How to do Warrior II | Virabhadrasana II Tutorial with Dylan Werner

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Warrior II pose is just as strong and fierce as it sounds. Practice this strength-building hip opener when you’re seeking balance in your life and practice.

Here are some health benefits of Warrior II:
- Opens your hips and chest
- Strengthens your lower body
- Increases circulation and energy
- Helps ground and focus your practice

How to do Warrior II:
1. Start in mountain pose at the top of your mat.
2. Step your left foot back and come into a high lunge.
3. Open your hips and point your rear foot at a 90-degree angle.
4. Sink deeper into your legs, align your front knee directly above your front ankle, align your spine vertically, and extend your arms horizontally.
5. Relax your shoulders down and press out through your fingers.
6. Turn your head to bring your gaze out over your front middle finger of your extended arm.

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Your warrior one is one of the best presentation on Youtube... many are turning the hip forward when it is not to be facing front.


Thanks for sharing your yoga routines. Very helpful. Thanks.
