💄 This Is What Happens When You STOP WEARING MAKEUP 💄 // AND 3 OPTIONS For Glass Skin

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This is what happens when you stop wearing makeup for 6 weeks. Makeup is common but can cause dry skin, oily skin, premature aging, acne and more. Dr Rajani reviews the issues with makeup, how to use it safely and what you can expect if you stop using it. Dr Rajani also outlines 3 options for those wanting to get the skin they want and to stop needing makeup as cover up. Glass skin solutions.
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I stopped wearing makeup 10 years ago and my acne went away. My skin changed from bad to great. It is such a freedom when you don't need to wear foundation. When there is nothing to hide, when you are not scared people will see you without makeup.


The positive of the Covid shit down was the absence of having to put makeup on everyday. Surprisingly, my “problem” skin became my most flattering asset. Once I stopped wearing makeup, I found myself more confident, and much less concerned about what people think. I became comfortable in my own skin, quite literally, and haven’t looked back!


Makeup is not a tool meant to make an ugly thing beautiful, it is meant to magnify the beauty that already exists...


I wore makeup for decades, starting as a teenager to hide acne. But when the pandemic hit & I started working remotely, I stopped putting makeup on, & I literally could NOT believe the drastically improved quality of my skin- it was honestly shocking! Within about 4 weeks, I looked younger, and (after a pretty significant "purge", my acne was all but gone. Now, I do sometimes wear tinted moisturizer, but that's it- my skin looks & feels so much more fresh!


I don't wear makeup anymore, only mascara and lip gloss. This is what enables me to apply sunscreen multiple times a day. My skin looks better and I know I'm protecting it properly from the sun and as a tretinoin user that's important. Plus as women get older makeup just makes you look older. Taking care of your skin and letting it shine is very youthful! 😊


I am 64 and I've been wearing makeup from the age of 18 because I love playing the colours and being creative and my face is my canvas. Insure my makeup brushes and sponges are kept scrupulously clean and I clean my face everyday never gone to sleep with it on. People tell me I look my early forties. I personally think it is protected my skin against environmental pollutants. Everyone reacts differently to different regimes and no one size fits all. Just have to find out what works for you. Stay beautiful ❤️ inside out ❤️


The problem with using tinted moisturizers and tinted sunscreens instead of foundation is 1- the tints are usually difficult to match fair/cool tones, and 2- they immediately settle into fine lines and creases on older faces which looks awful. I use makeup to cover dark undereye circles. Stopping makeup does not make dark undereye circles go away.


I'm 57 years old and have always worn a light coat of makeup. I get lots of compliments on my skin and don't believe it hurt my skin at all. I do think the sunscreen in it helped through the years. I use bare minerals because it helps with the dewy sticky feeling of moisturizers and sunscreen. I hate the shiny look much preferring a matte finish. If you have alot of wrinkles I could see it not being such a good idea.


I've seen women with good skin who wear foundation or BB or CC creams and women with bad skin who wear nothing! I think it depends more on skincare, lifestyle and genes. What is your opinion about that? I often wear nothing on my skin and I don't notice it improves, but I think obvious foundation is unattractive on everyone. I do like a little bit of concealer here and there if I'm going out. My CC cream (I don't have foundation) has an spf of 20 and I think that helps to protect skin. The German dermatologist who invented BB creams in the 60s for her laser patients did us all a favour...if only they had become popular much sooner, they're much lighter and more beneficial than standard foundation, aren't they?


Now we are talking, Dr. Rajani! I've been a non-make-up lover all my life and I have won the game. My skin looks radiant in photos and I was once asked if I was pregnant because I have such glowing skin ☺ I agree that make up is necessary on some occasions but most of the time healthy, cleansed, scrubbed and moisturised skin can be the best and most expensive makeup supplement of all.


I am a 58 year old woman, I've never worn foundation ever my whole life, I never liked the mask feeling, and my skin has held up well for my age, I have to say, ive only worn mascara and sometimes indulge in fake lashes, but never put any makeup on my skin, sooo glad you posted this, ive tried to give young gals advice on this who complimented my skin


I've never worn much foundation as I've always had clear skin, but I used to use concealer for the dark circles. The last couple of years I have stopped the concealer and used eye cream much more consistently and the dark circles have gone. I'm 51 but look younger - avoiding the sun, good diet and a healthy lifestyle make a huge difference too.


It's a hard hump to get over, but after a few weeks with no foundation my skin is always so much better. I usually wear a full heavy face of makeup everyday, but get trapped in this acne, redness, dryness cycle that I know is from not letting my skin breathe. The brushes are a huge issue, I just don't clean them enough. I'd like to get used to my natural skin again and accept my natural beauty. One day I'll fully kick the makeup addiction and love myself fully.


I'm a once a week makeup wearer, I feel it gives my skin a rest and the makeup looks nicer from a full week of good skin care and less impurities but that's just me.


I love how he speaks. You can tell he really cares about skin and health.


I would just like to say, no matter how much Make-up a woman wears, inner beauty is radiant. I wear make up, too. I am a medical esthetician. Cleanse, use retinol as needed and moisturize after. Serum always goes on before moisturizer. When in the sun use a full spectrum sun block to prevent hyperpigmentation ( brown spots) as well as skin cancer. Most of all smile! It TRUELY makes you shine! Much love to you all.


Little to no makeup at 60. I love the way my skin looks and I love the time and money I save. Fine lines and wrinkles are much less noticeable. I get many compliments on my beautiful skin!


I have never worn makeup. And people always mistake my age for being younger. But I think that it’s genetics. I was also from a culture that wearing makeup was looked down upon. And growing up I found that I felt very self-conscious about wearing makeup. As of people were looking at the makeup and NOT seeing me.


I never did like foundation and I’ve tried everything from liquid to powder to airbrush, etc. I spent $80 to have my “face done” for a special event recently and I hated it—it highlighted every crow’s feet wrinkle AND wrinkles I didn’t even know I had! I found out I was allergic to eyelash glue, too! Wrinkles and swollen red eyes—a lovely way to lose $80 and ruin an event. Since following you, I’m happy with my 60 yo bare face! Makeup is expensive! I put that $$ now into my skincare. PRP and Microneedling have transformed my skin, and I love your hylauronic serum! The most I do now is my eyebrows have thinned (over plucking in the 80’s!) so I use a natural looking powder to fill some spots and I use a good eyeliner. I’ll take dewey-looking skin over cakey, wrinkled looking skin — and it saves so much time in the morning! ;)


This was one of the major things that actually helped clear up my skin-going make up free. I used to hide acne and a LOT of dark spots under concealers, powders and foundation. Took a lot of mental work to free myself but when I did, it was quite freeing and my skin just kept on improving. When i tell people now that i used to have a lot of acne, they cant believe it, because my skin healed so well, there is almost no evidence I ever had acne.
