12 Simple Ways To Boost Your Confidence With Women

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Confidence is the best weapon a man can ever have when it comes to approaching women. In fact, that will ALWAYS give you the edge over all the other guys after her.

International dating coach Matt Artisan shows you 12 ways to boost your confidence around women:

He shows you his top MENTAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL techniques to increase your confidence!

His tips on how to IMPROVE your SELF-IMAGE and SELF-ESTEEM.

He'll also show you ROUTINES that help BOOST your CONFIDENCE with women DRAMATICALLY!

How to LOOK, FEEL and ACT like a man with ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE around women.

You know that confident men have BETTER CHANCES with approaching women over guys that don't. Even when they have all the money and looks, WITHOUT confidence, they'll NEVER get the girl of their dreams!

Never run out of things to say with our FREE CONVERSATION CHEAT SHEET:

#Confidence #LevelUP #TheAttractiveMan

Matt Artisan is the leading expert in transforming the lives of men and empowering them to create authentic relationships. He was voted "World's Best New Dating Coach". Over the past 7 years, he's coached men in over 40 countries, including U.S.A., Australia, Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark, Japan, China, Hong Kong, India, Dubai, and many more... He's the creator of Turn Her On Through Text, the C.Q.C. Day Game Method, and the 2-Minute Chase Me Method.

The Attractive Man is an international dating company famous for teaching “Deep Authentic Attraction.” It was founded by Matt Artisan and since has trained men in the art of attraction in over 40 different countries around the world.

⇨ Follow Matt Artisan on INSTAGRAM @mattartisan to ask questions and get personal advice.



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Dressing well is a sure-fire confidence booster.


Bro because of you my personality is getting better and increase in confidence


I needed this. I'm a guy that's sorely lacking in the confidence area and it's wrecking my love life. A week ago I was getting gas and on the other side of the pump was a hot chick getting gas. Once she noticed I was on the other side she started making eye contact with me. And there I was just like I always do, wandering is she checking me out instead of removing all doubt and speaking. As I started walking towards the gas station I could just feel that she was looking at me so I told myself if she's still out there when I come back out I'll talk to her but of course she was gone. Another opportunity missed due to a lack of confidence. This is my life. I've got to do better


Dress like you're super successful even though you're not. Got it😁👌


Heres my two cents on having confidence with women. I am 36 years old and have slept with a total of 48 women during my prime dating days. Also, I have went on dates and made out or messed around with roughly 17 more. I remember every women I've ever dated or slept with as I keep journals throughout my life on everything.

Below are some tips for confidence that I have learned and used throughout my years. Bare in mind that these are my own opinion from personal experience but I find them to be accurate at least from my findings. They are also a bit out of the ordinary but they've helped me and make sense to me.

1. Sex with an attractive woman rarely met the level of fantasy I had before sleeping with her. Out of the 48 women I have slept with, all but two were memorable. All the others were considerably less than even "good" in one or more ways. Not to toot my own horn and say I am the master love maker or don't have my own quirks, but the reality of sleeping with these women never met how awesome i thought it would be in my mind. 90% of these women were physically attractive, in shape, pretty face etc. But when in bed, a lot of them just layed there like a dead fish and didn't move or didn't know how to kiss well or used too much tongue to where I was almost drowning. Many didn't know foreplay well or want to do foreplay at all, many had vaginal and/or bad breath odors. Many got irritated if I didn't climax. Like legitimately angry. Many made really obnoxious and exaggerated moaning sounds during the act, and many were completely unshaven which is just not a turn on for me personally. I mean many didn't even tidy the bush up at all.
Point being, just because you see a gorgeous women in make up and in a cocktail dress looking like a million bucks, it does not accurately reflect how they are when being between the sheets. Remember that next time you see a beautiful women. What you see isn't always what your going to get in your minds fantasy. Knowing this has always gave me a confidence boost and made them more approachable. Not trying to be a downer, just trying to be real with what is reality.

2. All human fetuses are neither male nor female for the first seven weeks after fertization. In the womb, the sex is decided after seven weeks. That being said, males are just one chromosome away from being female and vice versa. Thats why males still have nipples that serve no real purpose. Males have penises, women have reverse penises aka vaginas. Males have pecs, women have breasts. Women poop out of buttholes and so do men. Both sexes have a head, two arms, two legs and so on. Point being, next time you see a pretty women and are inditimated, just remind yourself they are not much different than you. Actually they are just one chromosome away from being a dude with a dick. Don't put them on a pedestal. They are not gods. They are just female home sapiens. We are male homo sapiens. We are all practically the same thing.

3. Ive always found pretty women to be the most friendly. Not entirely sure why this is but my theory is that most men don't approach beautiful women. They are just too intimidated to do so. Because of this, pretty women aren't as use to being approached and hit on and so they become friendlier. Not saying this is true across the board, but I have found it to be true for me from my experiences. I honestly wish womens makeup was illegal. I really do feel no makeup would benefit both females and males. Most women feel they are not presentable without it. Many can't even leave the house without it. And most men don't want to approach a women decked out with makeup as they look like goddesses and are unapproachable. If makeup was illegal, I feel like it would boost confidence in both sexes over time. Women could easily be themselves and men wouldn't be as intimidated. All this being said, remember when you see a gorgeous girl out in public that probably a large percentage of her striking appearance is due to makeup, hair, clothing, perfume etc. Try to visualize her without all that stuff on and in sweatpants farting up a storm. Believe me, they do do that on a regular basis. If you end up in a relationship with one, you will see this in time.

Again, these are just a couple things I cycle through my head when I see a beautiful woman. They have helped give me the confidence to approach most of the women I have ever dated and or slept with. They are not gods. Hope you found my weird but effective life findings helpful in some way. Now go forth, follow that chemically driven male sex drive and procreate to carry on the species!! Luckily, nature made orgasms feel amazing so we all want to do it over and over...and over again. Imagine if orgasms felt like getting your nuts squished in a vice. Eeeek. People would probably not do the deed as often and the species would die off. Just food for thought.


In order for men to be successful at dating and attraction or just to have a dating life period, men need to know how to: approach, start the conversation, keep it alive and interesting, flirt, tease, ask for the number, ask out, plan and set up the date, start touching first, make the first physical move, go in for the first kiss, lead or take the lead, lead the interaction, make all or most of the decisions, have confidence or be confident, etc.

Women just have to dress up, look good or be in shape, that doesn't take practice because none of that is learned behavior, or trial and error, all of what I said that men have to do takes practice or trial and error, so because of that I don't see how learning how to get a date or getting a boyfriend or attracting men is a skill set for women.

I know I'm probably going to get bashed for this because I know there is a double standard that I hate and despise, the double standard is that if a guy has the mindset that women have it better or easier in dating, he gets labeled as whining or having a victim mentality, but if a woman feels the same way about men in regards to dating, more people will support her, women have larger support networks than men do and that's often argued as one of the main reasons why the suicide rate is much higher among men compared to women


that's why i'm a fan of the belief that its only men who go through growth, not women, as a result of improving yourself, improving your dating life. Jesse Charger and RSD Max even both admitted that


Wash your face when you wake up that will give you fresh start and confidence.


I'm watching this after waking up from a night of dancing and drinking at a restaurant/night club. Great video!


You have changed my life for the better - THANK YOU


Your every suggestion is really workful.


I followed your tips and it really works. Now im getting women like crazy😉


Its a vicious cycle. Atleast for me. I have never had a relationship. That lowers my confidence and i keep putting myself down, making my situation even worse. If only i could to get the cycle to roll in the other direction


Absolutely true the visualisation / Role play in your head. I did sport to a high level and always before the event I would play in my head what I would do, how I would feel, how I would react to different situations. The other part is to listen to your body, you'll be amazed how it picks up on red flags you mentally miss when talking to other people.

And have fun, meaning be less serious.


My confidence is crazy low...
I don't know how many times I've had the arm crossed(poor posture look) in a social environment. I will go an entire night with no interaction or even I the woman approaches I don't understand why she came up to talk. I've tried all types of "confidence boosters"
In the last few years I've gotten in better shape, changed my appearance, became more successful, and travelled the world. All these helped... temporarily. It's so easy for me forever to back to the place I was in. I honestly don't want to be in a relationship now because I don't want to date anyone as this version of myself. Not sure how to get socially confident. Hoping these tips will help... Not holding my breath.

It's a great video though. You definitely have my recommendation to any of my friends


Progressive Adaptation is what you really want, not desensitization, because when you adapt you simply shift the intense negative energy, that fear creates into a positive excitement which is POWER!
Desensitizing yourself implies you are not feeling the emotion, therefore you simply cripple yourself.

Yeah, I know it is just a term, but believe me for your Mind it is not that simple and this term has a very, very precise and clear meaning, and it will influence you based on it.

Excellent video, as always! :)


G'day Matt. Mate the advise you give in the video is excellent not only for how to act around women but also for life in general so listen up guys !! I'm in my 60's and have been around the block a few times, the advise your listening to here is accurate, realistic and very well delivered.


Thank you sir, thank you so much for your suggestion.


- Practice satisfying women in bed to boost self-esteem [0:46]

- Lift heavy weights to increase testosterone and confidence [1:22]

- Learn to fight to make women feel safe and boost your own confidence [2:06]

- Dress in high-status outfits to feel powerful and noticed [2:43]

- Set and pursue big goals to release dopamine and increase confidence [3:14]

- Improve your posture and body language to feel more confident [4:24]

- Focus on past successes to build a selective memory for confidence [5:46]

- Conquer insecurities by taking actionable steps towards self-improvement [6:49]

- Visualize success to activate confidence-boosting neurons in your brain [7:43]

- Get centered by focusing on breathing and the present moment when anxious [8:31]

- Develop mental strength through mindfulness and meditation [9:11]

- Take action against fear to expand your comfort zone and build confidence [9:56]


14: Take alcohol, trust me it actually works
