You MUST Understand The Meaning of SACRIFICE | Jordan Peterson on God (Cain & Able)

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Listen carefully to what Dr. Jordan Peterson says about sacrifice because it affects your future!


HINT: You can get for FREE the audio version narrated by Dr. Peterson himself if you sign up for an Audible Trial.

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From a 55 year old GP. Reading these comments, not all, but the EGO of comparing or this is what he’s saying, etc… just stop! Listen to your soul and be honest with yourself and appreciate what this man is giving you! I grow a little every time I listen to this man! I wish the best for all of you that list to this!✌🏻


I’m privileged to say this man has changed my life at age 18. So many men owe him so much. I hope to thank him personally some day.


Watching God touch a brilliant mind is like watching an artist create a masterpiece.


Mr. Peterson is on an amazing journey toward truth. Watching this play out is the very definition of God's amazing glory!


I’m 65. Although time has chased me into a corner, I intend to fight back with every thing I have in me. I’ve lived my youth for ungrateful and demanding people and as of last year, I have said enough. As long as there is breath in me, I will not give up. It’s my time now and I know what I have to do. And sitting around feeling sorry for myself because my youth was spent on others, isn’t in my vocabulary. As long as I can still retain a thought in my mind I’m going to learn and become. I really have no other option. Because giving up…isn’t my style.


I just sacrificed today a very important relationship and friendship I had.
I had to do that to move forward. Because it became toxic and impeded me from moving forward.
I feel these words. I deeply understand the meaning of it.
I feel pain for this sacrifice but at the same time it makes me free. And being free is scary.
But it's the most important thing we have.


The sacrifice that God requires is our personality/identity/ego. We must die in the flesh (material) to be reborn in the spirit (Christ). Not my will, but thine. We are not separate from God. Our egos very existence depends on keeping us entertained and distracted.


As much as I am intrigued by Jordan Peterson, we need to recognize that he is not the final word on Christian Truth. He’s phenomenally insightful and even helpful - just not the final Word. Truth is truth, whether coming from the lips of a harlot or a priest, or to quote C.S. Lewis, the best reason to become a Christian is because “it’s TRUE”. JP has a lot of Truth, and many are praying that The Truth has him! If you love Jordan you’ll REALLY love the Bible!


JP is preaching the Gospel in a spectacular way! 🙌


👏👏👏 Bravo. Jordan the world needs you. Most will not listen, but many will.


It was amazing watching him come to this realization over the last couple years.


We make sacrifices every day that we don't even realize. We sacrifice our peace when get get up late, are late to work, and get angry because people aren't driving fast enough. We sacrifice our Hope when we choose a negative perspective about situations or people. We sacrifice our joy by being so concerned about our past and or future that we cannot be present in the present moments we are living. We sacrifice our ability to Love to greater degrees by rejecting those we don't understand or agree with. And all the sacrifices we make that we don't see, sacrifice our relationship with our Creator because we are so self consumed that we become our biggest priority in life.


Finally, someone to help understand the bible. Thank you Jordan. 👍❤🇨🇦


If you don't choose your sacrifice, you yourself becomes it. We must be willing to let go of something in order to become more.


The greatest sacrifice, I believe, is our individual obedience. To obey God with all our strength and ask for forgiveness for those trespasses and failures that we as human beings will suffer along the way. As King David said, have mercy on me oh Lord, knowing that I am but dust…


He is an amazing man. May Father Bless Him And His Family🙏🙏🙏🙏


I really like that you said we have to often SACRIFICE what things we love and are holding onto in order to move forward. Along these lines, I have found there to be a very strong COUNTER-INTUITIVE aspect to God's Nature, so that we gain by sacrificing something. It's like when I had to clean a storage unit. At first it was too painful to get rid of anything. But God allowed me time to understand that unless I got rid of and let go of things which I had years ago prized and cherished, I would never move forward. It took a few years to work up the courage to be objective and begin throwing and cleaning and giving away and selling stuff.


"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles a thousand victories"


