Dispensationalism - The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism - Why Albert Mohler is Wrong

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Dr. Weaver and nine additional Bible scholars and theologians critique Dr. Al Mohler's recent interview with Dr. Daniel Hummel about his recently released book "The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism."

0:00 Intro
3:50-7:13 Introducing Guest Scholars
7:14-12:44 Dispensationalism is New
12:45-23:05 Dispensationalism is Not Simple Enough
23:06-36:53 Defining Dispensationalism
36:54-43:52 Dispensationalism, Charts, Engineers and Lawyers
43:53-54:53 The Story of Scripture Begins with Creation
54:54-1:00:22 Charts and Explaining Dispensationalism
1:00:23-1:07:07 Everyone Had a System
1:07:08-1:17:40 Classical/Traditional Dispensationalism is Rarely Encountered
1:17:41-1:20:58 There are No Young Traditional Dispensationalists
1:20:59-1:24:42 Dispensationalists are Strong Inerrantists
1:24:43-1:30:36 Dispensationalists and the SBC Conservative Resurgence
1:30:37-1:36:37 Dispensationalists are Not Producing Scholarly Works
1:36:38-1:44:36 Dr. Weaver’s Concluding Thoughts
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This is a great video! Thank you to all who participated to provide clarity on this important issue.


Very well done. The comments from everyone are thought-out and expressed well, but even more striking to me is the kindness and grace which every one displayed while responding. I had watched this video for a few minutes, then I went back and watched the entire interview with Dr. Hummel before returning to this one. To be honest, some of the comments - and especially the attitude from Dr. Mohler - ruffled my feathers more than once. However, when I came back here to finish watching, everyone's attitudes while addressing the interview with Dr. Hummel was the gentle but firm reprimand I needed to adjust my own attitude. Thank you, Dr. Weaver!


Thanks, Ya'll. I really appreciate your input on dispensationalism. I am, by the way, one of the older dispensationalists at 69 years old. Maranatha Ya'll!


Brilliant ❤ thank you for bringing together such a glittering array of distinguished dispensational protagonists. Believe me it is a real blessing to have such clear and concise analysis of such clumsy sloppy works of disparity against dispensationalism.

A 54 year old surviving Brethren boy here in the UK grateful to have been raised with such blessed truths so many are unwittingly ignorant of.

Please keepnio the good work more more more ❤🙏💪


An incredibly thorough, respectful, and needed response to an admittedly frustrating initial podcast. Thank you.


Thanks for doing this. I got so ticked off watching that Mohler show, for exactly the points you're bringing up, that I couldn't finish watching it. It's nice to know that the stuff said in that interview is not just going to slip by without any rebuttal. Thanks.


Dr Hummel actually said in his book that Darby was quite the theologian. I don’t know if anyone cares to do a deeper dive into his assertions before the critiques. Maybe somebody could read his book! He had an interview on the podcast, eschatology matters, and he was on with a guy who was dispensational and they had a very gracious exchange. Nobody was attacking either one. They were very scholarly and fair with each other. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could have a conversation with those we disagree with in a gracious manner.


These scholars do a great job sifting through the rhetoric from Hummel and Mohler that proves to have no evidence behind it. Very professional critique, gentlemen. Blessings.


Thank you for the discussion, as a layman I had listened to the review of Dr. Hummel's book and enjoyed your explanations and comments.


S. Louis Johnson, an esteemed professor at DTS, was a friend and preached at my home assembly in Toronto many times both on Calvinism and dispensational truth.


Thank You all for this video response. The anti dispensationalists have been adept at propagating their views on social mddia and You tube so many young people are being duped by these hatchet job critiques and think now that dispensationalism is a dangerous thing. They need a lot more content like this to balance things out. Please keep it up.


Dr. Weaver, thank you for the thoughtful, helpful, and clarifying responses to Dr. Mohler and Dr. Hummel. From my humble vantage point, you and your panel accomplished at least two things in an exemplary fashion. First, you established the contemporary vitality of dispensationalism. Dispensationalism has not died, nor is dispensationalism on death's doorstep. Indeed, it appears that it has only continued to grow in popularity within the past fifty years. I attend a pastor's fellowship in northern Maine, and we all hold a dispensationalist system. Admittedly, we are not a large group, but that has more to do with our geographical location (isolation?) rather than a perceived waning in the popularity of dispensationalism. Second, I believe you and your panel provided an excellent example of what it looks like to hold, and humbly defend theologically different systems while intentionally maintaining the loving and respectful unity of the body of Christ.


What an incredible discussion! I find it fascinating that Dispensationalism flourished in the churches without the need to be taught in an academic setting. I appreciate the editing the video together to make it more succinct.


Hello men. I have a great amount of respect for your work in the gospel. Please arrange a debate between the most accomplished of dispensationalists with the covenant theologians. It would be worth it.


I really enjoyed this discussion! I wish Paul Weaver would do a show on the best books to read about dispensationalism.


I am happy to come across this conversation. It allows me to think I may not be so stupid after all. Perhaps many of my teachers were not all false teachers afterall.


I leaf dispensationalism for it is contrary to what the Bible teaches. For example, as what I heard from many pastors that we are now in the dispensation of grace, but when I come in Romans 4 where Paul says that Abraham and David were justified through faith is not the same as what dispensationalist pastors and theologians have claimed. So this means to me that there is no such thing as we are now in the "dispensation of grace." According to Paul in Romans 4, Abraham and David were saved by grace long long time ago.


Everybody here defending dispensationalism is a dispensationalitst. 😃


Well done. Thank you to all who took part in this discussion.


This video was probably the best I have seen on this subject so far. I'm now 69 years old, and I have been a believer and a dispensationalist since I was 16. I'm still somewhat surprised to see that most of the anti-dispensationalists claim we believe things which we don't! An earlier comment poster here stated that we believe the method of salvation is different for each dispensation. That is not true. The Anti-D's keep bringing up the poorly worded and not properly edited Old Scofield note at John 1:17. Yes, that note is a mistake and contradicts other known writings of C. I. Scofield.

They also do not acknowledge that most of the early American dispensationalists came from a Reformed (Presbyterian) background!

I am a fan of the teaching ministry of the late S. Lewis Johnson, his writings and lectures can be downloaded in PDF form. He has a great lecture on Dispensational teaching and even refers to himself as a "light" dispensationalist.
