What does Al Mohler think of Dispensationalism? A Review (Part 1)

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In this video, Peter Goeman and Doug Bookman team up to review Al Mohler's interview of Daniel Hummel, concerning his book, "The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism." Goeman and Bookman assess the interview and discuss the kinds of objections that are often brought up against dispensationalism as a system. Topics covered: whether dispensationalism is a valid way of interpreting the Bible, whether dispensationalism originated with Darby, whether dispensationalism is too complicated, and whether it is significant that dispensationalism is waning in the academy.

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Last month, Pastor-Author-Historian Bryan Ross finished a 13 part series named *The Rise And Fall of Dispensationalism: A Mid-Acts Review of Daniel G. Hummel's Book* He responded to so many historical fallacies, that I thought it might as well be known. He's at Grace Life Bible Church.


So awesome when you guys were talking about the New Tribes Missions teaching... that got started by John Cross when he was over in Papua New Guinea. He wrote a book called "Stranger on the Road to Emaus" ...I got to help him with that doing the artwork. We have since worked on dozens of books using the same principles of "chronological teaching" and the Lord has spread it far and wide and so many have come to the Lord through it!
Awesome discussion and great podcasts btw...


Splendid perspectives! I agree with Professors Goeman and Bookman.


Great discussion. Doug is a wonderful teacher. As a side note note, I would find it very helpful if you could one day list out or review some commentaries for every book of the bible that speak from a dispensational perspective. I have found a few helpful resources over the years like the book by Jim Rosscup but by now it's somewhat out of date.

I recently discovered through a dispensational blog the Matthew commentary by Ed Glasscock. I'm really glad I picked it up. A great and helpful commentary. I'm also excited about The Master's Seminary planning to release an old testament commentary under the MacArthur series. There are great dispensational commentaries like MacArthur, Wiersbe and Walvoord but when it comes to more technical commentaries or more recent commentaries, there is very little if anything. So many passages in the gospels and in Revelation only make sense when read with a dispensational understanding. A plain reading of the text. Matthew 25:32 and following is an example. Understanding the all people in Revelation 7:9 in light of Revelation 7:14 would be another.

Thank you


Thanks for this. Looking forward to Part 2. Loved Dr. Bookman's contributions to "Forsaking Israel."


Doug's line on "Dispensationalists' worst enemies are other dispensationalists", is spot on. So many ridiculous uses of the eschatology pop-up with relentless zeal, that it distracts from the ACTUAL biblical discussion of Dispensationalism.


Thank you for all of the clarification. Forty-five years ago the Lord woke my husband and me up to the treasure of this Book. He (miraculously) led us to a non-denominational Bible church shepherded by a gifted pastor who had no formal training, but was committed to sound, literal hermeneutics. Pastor Ron imparted a love of the whole Word of God to his flock. Reading and re-reading it over the years, God's story has become increasingly clear as has the interrelationship between Old and New Testament - without ignoring the specific meaning and intent of passages of either of them. Until a few years ago, for me, dispensations and covenants meant there had been a progression of changes throughout the story that included the covenants. Life was much simpler then! Maranatha!


Doug, my blessings from Chile, we miss you


Dispensationalism in regards to eschatology did not originate with Darby, although he certainly popularized it. The early church in the first century was roundly pre millennial, even though historic premillennialism didn’t note the distinction between Israel and the church. This is mainly due to Israel not becoming a nation until 1948, so for 1900 years scholars assumed that “Israel” in the end times would have to mean the church. This is where we get amillenialism as well as replacement theology, which is demonstrably false. When God made OT promises to Israel, he meant Israel, not the church. Paul in Ephesians 3:2 clearly tells us that we are in the dispensation of grace, and uses the Greek word oikonomia, which simply means a household arrangement, or “house rules.”

It’s unfortunate that dispensationalism has taken on so much baggage over the years, to include ideas for instance that Jesus in speaking in the sermon on the Mount was for Jews only, so it doesn’t apply to modern day Christians. I don’t agree with that. But I think any Bible student who knows the OT well, and takes the Bible to mean what it says (using a literal hermeneutic) can clearly see that dispensational theology is biblically sound and really the only way eschatological events make any sense. Otherwise you have to allegorize or symbolize things, which anyone can then say whatever they think that is a symbol for.


I posted a review of Hummel's book on both the Amazon page and the fb page for Marsh and Fazio's book, Discovering Dispensationalism. I had sharp critiques for both his tone and content which served to disparage dispensational beliefs, practices, and ministries. Hummel outright states he's not a theologian but he offers a wide swath of theological critique for Darby, Moody, and others who explicitly were theologians. Hummel was interviewed by a dispensational professor after the publication came out and was sadly treated with kid gloves, praising him where he shouldn't have and refusing to ask the tough questions about the extremity of rhetoric used to associate the dispy movement with everything discredited under the sun, even pyramidology and Y2K! This book has the tone and content of a ranting grad student's online blog, so I would not recommend this book to anyone. Terrible shame this made it to press.


Nicely done. If I understood correctly, it was referenced that Morrow came up with the word dispensation. The word dispensation is in the KJV and goes back to Geneva and Bishop's Bible which predated Morrow. Eph 3:2 for reference.


Where can I find these “extreme ideas” of John Darby that are rejected as “crazy beliefs?”


Mohler showed his true colors a few years ago at Shepherd's Conference


Maybe Hummel and Molher did us a favor in being SO poor, that Dispensationalism and Darby will get more attention than before.


The pentecostal pastor says that verse that says tongues will cease, says that's not what it's saying?


It seems that people are losing the ability to make a calm reasoned argument, and have replaced it with name calling and dismissiveness. Perhaps a product of the cultural social media moment? Simply stating something as if it is a fact without backing it up with anything is a particularly popular method right now, especially among postmillennialists. 🤔🙏


I’m working on a paper to answer the question.


Being a KJV Bible reader, specifically Paul's books, one has to see that Paul was given something new, a mystery that was hidden before, directly from the risen Christ. Most modern translations don't even hint at the reason. Paul calls it the dispensation of the grace of God. It is a new way that God is dealing with mankind, by grace through faith alone, apart from Israel, apart from the law and apart from works of any kind. Faith alone. In my study, rightly dividing the Jewish prophetical/historical dispensation from the mystery dispensation given to Paul, I don't have to wave hands, tap-dance or invent weasel words to explain anything in my Bible. A key to understanding is to whom is the narrative speaking. This understanding has been, for me, like the light of revelation that Jesus gave to Paul. Most people are smart enough to know things have changed. e.g. Law keeping, animal sacrifices, dietary requirements, requirements for salvation, etc. They just don't know why! God is dealing with mankind in a new way.


Could someone here do me a favor? Could you scan Hummel's Bibliography (theological and historical sources he relies upon) and send it to me? I'm curious how he makes some of his assertions given the rich and publicly available source material regarding John Darby and his influence, both positive and negative, upon Evangelicalism since the nineteenth century.


"...a careless flippant, misrepresentation" (true)
of a doctrine that is a careless flippant misrepresentation of Scripture. (dispensationalism)
- makes it easy to appreciate Mr Mohler.
