Can a Jehovah's Witness Believe in the Trinity? - WATCHTOWER In Question #2 - David Bercot

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Can a Jehovah's Witness Believe in the Trinity? - WATCHTOWER In Question #2 - David Bercot

What the early Christians believed on different subjects:
Scroll Publishing Youtube channel

For free pdf downloads of the Ante-Nicene Fathers:

Sites with free sermons:
sound faith Youtube channel

Recommended Early Christian Works

Although all of the early Christian writings are valuable, here are some of their writings I have particularly appreciated. All references are to the Ante-Nicene Fathers set.

Works That Describe Early Christianity in General
Letter to Diognetus (vol. 1, pg. 23)
Athenagoras: A Plea for the Christians (vol. 2, pg. 123)
Tertullian: Apology (vol. 3, pg. 17)
Mark Minucius Felix, Octavius (vol. 4, pg. 167)

Doctrinal Works
Tertullian, Against Praxeas (vol. 3, pg. 597) [discusses the early Christian view of the Trinity]
Novatian, On the Trinity (vol. 5, pg. 611)
Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho the Jew (vol. 1, pg. 194) [discusses numerous Old Testament Messianic prophecies]

Two of the Earliest Writings
Clement of Rome, Letter to the Corinthians (vol. 1, pg. 1)
The Didache (vol. 7, pg. 377)

00:00 Can a Jehovah's Witness believe in the Trinity
01:11 Early Christians thoughts on the Trinity
02:30 Reason for the message
04:47 Journey with the WItnesses and leaving the Witnesses
06:50 Trinity and other demonminations
07:20 What the Early Christains say about the Father and the Son
09:02 Praxeas a false teacher
10:10 Curious about what the Trinity really means ( Asking a Presbyterian minister)
11:32 False concept of Modalism
12:25 Qute from Tertillian
13:34 The Witness's and Modalism teahing on the Father and Son
15:08 Example of the Father and Son
16:02 Colossians 2:9
16:45 Clarifying and getting to the confusing part
17:46 Explaining Adam in Hebrew
18:15 Theos
18:50 John 1:1
20:25 Origin
21:04 John 1:1
21:50 Where do people get all twisted up
22:08 John 1:1 New living version
22:50 The word was "a" proven wrong
23: 28 Hippolytus
24:57 John 1:1
26:33 Tertillian
28:02 Irenaeus
30:44 Analogy #1 The River (Explaining how the Son came into existent)
36:04 Analogy #2 The Fire
38:07 Hebrews 1:3 New World translation and other translations
39:57 The Headship of the Father
41:38 John 8:28-29
42:19 12:49
42:25 Matthew 20:23
42:42 1 Corinthians 11:3
43:05 1 Corinthians 15:24
43:30 The Headship of the Father
44:04 Justin Martyr
44:24 Clement of Alexandia
44:37 Tertillian
44:45 Hippolytus
44:57 Origen
45:23 A challenge to look at the scripture and compare them to the Early Christiians belief about the Father and Son
45:54 What doesnt everyone still teach this today
50:28 Alexander of Alexandia
51:44 What is the Trinity taught so differently today
53:00 Augustine
54:48 False explanation of the Trinity using an egg
56:03 Falso explanation of the Trinity using an apple
57:20 Picture of the Trinity ( Triangle)
58:00 Ending thoughts
59:43 Leave your questions in the comments above
1:00:10 The End

For SEO Only: Can a Jehovah's Witness believe in the trinity, If You Are Thinking of Leaving JWs, Jehovah's Witnesses, JWs false prophecies, JWs 1914, leaving Jehovah's Witnesses, JWs,ex-JWs, governing body, Watchtower, Watchtower Bible, and Tract Society, Watchtower organization, JW history, Charles Taize Russell, Charles Russell, J. F. Rutherford, JWs Trinity, JWs disfellowshipping, JWs new order, JW's 144k, apostolic Christianity, WATCHTOWER IN QUESTION
Рекомендации по теме

The best explanation I've ever heard. Makes much more sense. I could get behind this more so than the "modalism" theory. I wasn't aware of the different teachings of the trinity. So interesting. Thank you.


Thank You!! Thank You!! as an ex JW myself, this has been one of the tallest mountains I have had to climb. Now I can catch my breath and finally say, I understand.


You did an excellent job of explaining this, thank you. I left in 2020 & this topic is one I prayed to understand & wrap my head around. The way you describe this is the same understanding I came to as well. After looking into it for myself, I discovered too that many have a very wrong idea of what the Trinity is & the way it was taught to us is not at all what it is. This is a good source I can share with others who have also left & are struggling with this topic. Thank you!


The truth is always in harmony with all the scriptures ❤


Wow, a lot to think about. Thank you very much. I read your book "Will the real Heretics please stand up" very eye opening and made me wonder why you weren't a JW because it describes their faith quite well.


Excellent explanation David! One of the most compelling and yet simple presentation of this core Bible doctrine. Great work!


I absolutely love the early Church teaching us today.


Love this! The trinity is the hardest thing to fully explain and you blew it out of the water. Amen 🙏


It was such a pleasure to hear you actually explain, how I have actually believed all my life. Thank you so much. Are you or have you done a commentary on how important the sabbath is?


Great job brother ! It was the same with me. I never heard the real definition of the Trinity as a JW. It wasn’t until after I left. As soon as I heard the truth that they’re one in nature the light bulb went off in my head .


Thankyou this is an easily understood explanation. Very clear and insightful thankyou for sharing.


Thank you so much for this discussion! I am a pimo for now...but this discussion has always been my belief!


I love it, you are dropping some true spiritual gems.


Best video explaining the Trinity. Thank you .


I’m going through the head covering teaching again, I want to understand it with revelation. So I can easily explain it to people. I know lots will be offended at me, when really they just offended at the scriptures. I have to understand it. I mean I get it, and it’s absolutely scripture. Having the revelation of Gods message in it as a whole helps tremendously, because you don’t only understand what it says but also can see what it says.


hello Dave I am also a former JW left in 1980, recieved the new birth in 1983, I found your teaching interesting, . Here's my question, Do you believe Jehovah belongs exclusively to the Father? Second question
In the gospel of John it says "If you do not believe " I AM HE" you will die in your sins" in other words in order to be forgiven of your sins one must believe Jesus is God. Whats your take on those questions.Thank you for your video


G'day mate I love the presentation. I describe the Trinity to people as an analogy of H2O. Ice, water, and steam are H2O in its various states, but all 3 are still the same essence H2O (GOD) and actually all 3 can coexist in a stable equilibrium occurring at exactly 273.1600 Kelvin or 0.0100 Celsius. Thanks again for the thorough presentation.


I really enjoyed your presentation especiallytheillustrationof the spring and river, excellent. I would like to throw in points to be taken into consideration.
1) Isa 9:6 where Jesus is called Eternal FATHER.????
2) Jesus created all things.
3) Jesus will judge all.


Your explanation is truly insightful! I thoroughly enjoyed it. This brings to mind a question that I have always pondered on. So is it wrong for someone to pray to Jesus? I'm asking because I hear many people praying to Jesus, but I do not recall Jesus saying to pray to him, but instead pray to the father (Jehovah), just as he modeled in the our father prayer. And it doesn't make sense to me to pray to Jesus in Jesus name.


I cant wait to see how you tie in the invisible energizing force that God puts into action to accomplish his will
