A STORY OF LOVE AND LOSS / MY MISCARRIAGE STORY / Early Miscarriage 6-7 Weeks Pregnant

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A STORY OF LOVE AND LOSS / MY MISCARRIAGE STORY / Early Miscarriage 6-7 Weeks Pregnant

This video was both the hardest and most healing video I’ve ever filmed. I hope it makes people feel less alone who are going through a similar situation.



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I’m so very sorry, Jessica. I miscarried 3 weeks ago, it still haunts me and it probably always will. Thank you for sharing your story, it’s comforting to know I (and a lot of women) aren’t alone. 💞


I’m so so so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage in 2012. You’re right it’s so isolating and so many people don’t talk about it. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sure it wasn’t easy (I’ve still not been able to really sit down and talk about mine on camera). My prayers are with you and your family.


My heart breaks for you. So many women appreciate you sharing your story. Hang in there💛


I've never been pregnant, but my colleague and close friend has suffered several miscarriages. She's now 6 weeks pregnant, but yesterday i heard her sobbing in the bathroom, and i immidietly went in to help her. She was bleeding and distraught. She started hitting herself in the head assuming the baby was gone. Eventually we managed to calm her down and get her to her clinic. They said that the embryo was detached from the uteran wall but could still survive if she stays the next month in hospital. Has anyone ever heard of this?


Oh, you sweet, sweet girl! I have been binge watching your channel over the weekend and just came across this episode. I so understand your pain. I am now 60 years old but I watch this as if it was yesterday. My husband and I had tried for months and years to get pregnant, but with no success. I went through several fertility procedures and finally ended up with triplets! It was a dream come true! At our first ultrasound they noticed that one of the babies seemed only about half the size of the others. At 10 weeks though, he/she had a heartbeat! But, they warned me that the size descrepancy might me that there was a genetic or some other sort of problem and that if I experienced any cramping or discharge, that possibly I might be suffering a miscarriage of that particular baby. I experienced none of those, but when I went back at 12 weeks, there was no baby, nothing. I was in shock. I went on to carry my other two babies to 31 weeks, but with a very, very difficult pregnancy the whole time. Weeks of hospital stay and bedrest and anti-contracting drugs had to administered before my twin girls were delivered at 31 weeks at 3 lb 1 oz and 2 lb 14 oz. One of my babies had a birth defect which could have been corrected easily had she been full term, but instead she passed at 1 week old. My other daughter was actually the smallest and was in the NICU for over 2 months. She came home on Mother’s Day of that year! Such a glorious day! She is now 24 years old and is engaged and in college. We also live here in Florida. So when I found your channel, I was immediately drawn to you and your precious little family. God bless you for sharing your story. I remember thinking that I didn’t want people to be afraid to mention the baby that I lost . It was actually comforting when they did for she was a little baby too although she did not know this life for long. It made me feel that she mattered! Take care of that precious little family that you have. There will be nothing that will ever matter as much to you. And remember that old saying that we mothers often share. “The nights they are so long, but the years they are so short!” Xoxo to all your family!


I’ve watched this video before right after I started following you. I was expecting since November until January 2020. I’m going thru miscarriage right now I was almost 11 weeks. This video is helping thru this difficult time my family is going through.


Jess, I am so sorry you have had to go through this. I love that you shared with us, you are so brave. When I had my miscarriages no one talked about them, it was like I was just supposed to go on with life and I feel like I am still processing. Your video helped me. You are such a sweet, kind, lovely person and I only wish love and happiness for your family.


I know the feeling I was told at 11 week 2 day ultrasound that our baby had no heart beat. This was after we had seen a healthy heart beat at 7 weeks everything else was normal before that so it was horrific to hear we had lost it. It stopped growing at 9 weeks. I’m so sorry for anyone who has to go through this. Baby dust and love to us all 💝


You're so brave Jess. Thank you for sharing your story. I hate that we both had to go through this. You already know, but again, I'm always here for you girl. ❤


Oh Jessica, I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you. Your story will help others, the more you talk about it will help with the healing process. I didn't know I was pregnant when it happened. I didn't tell anyone and I've regretted it for many years. Love and peace!


You poor thing and to be alone !!!! Your so brave !!! I am so sorry you had to go thru this .I know the feeling and pain all to well it's not only physical but mentally painful and leaves you feeling hollow . You are so lovely!!! Thank you for sharing this with us ! Bless your beautiful heart !!! And may your beautiful heart heal and make more beautiful babies !!!! 😘♥️♥️♥️


I don’t even have the words for you Jess. I am so so sorry for all you went through. Praying for you and your family. Stay strong and thank you for sharing 💕💕💕


You are so brave for for sharing your story. So many women, myself included, have been where you are right now and will find comfort in knowing they’re not alone.
Love & prayers for you and your family!


I am so sorry Jessica! My daughter went threw this a couple yrs ago, and my heart just broke for her. She has since given birth to a beautiful Rainbow baby. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


I’m going through this right now, lost my pregnancy at 5 weeks. It was unplanned, and I know I won’t be trying for another baby. I just feel so empty now, so unexpected but so wanted at the same time


Your story is similar to mine. My doctor called it a Blighted Ovum which is basically a false pregnancy. My heart breaks for you. My oldest daughter/9 was with me and was documenting the doctor visits. She wrote “the doctor says there is a sack but no baby”. I went to a few more appointments over the next few weeks but there was never a baby. So, eventually I had a D&C and...a few months later, I did get pregnant! August of 2006 I had my 3rd child...Isabella 💕 Good Luck! It will happen for you.


Hi Jess I am just catching up on all my videos but I wanted to let you know that my family and I are praying for you and you are not alone ❤❤❤


My heart is breaking for you 😓💕 I haven’t been through this and hope I never have to go through this. I wouldn’t be able to be ok and be strong. I really am so sorry you had to deal with this 😓💕❤️


Crushing! I'm glad you had your sister to talk to. Know that many prayers have been said for you Jessica. Thank you for sharing your story. May your grief be short, and your Rainbow baby come in due time.


Thank you for sharing your story—this will definitely help women who are going through this difficult experience❤️❤️❤️
