A Man Dry Scooped 35000 Milligrams Caffeine. This Is What Happened To His Organs.

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Patient ET by Eric Wolfgang Nelson, PA Erin Goodenough
Special thanks to Jena Partida at The Training Ground and Steve Connelly

Second channel: @HemeReview
Secret channel: @BigEmus

Some Images by Getty Images

These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.


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"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you, " he thought


Don't drink 875 cups of coffee in one go, got it.


Dry scoop 35g of caffeine. Then realize half way to the gym you forgot your car at home.


The fact that he survived is incredible - even more astonishing is that he sustained no lasting damage.


People like you should be contracted by universities to produce their educational material. This video simply and effectively conveys so many of the biological processes that most teachers struggle to properly present to their students. Absolutely phenonenal.


This one is scary, because it wasn't just someone being stupid, but merely negligent. It seems like an honest mistake that anyone can do while not paying attention.


What's scary about this is that this isn't the typical case of the patient being stupid and landing in the ER. It sounds like this guy had a really good head on his shoulders. He called 911 right away and wasn't embarrassed about his mistake to stop him from telling medical staff exactly what he could've overdosed on by accident, allowing them to have the knowledge to save his life. It was just an honest mistake. I'm glad he was able to recover.


I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard the words - "full recovery". I had a colleague pass out from a caffeine overdose caused by his over-dependence on energy drinks during all-night coding sessions for a particularly rushed project. Thankfully, he was able to make - "a recovery", but blood flow obstruction during his stroke caused some permanent damage to his body. I'm glad ET was luckier.


I have a lot of medical anxiety so I probably shouldn’t be watching these videos but I also like learning about stuff like this a lot. the fact that most of the patients in your stories survive have honestly alleviated a lot of my anxiety. the human body fights so hard to stay alive it’s amazing


I’m a biochemist in a medical device production company - THIS kind of stuff is why our procedures involve painstaking labeling practices and TWO people signing off before transferring things to other containers. It’s so easy for even the healthiest/brightest of humans to make simple errors like this…


I love that this channel is both very serious and explains interesting problems in medicine, and has some of the funniest medical memes I've ever seen


When I was in a worse place mentally, I purposefully overdosed on caffeine pills after just one made me feverish. It was an odd impulse and I still don’t get why I did it. I took two more in the morning, four more at lunch, and eight more a few hours after that, re-dosing whenever my symptoms eased off. 2-4 left me dizzy, nauseous, and shaking all over. After I took 8, the nausea + my inability to stop my muscles from contracting resulted in me vomiting all the water out of my body. Sometimes my abdomen would stay clenched for so long that I would get lightheaded from a lack of oxygen, because I couldn’t inflate my lungs. If my parents hadn’t found the bottle of caffeine pills hidden in my tissue box and taken me to the ER, I would have died of either dehydration or seizures.
I get weird when I’m reminded of it. Like now. Consider this a cautionary tale, I guess. Don’t be a dumbass and poison yourself just because you think the poison’s nonlethal. Anything can be lethal given the right circumstances.


Hey, i've found your channel just today and kind of went down a rabbit hole watching more and more videos. I just want to congratulate you for the level of production quality and good understandable structure. It's fascinating, educational and triggers a morbid curiosity. Thank you for your work!


Almost overdosed on pre-workout once and literally felt like I was going to die. Vomiting, losing consciousness and spent the next few days in bed feeling like death. Can't imagine what 35000mg of caffeine would feel like. Poor guy is never going to look at a coffee the same again


This video saved my life, I was extremely low on potassium due to my adhd meds and I was getting heart issues on the daily. I now take potassium supplements and it helps greatly. Thank you chubby emu


Thank you, ET, I have been waiting for you all day.


A rare case of a patient who had the right idea, but just had a complete and unintentional lapse of awareness. Fortunately, as soon as he had enough lucidity to answer questions coherently, he was able to provide doctors in the ER with exactly the information they needed to help him as expediently as possible, and we got to see a good ending to this story of a patient making a _full recovery_ and going back to the thing they were doing, that they still have the right idea about. <3


As a chemist, we not only label our bottles but we also color code them to differentiate between drastically different chemicals. It can be as simple as wrapping a colored strip of tape around the neck or base of the bottle; somewhere highly visible and around the entire perimeter so that there is no way you will miss it. Stay safe everyone!


Besides your great delivery, I'm in nursing school so your videos make me happy to know medical terminology and help me appreciate AP classes.


Dr. Bernard I love the way you do your channel you explain it so succinctly and well for lack of a better term dumb and down but not in a insulting way. Yeah you do man.
