Real Reason China Desperately Needs USA Again

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How could one of the largest economies in the entire world suddenly need the support of its biggest competition? What led to China experiencing staggering growth and seeking to engage with the US? And could ironing out their rocky relationship even be of benefit to either country and their economies? Well, we’re about to find out. Welcome to the Infographics Show, and join us as we do our best to determine the real reason that China might desperately need the United States again.


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China's housing crisis is much larger concern for them than your video portrayed.

I know exporting and manufacturing are two of the strongest forms of their economy, but within their internal economy, you have about 80 percent of their economy tied to the housing sector.

These building companies are taking in a lot of money to build condos and properties, then instead of taking the homeowners money and building that condo or house they would use it to buy more land to sell houses to other people.

It has left ALOT of building projects only half constructed, and the chinese population isn't happy at all. A lot of the populations have stopped paying the loans on their mortgages for their houses. This mortgage money was what was being used to construct the houses.

There are major housing companies collapsing, and the chinese banks are stepping in to bail them out.

The chinese internal gdp and internal economy is a giant house of cards reminiscent of the 2008 housing crash in the US


China and US rely on each other too much despite constantly bickering. China relies heavily on money from US consumers, and the US relies on China for cheap manufacturing. What's troubling for China is that there are other countries popping up that can replace them in that regard that the US would much rather work with, like Mexico.


2:34 what is that guy doing hammering the road 😂😂😂


The US has about 339 million people with GDP of over $30 trillion. China has a population of 1.43 billion people. The average output and efficiency of the US workforce is at least double that of China’s. People are so convinced China is so great for business is not true. The only thing that makes China’s GDP what it is would be their massive workforce at poor wages. That being said, China is no longer the cheapest and best place to create factories.


Let’s not forget China never lies about its gdp either


It’s the classic, don’t bite the hand that feeds you 😮 the whole world needs to be reminded this


My wife’s family is in china still, and I can tell you that inflation is a huge problem. Pork used to be 7rmb/k in 2018 now it’s over 35rmb/k


Very disappointed in this analysis, not mentioning the housing value/construction crash and how it shook consumer confidence (vast majority of individual wealth stored in real estate in china and was thought to always go up) nor the youth unemployment getting to a point where they don’t even report it anymore. Felt like this research was done but doing maybe 1 day of actual economic research


An economy that is dependent on exports cannot be WOLF WARRIORS towards those same countries!! Not too mention Chinese products are too substandard.


Manufacturing that was usually made in China is starting to o move to Latin America. That is why U.S. is building a super freeway from Mexico to Canada. High tech manufacturing is starting to move to India.


The US can be completely self reliant if things really went bad. China will never be able to make that same claim.


China's had their time, India will take their place.


WOW! Just saw those subscriber numbers. 13.6 mil. nice. I remember when yall were just a tiny channel. Good job.


I think the difference is China need the US because we fuel their economy, but the US doesn't need China. The only major benefit the US has had with doing business in China is its large, cheap labor force, but there are other places to find cheap labor and labor doesn't necessarily NEED to be cheap in order for US companies to benefit from it, it just increases profit margins. I think Trump was right and America would be wise to stop investing in China and sending so much money to them, as they've increasingly shown that they're no friend to the US and we're funding their military development. Why would you enrich a country that wants to unseat you/the power you have?


NOTE: China is now second in population, behind India.


I can see the 50 cent army flooding this one…


We better not make the same mistake again. They already backstabbed us once. Let’s not let it happen again.


Everything about our China. Including political stability, economic growth and military development, they all switch back and forth between cavemen and Jedi knights according to the needs of "foreign friends".🤣


Just a few years ago they were saying how china would soon surpass the u.s., goes to show you nothing is absolute when it comes to the future. Wait until we start seeing population decline globally from birth declines starting in Asia and then trickling to the west. That will be the biggest disrupter to how we reshape geopolitics and world economies. China was too heavily relying on cheap labor and that commodity hit a peak as that propped up the standard of living causing doing business there not too much more appealing. The u.s is also investing billions with allies such as South Korea to bring chip production back on u.s soil bringing along with it jobs and less reliance on other countries. Car manufacturing will go back to Mexico. The only saving grace is temu 😊


Make one that shows where the U.S goes from inflation and high interest rates to bsck to lower rates
