If you think Watchtower doctrine is crazy, wait until you hear this!

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Of all the far-fetched things Jehovah’s Witnesses are required to believe, this religion surpasses them all!

A portion of this information is referenced in my books:

A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes the Truth, Exposing How the Watchtower Deceives Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Available in paperback and Kindle

A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes the Truth, Unveiling the Deception of Atheism.
Available in paperback and Kindle

#jehovahswitnesses #watchtower #jw #cult #apologetics #christian #trinity #bible #atheism #darwinism #evolusion #creation #Chrisitianity

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Yep the Watchtower Organization has a 100% failure rate in their predictions and interpretations for future events. I would have to be gullible and naive to believe anything they say now.


Most people who are JWs are born into the religion like I was, but I left in my early 20s


Eric, I totally agree with you on the most ridiculous religious belief being atheism. It is a sad situation that many of our former brothers and sisters are so fed up with religion that they fall into this rather than seeking the True God of creation. Please pray that their eyes will be opened.


G'day Eric, great video mate. I love Craig Keener and all the work he does. What a fantastic scholar. I think his Commentary on Acts is probably the largest in the world.

1 bloke I know here in Australia was a ardent atheist and was also a plumber. He used to waffle on about the creation story being stupid. He believed everything came from nothing (BY NOTHING).

I said to him one day, "Mate, you're one of the best plumbers in Melbourne", (He Agreed).
I asked "Mate could you do all the plumbing in Melbourne" He said "Yes with enough guys working for me I could"

I then asked "Could you do all this plumbing with no material like pipes and taps etc"
He said that was ridiculous
I then said "You can't do plumbing without materials, but you expect the whole universe to exist from no materials".
He got the point and never made a derogatory remark about the creation of the universe again.

As always Eric, it is great to see you dong such a wonderful job with these videos.


Had me up to 2:55
You believe the same as the atheists. That some thing came from no thing. Namely God. If God is any thing it must also be every thing...
On the physical plane, the description of a finely tuned universe is backawards. It's like looking at a puddle of water and saying 'See how the water perfectly fits every nook and cranny of the shape of the puddle. That water was obviously designed to fit there perfectly.'


Ive had numerous run ins with ex witness atheist told TellTale that i can prove evolutionary chemistry never happenned ....take a completely unbuttoned dress shirt and fluff it in a dryer until all the buttons are rebuttoned cried bloody murder, because they know it will never happen, ever ....and forever 😂😂😂😂...AMEN 🙏


I remember when riding the bus and sitting at the bus stop was a bit of a struggle having to avoid the watchtower hucksters they would sit next to you and push their soliloquy ad nauseam


Truly enjoyed the game show format. Good job, good info. Thank you for sharing! 🫶


Their ‘new light’ thing makes Jehovah sound like a fickle doofus.


God bless you Eric, this week in my Biology class we're covering the evolutiom topic and this helps me remember how truthful the Bible is in telling us to observe creation that totally proves God's majesty and wisdom in all that he has done


There is an “evil slave” in charge. (Matt 24:48-51) He “beats the other slaves” and gets some to follow. (Luke 12:45-48) Upon seeIng this, Jesus orders us to leave and head for the mountains. (Matt 24:15) He says “let the reader use discernment” not listen to a “faithful slave.” Jehovah’s brilliant prophesy only gives us more reason to believe and trust in him.


Heres what happens, dude the Organization starts faltering, they have a come to jesus moment, and ask themselves are we doing to restrict gods blessing on US ??? they tweak, tweak, tweak ....and repeat the same mistakes all over again 😮😮😮😮


Love this! Especially appreciate showing the fallacies of the atheist beliefs. It's the core of their logic- since we came from apes, nobody created us and we're not accountable to anybody or anything.


Oh yeah, Lucy! When I was a kid the absolute, without a doubt proof of evolution was the Nebraska Man. Archeologists found a tooth and claimed this was proof of evolution and had complete artist renditions of what they wanted the Nebraska Man to look like and published it in our text books in school, just like Lucy in text books today. There could be no discussion nor dispute because it was proven science and no one could doubt it, just like today. However, an honest paleontologist pointed out the the Nebraska Man's tooth was just that of a pig. :^) Nonetheless, Nebraska Man remained in our text books for years claimed as proof of evolution.


And The Name of "This" 👈 RELIGION is . . . .
💁 EVOLUTION 👈🤓. 🎯 💯🙆


It amazes me how my mother defends this religion even though it changes from year to year. 😂


Love the channel but, your ideas on evolution are severely outdated. You should probably dig a little deeper. A good question to ask is how is evolutionary biology used to make predictions in modern medicine?

Also the conditions essential for habitability are not considered as rare as you seem to believe. The discovery of new planets really blew that myth apart. Likewise the conditions are not perfect because of the math, the math just perfectly describes the condition.


Yep, there is some craziness in JW doctrine. However, here’s some here’s some craziness from main stream Christianity: God is love but if you don’t love him back you are sentenced to a fiery torture for eternity after death. If humans did something like this they would be in jail from a good chunk of their lives for abuse or worse. The Devine mystery of the trinity. Jesus is God. God sent himself down to earth to be born of a human woman so he could grow up to be sacrificed only to be resurrected by himself while ask of himself why he has forsaken himself. The list goes on and on. lol


Hi Eric. You look familiar to me. I’m from South Carolina and live in North Carolina. How about you?


What is ILLOGICAL AND UNSCIENTIFIC is for Trinitarians to believe that 1=3, that the terms I am, me and myself are used for THREE persons, etc
