Come to JUDO 😈🥋

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Make yourself a beast and come to judo! 🔥🥋

What is your favourite martial arts?

🎵: Trrorrotew - Mustafa Gire

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Different goals man, wanna fight? train martial arts, wanna look insane? Body building, wanna be strong? Power lifting, want to master bodyweight? Calisthenics. You really can't compare them as their goals are different.


Lifting in the gym is for building basic stats for your training. I don't understand this whole idea that you can ONLY lift OR train, not both.


Better to do boxing+judo+gym. If you have any time. But if you don't just do judo. (Created some kind of war. For those dudes who sayin' just join mma.. They are right and not right. MMA trains every main martial art you need to know and you can combine, and it doesn't considers as martial art. You don't train judo in mma, but you train boxing, bjj, wrestling, kickboxing, and some taekwondo. What i'm saying is what boxing and judo is ultimate combination for defending yourself, and mma is combination of martial arts. Why train all kind of martial ats, then you can choose only 2 important for yourself? MMA can help too, but just boxing and judo is good. Gym increases endurance and maybe stamina, but it doesn't train how to attack or defend or even counter. So combine boxing+judo+gym).


i say lifting+learning to box+learning to grapple is the best choice


Judo, wrestling, boxing, muay thai all of this good


This is like comparing endurance running with playing football.


Different needs different goals... Some people wanna help their mother lift their heavy shopping bags and not body slam the groceries


I love Judo, but I don't like how you disrespect bodybuilding. It is not in the spirit of Judo. People should pick their free time activity based on what they need and want.


Not all bodybuilders have gigantic egos and think that they will beat everyone, I have a friend who is a personal trainer and he is one of the most humble and kind people i have ever met, he has done judo in the past when he was a young boy but that doesn't really mean anything he doesnt flaunt that in people's face's, so TLDR you can't group everyone into one group.


optics is what literally everyone sees. your judo only matters if you compete, or if you get in a lot of fights, in which case, you should probably figure out why you get into so many fights


Bodybuilders living rent free in martial artists heads 😂


Huge respect to Judokas and all martial artists, you guys are very tough and functionally athletic ! But Bodybuilding, Powerlifting and other strength sports are not just optic. Now, they will not make you prolific in fighting or self-defense, so goals matter, of course ! But they can be pretty functional, especially combined with some gymnastic Input. I have a physically demanding job and increased strength and muscle, especially in back, core and legs have served me well over the years, kept me save, stable and protected from certain stress. Safety can also be controlled very well with good technique, especially as a non-competitor pushing more moderatly for progress. I love lifting ! It gets too much hate sometimes :D


Honestly many martial artists seem super insecure about their lack of muscle mass. I’ve seen so many bodybuilders say a highly skilled martial artist could beat them. I very rarely see martial artists admit that a very strong bodybuilder could hurt them even without technique. I think it comes down to the fact that fighters cultivate large egos, in order to fight against well trained opponents.


Tengo 12 años y voy a Judo, me apunte con 6 y estoy muy motivado para seguir, demomento he ganado 2 campeonatos de León, y me encantaría llegar a competir en una de Castilla y León, soy cinturon naranja-verde ❤️🥋


Did my first actual judo class. I didnt even do a throw yet it felt like an intense leg day


Lesson here is to know what you truly want for your mind and body, and work according to that desire. No reason to feel over-confident about something else that wasn't your goal.


Yeah. You can get pretty ripped if you eat right and do a good conditioning program. Kano knew what was up.


I'd say you combine a striking art (in my case muay thai) with a Grappling art (in my case bjj, but Judo is also really good) and get the extra strength with calisthenics. Although weight lifting is also useful as long as it isn't bodybuilding.


Judo is supposed to be about respect, personal growth, building the community. Not about “learning to fight” and making yourself a weapon so you can hurt people, or putting down other completely different sports/athletics. I would encourage anyone to take steps to get healthier and more active, whether it’s martial arts training or just getting on a stationary bike. If someone REALLY wants to learn how to fight I’d probably recommend mma. Totally the wrong message my guys.


We dont do bodybuilding to fight we do body building to look asthetic but i do calisthenics cuz i just like doing it.
