Hiring a Software Engineer

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Salary: You'll discover after all interviews


Sadly this is typical at most companies, then they complain about a "talent shortage"


"Here's my github with several real world work up to date examples of software I'm currently responsible for and deploying to in production that identically matches, if not superior to, what you have at your current company along with a 10+ year long tenured history in writing and deploying the same arena that this job requires."

"Great, can you traverse a double linked list with recursion right now in 15 minutes while a kid that just graduated with CS degree 3 days ago holds a literal gun to your head... This is something you'll absolutely never do here and have never done in your career but we googled 'what does google do for hiring' and figured it was absolutely perfect for our need to build a basic react application that just renders what an API sends. If you can't do this you won't be able to feed your family... no pressure. gl gg."


The jobs that I have ended up and and loved are consistently 30 min to 1 hour single interview. Says a lot about the company when they cut the bs.


I had a 45min chat, then technical interview, then half an hour chat, then 60 mins cultural interview. And this was for a junior position.


Tbh the industry is saturated with people who don't know anything about software engineering + hr depts that don't know anything about hiring software engineers


In my current company they just did 1 interview where I didn't even show my face and we talked about some nonsense for 20 mins. Next thing I get an email with an offer letter and the biggest pay I've ever gotten.


Took me over 6 weeks of interviews to get my current job, but damn it was worth every minute of waiting. I doubt this would be the same for most people, but I got super lucky.


I had an interview once and never heard anything back from the company. I kid you not 5 weeks later they called me back and said they would like to bring me in for another interview. I told the lady I had already interviewed and accepted an offer at a different company. She was shocked that I didn't wait to hear back from them first.


Aint no way i'm gonna be applying for three weeks


You pass'em all and then they hire another candidate


Then they ghost you if you don't get the job. No feedback. Not even told you didn't get it after several weeks interviews.


This is *exactly* how it goes in any IT capacity, my theory is that because the field tends to have anti-social/introverted/even on-the-spectrum types in every environment, those same types also tend to gatekeep and enjoy (subconsciously or on purpose) flexing/intimidating candidates to kinda almost make themselves feel good about their own knowledge and expertise.

I’ve been through the entire gamut in my career from helpdesk to sysadmin to engineer to architect and management, and I specifically conduct interviews that go the opposite of the way you showed here (like making people feel comfortable, asking real-world stuff, not asking ultra-specific questions you’d likely only know if you were coming out of a certification, etc) because I’ve lost out on *countless* jobs getting locked up during a tech interview, forgetting the most basic terms after a simple hiccup and snowballing into sounding like a dude who’s never even touched a computer.

Just saying, anyone that relates to this- it’s not you, imo, it’s the interviewers’ lack of social interfacing capabilities/nuance.


Me: Thinking of getting over a single interview without forgetting OOP concept.
Companies :


What's even more annoying is that after all of this, the offer usually isn't very flattering


Just accepted a new job. The process: 1) Initial recruiter interview 2) Engineering manager interview 3) Technical test 4) Technical interview with manager and principal dev 4) References 5) Reference insight interview (never done this before) 6 Offer 7 Clarifying various stuff from my end 8 Accept


The best job I have landed came this way: a really Nice folk with NY accent started chatting with me. Both had our cameras off, really chill and low key, we even laugh at nerdy jokes about the exercise. next day I got the offer. Turns out the folk was basically a founding father of modern internet with 25+ years of experience lol. The real heavyweights in this industry have nothing to prove.


It’s important we make changes from the inside. Once you’re interviewing devs ensure you make changes. In my experience if we had a process like this we would loose every dev that applied because the good ones would receive offers before we could ever get them to the second or third stage.


Ah man, all this was missing was a good loop timing, maybe if the "boss" called "NEXT" after this first guy.


I’ve been a dev for 16 years now and do very well for myself. I’ve been at my current company for 5 years now and have no intention of leaving anytime soon basically because of this. Last year I interviewed at a place and did 6 single person interviews …. 6 😂. I then got the email about “we have decided to move on and explore other candidates” or however they word it. I even did leetcode prep so I could solve interview challenges I would never solve in my actual day to day
