Bone in vs Boneless Steaks (How to be a Steak Expert) The Bearded Butchers
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You need to know how to choose the perfect steak and what you're going to get when you order a steak at a restaurant, or even from your local butcher if you're going to grill it yourself. Today, we have a beef porterhouse steak, beef t-bone steak, beef strip steak, and beef filet mignon. Seth is going to show you what makes each steak unique and what you need to look for in the perfect steak.
In addition to the steaks, Seth has a half of beef: a beef front quarter, and a beef hind quarter. The beef porterhouse steak and the beef t-bone steak come from the beef hind quarter. In that hind quarter is the beef sirloin, and the beef short loin. In the sirloin is the porterhouse and t-bone steak, and if it's boneless, the same sirloin produces the filet and strip steaks.
21:25 - Sums up the whole video. If you need the 10 second elevator pitch it's right here.
💣 Video Tips for the Perfect Steak 💣
1) What's the difference between a Porterhouse Steak? 6:41 - The USDA requirement for a beef porterhouse steak is for at least 1.25" of tenderloin. If it doesn't, it's NOT a porterhouse, it's a t-bone!
2) Don't buy the tail! - 8:13 - Seth shows a well trimmed t-bone (or porterhouse). Keep in mind that if you buy one with a long tail, that's extra weight you're paying for that will be discarded.
3) Pay attention to the trim on a whole beef filet - 13:54 - All of the extra fat, gristle, and silver skin is wasted money. If you want to buy a whole beef tenderloin, be sure that it's trimmed nice. Seth also shows the center cut filet mignon.
4) Careful what you ask for - 19:13 - If you drop off a side of beef at the butcher and he only sends you t-bones and Porterhouses, it's because you asked for bone in. He didn't keep your strips and filets, you just didn't ask for the right thing. Likewise, common sense, if you ask for 2" thick steaks, you'll get less steaks than if you ask for them to be cut 1" thick.
1:44 - First hindquarter is the porterhouse and t-bone. The flank steak comes off first, then the sirloin tip. The beef tri-tip steak is in the sirloin as well. The starting tip of the tenderloin is in the sirloin as well. Be careful not to cut it up.
4:58 - Seth cuts into the 2nd hindquarter for an exact comparison of the beef bone in vs the beef boneless options.
10:55 - Seth gets back to cutting up the 2nd hindquarter for the boneless steaks.
16:11 - The Beef strip, beef strip steak, or usually known as the New York Strip Steak. Seth gets it trimmed up and walks through the cuts. Beef strip steak is the term for a boneless beef loin as well.