Thousands of women have PTSD symptoms after miscarriages - BBC News

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One in ten women experience a miscarriage at some point in their lives. Many are potentially living with undiagnosed and untreated post traumatic stress.

One team in the UK is trying out a variety of new approaches - including virtual reality - to help address the issue.

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I am so afraid what if it happens again? What if it’s my body causing the miscarriage:( it is so painful to lose your baby.
Edit: I am pregnant again after 3 months from the d and c. I am currently on the 25th week plus 5 days! Praying this is given this time :)


My wife had a late term miscarriage a few years ago. We both still have PTSD.

I’m probably more sensitive than other men or society looks at miscarriages through women’s eye. I hope women get all the help they need and men do too if they need it.


I’d 2 miscarriages and I was treated for depression, went to therapy, took medication but at that time - 2001 / 2003 - nobody seemed to fully understand my profound pain. Even led to a divorce in 2005. Twenty years later I’m still alone, no family, no relationship… it’s surprising that physicians, psychiatrists and people close to me treated as an anomaly. I’ve heard many times “it’s normal to have abortion”. “Move on”. But never really faded away. When I had to go trough hysterectomy 3 years ago all came back like a flood. Hope women would be better care for in many fronts but mostly in health.


When I suffered a miscarriage it wasn't the event, which many women experience that caused the distress, but how it was handled. I was told on the Friday that my baby had died (12 weeks) and to go home like normal, then come back Monday if my body hasn't rejected it for a D&C to remove it. No advice, explanation or support, nothing.


I had no idea miscarriages could be so painful... I feel so bad...


This january i gave birth to my stillborn daughter one week before her due date. A day before her hert stopped, i had an ultrasound saying everything was perfect snd there was a one in a million chance of something going negatively after expressing my concern that something didn't feel right. Its been 10 months and i still cant function. Its the worst pain, mentally... emotionally...and physically. I feel for every mother and father who have gone through losing their child.


We both do. It really affected me. It was a silent suffering because neither of us wanted to relive it.


A traumatic experience for a woman and the man or partner who are expecting a baby, their families and friends. It is imaginable and unimaginable as to how upsetting it is for a couple who loses a baby and women who never have a child of their own. May GOD's love see them all through.


Absolutely they do, my wife suffered from this depression 3 never did have any children, I still miss my Liza.


My good friend and his partner had one and at the time we were close so he called me! I was going to be a god parent too. I can’t imagine how painful it is for the parents because it destroyed me, I often think about her, I’m crying now! Very sad and very hard. Blessings to everyone that’s has gone through this. X


Has anyone ever questioned why miscarriages take place at a rate higher than in medieval times? There must be some sort of reason why this is happening in the modern era.


I just had a miscarriage a month ago it’s very hard I am still grieving I had a missed miscarriage and I have severe depression before I had my miscarriage and it’s gotten even worse now I have had thoughts of suicide too not wanting to be here and wanting to be with my baby I just feel so lost and helpless right now


I'm a mother of six children my story is after having five children I started having miscarriages 4 of them, so my ten pregnancies the doctor told me that they had a Heart beat, which I have been monitoring until my baby number six is born, they do a lot of blood tests but still didn't tell me what had caused it, I'm really glad that they are finally doing something that can help women to have some form of comfort and confidence in our selves ❤️


*Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world* 😌😌😌


I can’t even go next to a baby anymore my fist miscarriage at 42 and I’m so heartbroken 💔


Having had to deal with multiple miscarriages in my family it should clear to the world the loss of child through death abortions or miscarriages scars to the soul. This is reality.


Im 18, I didnt know I was pregnant and miscarried due to the pill. It came off as a shock to me and left me completely devastated. I feel so bad and have been crying inconsolably. I dont know what to do..


Moon affects human beings at various psychological, emotional and physical levels


My husband and I had a miscarriage our first Pregrancy I was 8.5 weeks. I started bleeding spontaneously I had a natural miscarriage. I lost my baby June 28th, 2024. The joy I had when I was pregnant I just don’t feel the same. My husband and I are trying again I’m scared.


My ex husband said "all women have miscarriages" when I was crying after my first miscarriage. The internet only had random chat rooms back then, and dial up took forever so finding other women to find the shared experience basically didn't exist. I learned my husband was clueless about women or their feelings, I also learned to suck it up. Back then it wasn't something you bring up outside the home. I do have PTSD, but from long term mental and physical abuse. He also said I couldn't have PTSD because I'd never been in a war. Several professionals have given me the same diagnosis over the years. I do believe it's possible for it to occur after losing the life you are carrying. I had a reaction to the idea that 1 in 10 women miscarry, but I think it goes straight to the moment he told me all women did. I knew it wasn't true, but he refused to hear it. I feel for every woman that goes through it and the way we never forget.
