The Flicker Filter Model of Consciousness with Imants Barušs

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Imants Barušs is Professor of Psychology at King's University College at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is author of The Personal Nature of Notions of Consciousness: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of the Role of the Personal in the Understanding of Consciousness, Science as a Spiritual Practice, Alterations of Consciousness: An Empirical Analysis for Social Scientists, and Authentic Knowing: The Convergence of Science and Spiritual Aspiration. He is coauthor, with Julia Mossbridge, of Transcendent Mind: Revisioning the Science of Consciousness.

Here he describes the two main elements of the Flicker Filter model of consciousness. The "flicker" is related to Julian Barbour's notion that time itself consists of discrete "now" moments. He proposes that these moments are mysteriously held together by fields of meaning that exist within a larger consciousness, not embedded within time. This model allows for all of the phenomena reported in the parapsychological literature. It also eliminates many of the faulty notions that Barušs associates with materialist or physicalist ontologies.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is past-vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that association for his contributions to the study of consciousness.

(Recorded on December 11, 2018)

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Dear Dr Mishlove, I’d like to thank you once again for all your hard work and dedication. There are many people here that are very grateful for what you do with this channel. Excellent work! Happy holidays to you, Jeffrey!


Thank you guys!!! Materialism is just an illusion, we need to move forward!


It may take a another century to reach the tipping point, but the limitations of materialism are going to be obvious before too much longer.


This program is just a treasure. Where else can a general audience hear folks like this.


Thumbs Up... This flicker theory kinda reminded me of " Alternating Current " ( as in AC vs. DC, in the electrical sense ) stuck with the Xmas dinner dishes & was able to sneak this interview in.... Season greetings & Thanks.


Jeffrey is right isn't he though? [Around 8 minute mark]. If time is made up of quanta then (by definition) there is a gap between "times".
Also, thanks for the great Xmas present. I am enjoying this! Like Imants says Jeffrey does a great service to us all bringing these ideas and research to light. They certainly weren't presented in my undergrad nor post-grad psych degrees :( ...very grateful for this channel :)


This relates to the breathing in and out model suggested in Walter Russell's Alternative Science. We need to start dealing honestly with the matter of Creation -- they are talking about Heaven. They are assuming an intelligent source. This can no longer be seen as a religion versus science thing. It is an authentic versus incomplete science problem. Live with it.


This was more than I expected. Looking forward to more from Imants Baruss


I am ABD (1984) because of materialist crap. My son, too. I am glad to see some of us survived. I hope you know how lucky you are. Maybe, I will re-up.


21:25-21:35..."opportunities for manipulating time"
Hmmm..who or what organization, under whose guidance is going to have the authority to dabble with script editing? Does conflict of interest still exist and how does that get resolved? Will the masses even know that someone is flickering around with time?
So many things start out so innocently.


Jeffrey Mishlove you REALLY need to interview TOM CAMPBELL! He is working on new double slit experiments to validate his theory of everything. Tom Campbell's theory explains very well what this discussion was about. Tom is a NASA physicist AND consciousness explorer. He was one of the main scientist who worked at the Monroe institute to study consciousness back in the 1970"s. I sure wish you could interview him!!!! I love your shows BTW.


marvellous interview! I would definitely like to hear more on this. and thanks for putting up images of the books!


The Flicker Filter idea might also explain why ufos go so fast without a sonic boom. A series of snapshots for example that give the illusion of speed. Manipulating time rather than physics. Also helps explain the missing time phenomena with abductions.


I think Time is a Subsequent Outcome of other forces that are the rules that in conjunction compose the universal reality (fabric of the Universe..Ethic (as just an example) is a component, not of time perhaps, but of the Universe...”It Is”). I think Time and Space are separate(not space/time) at least Imcomenserate fields like dialectric and magnetic. To have motion(thereby creation) you have to have Time to start with. “You can not have the picture painted and then put it already completed on onto the canvass.”-PGM
The Planc unit may in fact suggest two sides like a crest and trough. Here you would have the in/out flicker appearance by perception unto theory and frequency is still the method....yes?
Rupert Spira says.”Time is Consciousness objectified by thought.”...(interesting perspective even if only to an aspect.)
It is always NOW. “NOW” is eternity. Our change over and though time is a ramification, and outcome. Consider only one “NOW”, and. Examine yourself within it. Then you only have one now to contend with.
“When God made a Vault to put the Universe into, “In the Beginning..” This Vault was Time.” -PGM
“Vedanta Brahman to Shakti to Vishnu to Shiva to Parvati to Kali to Shiva to the Shakti.” -PGM
Happy Halidays. !


Jennifer Leandro previous student please message


Thank you, Jeffrey, for introducing us to Imants, his ideas and research. This was a delightful interchange between you two!


_We may indulge in some speculations based on what we know of the wireless waves, which, as I said, are all we can recognize of a vast series of vibrations which theoretically must exist. If the thought waves are similar to the wireless waves, they must pass from the brain and flow endlessly around the world and the universe. The body and the skull and other solid obstacles would form no obstruction to their passage, as they pass through the ether which surrounds the molecules of every substance, no matter how solid and dense._
_You ask if there would not be constant interference and confusion if other people’s thoughts were flowing through our brains and setting up thoughts in them that did not originate with ourselves?_
_How do you know that other men’s thoughts are not interfering with yours now? I have noticed a good many phenomena of mind disturbance that I have never been able to explain._

*Dr Alexander Graham Bell*


5:30, about the flicker not being fundamentally new: the first recorded statement about it was by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha.


Consciousness can be made an object of study by oneself because the self is not consciousness; consciousness is a tool of the self---at least, this was taught many thousands of years ago in raja yoga. The scientific method is turned inwards to study the nature of reality. I discovered the Yoga Sutras of Pantajali in 1969. There is only a problem with studying so-called "subjective" reality when we identify as inside the picture. As long as we think we are the bodymind consciousness, we cannot make our ultimate nature a subject of study. We have to get outside the system, to what Eastern philosophy calls the "true" self, which is our unchanging self beyond space and time and matter. When we identify with our true self, we can study all of manifested creation because we are now in the observation deck.


This discussion is incredible ! looking forward to more from Jeffrey and Mr. Baruss !
