I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!

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I asked an advanced AI system about the end times according to the Bible, and what it revealed left me absolutely stunned!

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No matter how much A.I. intelligence gets it can never be more intelligent than Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour


I am a veteran & worked for a federal prison for about 9 years. We used to have these annual "think forward" trainings that discussed hypothetical, one was an epidemic/pandemic (years before covid) & the possibility of A.I. taking over jobs by replacing staff with bots & behavior control by implants. I will say this, stuff in movies, sci fy & not, gives us a glimpse of what has been under our noses all along. Truth in plain sight disguised as entertainment.


Be not afraid my brother, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.


AMEN! Glory to God in the highest! Fear not! ✝️


We don't need to have A.I. to destroy humanity, we are doing a superb job at it already either consciously or indirectly.


The good news for us Christians is that we already know who wins and how it ends


We just have to keep looking up to Jesus!!


Imagine being a recipient of a neurological implant for medical purposes and then being controlled by outside input, yet still having your consciousness but no control. It would be like VR in real life. That’s living a nightmare.


I don’t care who says what. I’ll always place my faith in God. He has delivered me from so many dangers and turmoil. Not one day will pass in my life without my gratitude to Him.


I just paused your page and read the whole sermon. What's amazing is that A.I. never denies The power and existence of The Most High. It also tells us to stay prayed up and Know The Most High is still in control over everything and that even A.I. will have to surrender to God Almighty. That's what I personally got from reading Sermon. That's absolutely amazing.


I would like to share a thought that crossed my mind as i was watching this video. It comforts my soul to know that God put every element in the ground that we would need to build computers and ai. Before he set it all in motion. To think that everything we are surrounded by, in one way or another came out of our earth . The very devices we are communicating through came out of the earth that he created. What if he decided to not put any conductive materials in the ground ? Or oil to make plastics from. He put them there . He over time gave man the knowledge and ability to harvest these elements and join them together to this point in his story. I know that God is in control. They are His elements. Ai has not caught our creator off guard or by suprise. I trust in Him with all my heart and soul. Hes got this.


AI scans the web for possible responses and/or contingent information, then cobbles together an answer - on any question. Doesn't mean there was inspiration or intelligence or belief behind it. Just that it was programmed to do this, and followed its program structure. People often forget that the A stands for "artificial."


I am now 80 yrs old, and I remember hearing a scientist say on a radio program when I was a teenager, that there were things being done in labs even then, and his last statement was this, " there are things being done in labs now that even frightens me and I am a scientist!!!


Unfortunately, it’s not just Elon. I just graduated from law school and we studied AI intensely. There is a lot of chatter amongst government and collaborating entities about giving AI Rights, more Rights than most people have or will have. Yup, the girlfriends have been here, there’s alot on that as well - I wrote one of my papers on this topic. It’s very disturbing what’s about to be allowed but if your walking with Jesus you shouldn’t worry to much ❤


As a nurse, the neurochips are very promising for those patients who have lost their ability to see, hear, move. It would be life changing. But as a Christian, the potential to use it for evil is terrifying!


Some males HATE the responsibility of LOVING


It's crazy how comfortable some people are with AI being so advanced and thinking it doesn't pose a threat.


Im a 36 year old woman who had strokes when i was 22 and have been disabled physically since. And this chip immediately made me think of the mark and how deceptive it will be in those times. The neuralink chip could potentially help me with my speech etc, but i choose not to be controlled by a chip which can malfunction and kill me or make me do things i would never do. I feel like id lose my freedom because this could potentially take away my humanity. Just disgusting


"It is in your nature to destroy yourselves"... ~Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2

This line has stuck with me since I watched that movie back in the '80s because of its truth. We have already acknowledged that despite the terrifying implications that AI could pose to humanity, we are unwilling to stop the advancement of it, because God forbid we get behind other countries in technology advancement. So we continue to move forward with technology that we know could someday destroy us simply so that we're not behind the eight ball.


We already have the audio implant for the side of the ear to help people hear. This technology is incredible for millions. It’s the “ forethought” technology we need to worry about
