home at no extra cost ( this has definitely been such a blessing in disguise. I realized my creative well was running on empty and now I get to refill it )
7. Friendships ( another blessing in disguise. Quality over quantity. Learning to still be fulfilled alone. Alone doesn't have to mean lonely. Though it can get lonely sometimes ... I try my best to be thankful for the company of family since I get to live at home, I remind myself that it's for a season and maximize on truly being present when I do get to interact with people. )
I definitely agree with you ... the process really stretches your mind and mindset.


“I can not EXPECT everyone to believe in me the way I believe in myself.” That’s it right there. And something I’m still learning at 31 years old. I am growing my business while working a 9-5 and I definitely have gotten the “real job vs little business” comments and it stings. But learning to let go of your ego and those expectations is a HUGE foundational step in getting ahead in life. Thank you for sharing these nuggets of wisdom.


I decided to quit my job and pursued starting a business...and started back working full time within a month as that cash flow was not there. 2-3 years later and I’m trying a new approach in working and balancing finding time to build my passion. This video was relatable and I enjoyed it. Thank you!


Finding your channel was such a blessing... you're such a breathe of fresh air.


Hi Erin.... everything that you said is correct. I quit my job and moved into my sisters basement with my 4 KIDS!!!😬 best move ever. I built my business and am successful in it. I’m now building business #2. You’re doing an amazing job. I’ve even joined the eBrand club to move my new business to the next level 🤗


This is so true! Sacrifice is key in building an empire. It is a struggle sometimes but seeing you do your thing and the happiness you radiate will make it worth it! I want to be happy so that others around me will feel that too instead of being bitter in a job that pays well but doesn't fulfill my purpose. Ego and pride is a huge sacrifice. Thank you for bringing this up


Thank you for sharing this. No one talks about this side of things. I'm in the beginning stages and I have my grand opening of my skincare studio next week and you weren't wrong when you said capital gets spent QUICKLY especially in this economy. Thank you for bringing this to light!


Omg you’re what I need. I’m a passionate stay at home mama who decided to start my own business making items to create a cozy home. And it feels great to know someone related to how I am now and is now doing great. Im just taking notes sis. I see the hustle! I see what you’re doing!


3:18 I feel like moving in with your parents is a hard, but almost necessary sacrifice for your business (I'm living with parents too lol). It makes me work even harder so I can get back to being on my own. Girl, I totally relate to you on ALL of your points! Keep up the great videos :)


I just recently left my job & having that comforted feeling of bi-weekly pay, benefits, & more. & though I'm anxious for how I will build from this, I know that I am destined for this and needed this time to pick up where I left off. Looking forward to watching more of your content! Appreciate your advice & positivity, thank you!!!


proud of you for stepping out on faith! You're forever an inspiration. Love you and keep shining, sister!!!


Thank you for the real talk. It's so scary, but somehow hearing you address it all head on really helped me.
