Brutal judo submissions that are dying out

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This video discusses the evolution of judo submissions.

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I do find it shocking that alot of judoka in the olympics right now refuse to do newaza when their on the ground. Some of the judoka half hartedly try and then give up. Its sad man! I love a good wrestle!


Yess, yes, teach us ALL of judo, not just Olympic sport judo. I tried a few techniques that almost beat a few opponents today, but my Sensei said it was illegal in Olympic rules, so I couldn’t do it.


I don’t know if I might be missing it too, but my club is a very newwaza-tachiwaza balanced club. It’s almost 50/50 every class.
Sometimes more of one than the other.
Most of these ground submissions I’ve seen a lot, but you’re right at a higher level less so.
I think it’s interesting to see which techniques come back in vogue.
Even our senior instructors talk about how certain techniques come and go again in comp. maybe this will be a call to bring them back into popularity Chadi😉


Honestly, watching the Olympics right now just makes me sad. So many stupid rules, Judo is ruined. People keep saying "oh but there's more ippons now", so what? There's more fights ended with shido also. We just lost too much and the sport looks horrible.


good work at the stadium, bro. was a pleasent surprise to hear you


Excellent, brings back back fond memories!


Terrible that in International competition the refs will almost immediately call a stop once both are on the ground... a total injustice to Newaza masters!


I'm watching Judo in the Olympics this week and what I see is that high-level competition Judo is poorer: less variety of techniques, lots of sheer strength, most fights decided by cumulated Shido and a lot of tactical play around it, and many "throws" coming from a very low stance or even kneeled position (gross pushes that characterize no waza at all). It's ugly to see. I think that the IJF rules made Judo become like this, and they need to be widely reassessed. I'm all in favor of returning with leg grabs, Yuko score, and much of what we had in the past. With strict attention to punishing low stances and other attitudes alike to prevent the return of "crouching wrestling/judo" (only if referees had done this right back then...), of course, and some modifications, maybe, like if you do a flying armbar and land on your head, it's Hansoku-make, but if you don't, it should be legal. Judo has now so many constraints that it's no more than natural that competitors will invest in more conservative approaches, leading to this poorer Judo we are seeing. The IJF already announced that they will reassess the rules set after the Olympics, let's wait and pray that they do it with wisdom and love to true Judo.


I'm surprised he's making a video and not addressing current events.The fact it's happening in France is no surprise either. This is what's killing Judo. When someone does something better than you, changing the rules and stealing victories so you can win. Japan should leave the IOC. It's a shallow shell of itself. Prof. Kano is turning over in his grave.


What’s interesting is that the guys in my gym do all of these except for the flying armbar. I guess it’s just missing from the highest levels.


And thats why brazilian jiu jitsu reins supreme on the ground - it's kodokan judo in its original form, preserved like in the time capsule. Btw, americana and kimura is used alot in bjj.


I learned Judo in both Ireland and Canada (Nidan). Excellent video.
I have a few comments. When applying Ude Garami, I was told by Charles Hegarty (Rokudan), always to pull the arm towards your opponent's torso before applying the upward pressure. It is more effective, more controlled and much safer.
Also, I used Sukkikomi Jime. The "secret" is to always have your choking hand under the gi so it cannot be pulled away, and to apply a twist of your fist towards the neck. In Canada, I was told "that's old, no one uses it". I won many fights with that technique, especially from underneath.
Katate Jime is a technique which should be used more. I watched recent Olympic fights where it could have worked well.
Also, I use the one hand choke holding both lapels (unsure of the name).
All the techniques mentioned, if applied correctly, are excellent. Injury results from jerky and incorrect technique. Good technique gives increasing control without injury.
Thanks for another great video.


On this 2024 olympics, there was one male judge who didn't allowed for any ne-waza and immediately proceed to make judokas stand up, so it's fault on the referees as well. What a shame. Also what a disgrace is Garrigos, and also shame on the judge there.


The Udegarami is one of the holds my trainer has thaught us first! Didn't know that it was rare. He always said, that if you grab the arm to do it


As a young man in Japan in the 1960s, I competed almost every week. Tsukinamijiai in several prefectures. I repeatedly was able to get hiza gatame. You haradly ever see it, especially in the classical form, nowadays.


Funny I did Ude Garami recently in ne-waza randori and my partnet protested that he thought it was an illegal move because he felt that there was some pressure on the shoulder. Granted my implementation may not have been perfect but I think a lot of judoka dont realise this is legal


Guilherme Schmidt, from Brazil, performed a beautiful and painful ude garami in recently


Love that you replaced the background footage with your own progress


Thank goodness catch wrestling have kept MOST of their submissions legal. Except, in Wigan, direct strangles are illegal. While bjj kept most submissions legal except neck crank ( catch style cross face) and spine locks ( Boston 🦀 and Texas cloverleaf).


Reverse ude like at 1:59 is so easy to get and effective...but now its gone
