Building Bruce Pt 1 | A Modern Training Program Inspired by Bruce Lee

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To celebrate 100,000 subscribers AND Bruce Lee's birthday, I thought it was time to talk about The Dragon once again! This time, I wanted to ask how Bruce Lee might train today were he still alive, and how we might take everything we know about Bruce Lee's training and adapt it into a program we could actually follow.

Bruce Lee was already a fan of calisthenics and used moves like the dragon flag, v-sit, and finger push up famously. However, I feel that gymnastic strength training for moves like the planche and handstand push up would represent a natural evolution for this thinking.

Likewise, I think that Bruce would have taken well to the modern infatuation with HIIT - but not at the expense of his LISS (steady state cardio) which has a place in any fighter's training.

Likewise, I discuss elements of Bruce Lee's training that were ahead of their time, or that have still yet to make their way into the mainstream (such as overcoming isometrics). In part two, Grant will be returning to demonsrate a Bruce Lee-inspired heavy bag workout to use alongside this cardio and resistance training.

Let me know what you thinking about this program, and stay tuned to the blog where I might return to this topic again in future. I want to know what you think: what would Bruce Lee have made of CrossFit?

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This whole channel is a goldmine. Appreciate all the effort you put into your videos mate.


Dude you deserve 1mil sub's for this quality of content Deadass


Yes love me some Bruce lee training make more


"If you don't have a good cardiovascular system, you need to look into a more peaceful hobby" one of the best speeches ever.


Take it for what it's worth, but I think Bruce, had he managed to live a full life, would have started training programs including things like gymnastics to get stronger. Being able to perform all the advanced skills on say gymnast rings requires a level of skill and strength that is very unique. You also wouldn't be slower when you put on mass because you need to be very flexible and be able to lift your bodyweight for these skills. He also would've likely included things like advanced bar hangs and fingertip handstands to improve hand strength. Which u imagine wasn't a part of most training programs at the time.


I love the overall approach of this channel! That being that we can improve our minds and bodies to such a degree that we can become a version of our own superhero.


M.N.C.ENT. yes I think you really are telling the truth the style of working out like that like Bruce Lee is the best way to do it cuz when I was 15 years old I was doing it and now I'm getting right back into it so thank you and thank you Bruce Lee yesterday was Bruce Lee's birthday it was a beautiful day love you Bruce one the most Titus martial art teacher in the world


I'm happy to have discovered your channel. I learn a lot of things about training while improving my english understanding.


This is brilliant, exactly what I was looking for. Thank you


Nice vids - very helpful - adopting as a daily routine with my new boxing bag. thanks guys


Bruce lee is absolutely 1000% my biggest role model and inspiration as a martial artist and fitness lover, as I am sure he is for millions of others, ever since my mom’s friend let me borrow his Bruce Lee’s fighting method series of books at 7 years old it was on from there, the man has changed millions of lives through generations, thank you for delving into his methods


Bruce was so far ahead of his time that we are only now practicing some of the techniques and progressions he applied as a part of his normal routines back in the day. His ever-changing Way may have included Crossfit, Gymnastics, and, imagine this if you will, Parkour. Let's think about those Concepts, and what he may have done with all of those and allow our minds to be blown for a minute. I'm not even going to mention what this would have done for the film career, but it would've been wild to watch with mouth agape, like Jackie Chan after credits! Digressing back to the training methods, I also imagine a suspension trainer would've replaced much of what he had bought or built. One fact that many seem to miss, is the fact that if he wanted to train a certain muscle group, and there wasn't equipment to do so, he simply figured out a way to make it. He was very adept in engineering like that. We already have most of everything, so we are very fortunate. I look forward to reading everyone's comments on this one! Have a great evening!


I just reread his fighting method a few days ago and have been bingeing Bruce Lee content ever since. Then this shows up, and it's not the first time. I swear you have a psychic ability to put out perfect content at the perfect time


If Bruce Lee was a machine he would have been a huge generator, always creating a lot of power.


I have to say, I just came across your channel and wow. I really don't know how to express just how amazing your content is. I've been binging this channel like crazy keep up the great work 💪


Always look forward to more Bioneer content. I love how you systematize shoorting for identifiable - even iconic - goals.


I attribute most of my gains and athleticism to your videos, they are so useful and informative


Another excellent installment; really looking forward to you expanding upon this series.


Yess! I've been waiting for this one. Much thanks


This is awesome!

Obviously I need to increase my fitness levels to something decent to even attempt this program, but Bruce is such a big inspiration that I guess I have to. He was so ahead of his time in not only his training, but his views on the world and how to approach it.

It's such a tragedy that he died so young. The same with Brandon.
