You’re NOT lazy, You’re Afraid: How to Force Yourself to Take Action (LIFE-CHANGING)

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Hey there, I’m Clark Kegley, a pro drummer turned self-improvement advocate. Here on YouTube, I provide guidance to help you transform into your 2.0 version.

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I literally added this to my watch later playlist, and I immediately realized that was the issue itself😭


One big personality profile that I think Clark missed was: There is a personality profile that won't procrastinate if they are doing something for someone else, but will procrastinate forever if they are doing something for themselves. The solution to that is obvious. Pretend like you are doing it for someone else or higher purpose.


“Being a perfectionist is the laziest thing you can be, once you realize this it will set you free” - super powerful insight right there


For myself: How to stop procrastinating
1) DON'T FEAR FAILURE. You procrastinate because you fear failure. Instead of feeling fear, feel excitement. Instead of looking at the things that could go wrong, look at the things that can go right.
2) MAKE IT FUN. Don't make things a grind, try and make it something enjoyable.
3) DON'T BE PERFECTIONIST. Don't care too much, don't be a perfectionist. You can't control the outcome, and caring too much leads to fear.
4) QUANTITY OVER QUALITY. Valuing quality too much makes you a perfectionist. allow yourself to fail and have fun.
5) DO CRAPPY THINGS. Lower your standards, doing crappy things is better than doing nothing.


Fun fact, fear and excitement gives the same physiological reactions to the body so you can trick yourself to think you are excited about something when fear arrives and leads to procrestination. This normally works for me.


You nailed this. I've struggled with Procrastination my entire life. About a year ago I realized it was really just anxiety due to my fear of failure. I started practicing Stoicism and it changed my life.


I was a heavy procrastinator and i started a business with my friend who is completely opposite.. He pushes me to go and take action.. I still procrastinate a little bit but if it wasn't for him I don't think I would've even started the business.. Procrastination is really a killer of ideas you will never make them a reality if you let it win


A tip I got from DBT is the phrase, “ validate the feeling, challenge the response ”

You’re not wrong for feeling what you feel but in this case challenge yourself to do the bare minimum of not procrastinating by doing the action that has distressed you. You’ll be okay. ✨


This is solid...procrastination is the story of my life, but I will say that I lost 65 pounds when my mindset flipped from "What could go wrong?" to "What could go right?" When the anxiety goes away and you find purpose in its place, the work ethic is there immediately. I mean, you still have to do tons of stuff that you don't want to do in that moment, even some stuff you're a little bit afraid to do, but now there's a reason behind the ritual. You're not just doing it because you're "supposed to." You're doing it because you've glimpsed a life that you desperately want.


My perfectionism makes me to procrastinate. I feel afraid of doing things which are not perfect. It keeps bugging me until I perfect things. So yeah, you are right that it's not laziness but being afraid.


7:18 I like how he messes up saying "quality" when he was supposed to say "quantity" here. But it kind of unintentionally proves his point. You don't have to perfect everything you do. Just make a lot of content.


I struggle with indecision terribly.
Not necessarily afraid and Not laxy.
I procrastinate because I can think of so many things to do and so many different ways to do them but it often leads to not making a decision at all!


Love the anxiety - excitement spectrum analogy. Thanks Clark.


Who else watches this while procrastinating?


Thank you so much for this video!!! My entire life I thought I was just lazy which is why I’ve been putting off doing so many things, but you’re absolutely right…I just have really bad anxiety and I’m afraid of whats next to come. I’m too scared to face even the simplest things which in tern holds me back from my true potential


I’m only 22 but after watching this video and reflecting on my life up till now, I came to the conclusion that procrastination is the main thing that has held me back from being great. I appreciate the video sir and now I feel motivated to do what I need to do 🙏🏿


When you said "Excitement" is the opposite end of the same spectrum that Anxiety is on, it kinda blew my mind. Made me realize that while excitement comes from external sources, anxiety is sort of like a self-imposed internal excitement.


There is one other thing I would add is stop giving a damn what other people might be thinking, because unless they tell you, you don’t know. You can sabotage yourself by assuming what other people are thinking about you is negative. It’s NONE of your business what they think of you and it’s really THEIR problem if they don’t like you. Don’t give a shit about that. There are 7.5 billion people on this planet, so you are bound to make some friends. The other thing I find helpful is not being in competition with others in any way. I will do my best and live my life the way I choose to. I don’t have to be better than everyone at things. It’s unrealistic for one, and it’s internally deadly to your self worth. I don’t care what others would do or how they would do it. I find my own way now and you have no idea how freeing that is! Great video and I needed to hear it. Thank you!!


“Stay with me here, let’s unpack.” LOL

The term I use for so called reasons that are not the root cause: supplemental reasoning

Anxiety is excitement… driven by fear instead of joy.

The perfection issue is much easier said than done. My wife and a few friends are this way. They’re all very productive but never stop and spend loads of time doing tasks. All their anxiety is high and they burn out on regular things.

Thanks for sharing. I agree very much. Simplify tasks, make them smaller, and do them often. The Slight Edge is a book I recommend to those who struggle with this.


Here am I, watching this video about procrastination instead of doing the things I'm supposed to be doing.
