Fix 'Unknown USB Device' ' Device Descriptor Request Failed ' Windows 10/11

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How To Fix "unknown usb device" " device descriptor request failed " in windows 10/11 tamil,hindi | malayalam,sinhala usb device not recognized mouse,keyboard,wifi and printer.
Now a days most of them facing this issue while they try to connect the wifi adapter,wireless mouse,keyboard,bluetooth device and printer.
This 2024 released solution works for all laptop models like hp,dell,acer,asus and microsoft.
Some working windows platforms are windows 10 pro,windows 10 home,windows 11,windows 8.1 and win 8.
Some user's are having this issue while they connect the following arduino devices like arduino leonardo and attiny85.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to แก้, kaise kare hindi,tamil,cara mengatasi,bangla telugu,kannada,hatası cozümü,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to connect the microphone(mic) with my windows 10 pc :
Windows Explorer
USB device not recognized
The last USB device you connected to this computer malfunctioned,and Windows does not recognize it.
Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:07 : About this error
00:46 : Reason for this error
01:02 : Solution
02:04 : Restart
02:21 : Outro
How to solve a request for the usb device descriptor failed code 43 :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.And the first one is,if that usb port is may be rusted it shows this kind of message.
4.And the second one of the reason is due to that external device not receiving the proper power.
5.So if you like to fix it,just one time uninstall that driver from "Universal serial bus controller".
6.So otherwise you can download the new update for that particular driver.
7.Finally don't forget to restart your windows platform.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 ▬▬
#unknown_usb_device #devicedescriptorrequestfailed #windows10
Now a days most of them facing this issue while they try to connect the wifi adapter,wireless mouse,keyboard,bluetooth device and printer.
This 2024 released solution works for all laptop models like hp,dell,acer,asus and microsoft.
Some working windows platforms are windows 10 pro,windows 10 home,windows 11,windows 8.1 and win 8.
Some user's are having this issue while they connect the following arduino devices like arduino leonardo and attiny85.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to แก้, kaise kare hindi,tamil,cara mengatasi,bangla telugu,kannada,hatası cozümü,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to connect the microphone(mic) with my windows 10 pc :
Windows Explorer
USB device not recognized
The last USB device you connected to this computer malfunctioned,and Windows does not recognize it.
Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:07 : About this error
00:46 : Reason for this error
01:02 : Solution
02:04 : Restart
02:21 : Outro
How to solve a request for the usb device descriptor failed code 43 :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.And the first one is,if that usb port is may be rusted it shows this kind of message.
4.And the second one of the reason is due to that external device not receiving the proper power.
5.So if you like to fix it,just one time uninstall that driver from "Universal serial bus controller".
6.So otherwise you can download the new update for that particular driver.
7.Finally don't forget to restart your windows platform.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 ▬▬
#unknown_usb_device #devicedescriptorrequestfailed #windows10