Recruiting Tech Team Members | Church Sound | ft. James Wasem

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One of the most challenging things about church sound is recruiting volunteers.

We like to blame it on the overwhelming complexity. But most times, we are shooting ourselves in the foot by running people off without even realizing it.

In this video, James Wasem shares how to:

✅ Make your tech team more inviting
✅ Create a healthy tech team culture
✅ Help team members grow

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Рекомендации по теме

This is super helpful. Thank you for this!


Thanks for this great video. I'm looking to hire a sound engineer/technician in the Manhattan NYC area for my church assessment and provide recommendation as we are planning to replace the main console but would like to assess current state and perform optimal tuning from a Pro. This could be few hours or couple of days baked into the person's schedule. Do you have an idea where I can hire such a person? I've done some research on the internet and not getting freelancers hence thought you might help.
