Coronavirus Pandemic Update 44: Loss of Smell & Conjunctivitis in COVID-19, Is Fever Helpful?

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There is new evidence that loss of smell (anosmia) may be an indicator of COVD-19 infection. New reports also suggest that COVID-19 may cause conjunctivitis (pink eye), and be potentially spread through contact with the conjunctiva. Dr. Seheult discusses evidence about how untreated fever may be beneficial for fighting viral illnesses such as coronavirus.

We've produced each COVID-19 video with the best information we could access at the time of recording. Naturally, some videos will contain information that has become outdated or replaced by better information or research.

That said, we believe each video contains concepts that have enduring value and reviewing how the response to COVID-19 has progressed over time may be of interest to you as well.

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Speaker: Roger Seheult, MD
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

Produced by Kyle Allred, PA

MedCram medical videos are for medical education and exam preparation, and NOT intended to replace recommendations from your doctor.
#Coronavirus #COVID19 #SARSCoV2
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I am an Architect. I have NO medical background or understanding.
However, I can not explain how incredible your videos have been. I've been watching your content from around the start of Feb and it's so well explained.
I am so grateful for the time and commitment to share your research and information on COVID-19 with the world.

From a Daily viewer and subscriber from Melbourne, Australia.

Stay well!


This is sick series, I cannot express how to-the-point everything is and how important the topics are in these days. Especially in a world with tons of contradicting data flowing from various sources. Thank you on behalf of whole planet!


As someone who works in a large hospital on a remote tropical Island I find these updates helpful.


These lectures are actually saving lives. Praise be to God for this man!


As a retired RN with RA, I find these video lectures extremely helpful. Thank you!


I am an MD and a virologist.... Great video! Thank you for enlightening the public in a calm and clear way. I'm watching them all.


This is THE BEST COVID-19 update channel on Youtube! Thank you for the helpful information!!!


The best source of information out there. Weeks ahead of the news media. Living in Australia I feel you're keeping me ahead of the game. Thanks Dr and medcram team.


who else’s been watching this since day 1 👀


Growing up in South Korea, my grandma taught me not to use fever reducer, instead make the body wrapped up in blankets to keep it hot but use a cold compress to the forehead and base of the neck to keep brain from being fried. Once I sweated out, virus is gone no secondary infections of any kind. Glad to see modern medicine is finally catching up to this.


Roger, I want to begin with saying that we are so grateful to you dedicating time and effort to educating and updating us the normal folks on this evolving crisis. It's been tremendously helpful on many fronts. One thing I would like you to touch upon is the closed cases numbers. Every active case is going to be closed by either recovery or death. Don't you think it's therefore the most important statistic? The death rate among the closed cases used to be 14% about two weeks ago. Last week it rose to 15% and now it's 16%. I find this figure both crucial and frightening. I hope you see my comment and shed some light on this issue in one of your next videos so we have a better understanding of the significance of this important aspect.

-Sincerely yours from Saudi Arabia


This doctor should win the medal when this is all over.


the first comment ! this is the first light in otherwise a dark world . stay safe everyone, we will get through this together by sticking together and staying apart at the same time!


Being a registered nurse over 35 years, I truly love your channel! Thank you!


As my professor once said, fever is one of the hallmarks that the body is fighting an infection. Thanks for the update, doctor.


I've been subbed about a year, but I'm home sick from being an EMT & studying with my extra time. Your videos have been an incredible resource of science-based reasoning, made easy to understand. Thanks.


Thank you for your commitment to share information with us. I believe that you are keeping our family well-informed and therefore safe. Thank you for everything that you do.


These videos are the only thing that calms me down.


Loss of smell- zinc deficiency. Conjuctivitus- Vit A. Both are vital to fighting infections. Both are depleted during infections


Another big Thank You from a long term RN. I’ve sent links to my medical friends and they have passed links to retired geologists, family, mathematicians, high school science teachers, and house keepers. When you can teach and inform this entire spectrum of people, it a gift. ✌🏼
