5) The Rise & Fall of Dispensationalism: Introduction (The End Times & Everything Else)

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J.C. O’Hair and the Origins of the American Grace Movement

Rightly Dividing E.W. Bullinger: Assessing His Life, Ministry, and Impact by Bryan C. Ross

The Rise & Fall of Dispensationalism (Series Playlist)

The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism: How the Evangelical Battle Over the End Times Shaped a Nation by Daniel G. Hummel (Google Books Preview)

Confronting Dispensational Straw Men (YouTube Playlist)

Darby On Trial: Debunking Attacks on the Pre-Trib. Rapture (Playlist)

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"J.C. O'Hair and the Origins of the American Grace Movement"

"The King James Bible in America: An Orthographic, Historical, and Textual Investigation"

The King James Bible in America: Response to Rodney's Critique (Video Series)

"Don't Passover Easter: A New Defense of Easter in Acts 12:4"

"Rightly Dividing E.W. Bullinger: Assessing His Life, Ministry, & Impact"

"The Preservation of God’s Word: A Close Look at Psalm 12:6-7"

From This Generation For Ever, Volume 1: Inspiration
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God has given you a great gift of speaking. Im glad I found a dispensationist that isn't so antagonist and presents it in a way that can be recieved and understood. God bless my friend


another great episode, thanks for all your hard work and study.


Wow! I think Hummel jumped over some buses that even Evil Kineval wouldn't even dare jump. Sounds like he allegorizes the term "rightly dividing" to make his claim.


I’m not convinced that Hummel advocates a clear gospel by grace alone. Are you? And Dispensationalism if the late 19th and early 2.0 the century preached aggressively against any form of a social gospel. It was not a “social project”; if anything, it got the reputation of disengaging from social justice (as we would characterize it today).


28 minutes in - Sounds like the same argument used in yesterday's video "Presentism"


Publicly subscribed to you (5 years)
• 1 hour ago

"Lastly dispensationalism offers a particular theory of salvation, or what it means to be "born again". Here, once again, later dispensationalists differed from Darby, who taught a rather high barrier of entry into the elect that included evidences of redemption such as personal piety and "sealing" by the Holy Spirit... dispensationalists were promoters of a less demanding "free grace" tradition that lowered the bar of salvation to little more than a one time mental assent to the proposition that Jesus is Saviour. This "free grace" understanding, often described as God's "free gift" of salvation, received intense scrutiny from fellow Christians (especially fellow fundamentalists), even as it won in broader American understanding of being "born again".

That is one troubling paragraph. If this man is not a dispensationalist, does he realize the difference between the gospel of the Kingdom, and the gospel of the Grace of God? Sounds like he thinks that Justification must be evidenced by "personal piety". Romans 4:4-5 would refute this, as would Galatians 3:1-4 and Philippians 3:2-7. I wonder if he thinks that the faith that Justified Abraham was reckoned in circumcision when it was not, but in uncircumcision.

If you do correspond with the author, I would try to determine if he is saved to begin with. If he has a problem with dispensationalism, it is the fact that usually only dispensationalists (Acts 2/Mid-Acts/Acts 28) recognize that Grace is free, so is the gift, and the sealing of the Holy Spirit is given after a man trusts the gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4, Rom. 3:20-28).

Great video Brian! Passing this on. Norm


It was a "social project?" Sigh. But your reply to that was good, Bryan.


Funny how both those books (at least the authors) reference each other.


Agree about fictional writings. I did read the first book. I would rather read the Word. However the LORD of the Rings series I read every one. Could not get into C.S Lewis the Chronicles of Narnia.


Amazing how folks still want to attack the gospel of grace in offhand subtle ways, Even in my earlier years before I had a dispensational understanding of the bible (I was a Fundamental baptist) I was saved and understood and believed salvation by grace through faith in the accomplishments of Christ on the cross. These folks blaspheme the finished work of Christ. Not sure if they realize it. But a lack of right division even on the basic levels could lead someone to that conclusion.


I hold to 8 dispensations. The pattern is the 7day week. We are in the 6th, number of man, man was created on the 6th day. 7 is the day of rest which correlates with the Sabbath Rest which is the 1000yr Kingdom, no. 8 which the Flesh is totally cut off, the Eternal Everlasting Kingdom of only Glorified Saints. Dispensation of the Fullness of times is the Dispensation after the 1000yr reign. Jews practiced circumcision on the 8th day. 8 means New beginning. The Church Never Replaces Israel, the Revelation of the Mystery includes the Church that Apostle Paul persecuted guarantee's Israel's Restoration. The First Fall brought Sin&Death, Israel's fall through their Messiah brings Life&Peace. See the Reversal? Christ through choosing the Leader of the Rebellion reverses the rebellion. The first Adam blamed his wife, the Last Adam takes her blame. Eve was named after the First fall, the Church's identification as Christians after the choosing of Saul and Peter's Vision, rise Peter kill and eat. Acts 11:26


Theonomy? Reconstructionism leanings? maybe....
