How to Talk to Your Brain to End Your Pain

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How to Talk to Your Brain to End Your Pain

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Healed from TMS! Praise God. Got to some point where I just decided to stop focusing, after doing alll the work and just move on with life. Then one day realized, oh wow. I don't hurt anymore. All the best everyone!


Here is my new mantra, "Flare ups gonna flare, but I don't care!"


When my dog first came from the shelter to our home she was so afraid she even didn´t want to be touched. And there were a lot off other difficulties. I had to start a really patient "conversation" with her to show her that she has a totally safe place now and that she is respected with all her needs. It took quite a time and we did it. Now we are THE dream team. Maybe my brain is kind of a shelter dog either, doing its own things only because of lacking Thank you Dan!


I love that: Fear is just "False Evidence Appearing Real"


If I was religious I’d make Dan my god. “Dan, the healing God”😂 I feel like he has given me superpowers. Can’t believe that the solution has been this “simple” all along. I’m rid of insomnia, severe fatigue, extreme cognitive issues and concussion symptoms etc. I have a life to start living again, and it. is. AWESOME💃🏽


This is really good! One time when I was at the gym doing my resistance training, I finished up on the treadmill, and while I was walking on the treadmill at a huge incline, I said to my brain in my mind, “see how much fun we can have when you don’t send me all these danger signs?” 🤣🤣🤣


instead of the Brain, I pray to Jesus, I talk to Him directly, and it calms my mind, to be in His word and promises


I always start out by telling my brain I love it.


Yes! Bad nights sleep = higher sensations. So glad someone mentioned that. I believe higher anxiety leads to sleeplessness which leads to higher sensations next day.


I don't mean to offend anyone but maybe the brain is smart to worry about survival. Until our last breath, we can figure out eternity. I was very scared of death. Is there a heaven and hell? Thankfully God is merciful and sent his Son to die for us. John 3:16 set me free. Still have a problematic brain and I probably will until the day I die, who knows but now at least I know it has an ending because I know I'm going to heaven. LOVE DAN'S STUFF... his videos and Dr. Sarno has helped me overcome pain, with acceptance of myself, working through the pains that come and go by calming my brain to feel safe. SO GRATEFUL for this information. But let's be realistic this world can be dangerous, but also we can stay calm and trust God to take care of us. I hope you all know Jesus as your Savior. God bless!


You know there's that saying, "talking to yourself is the first sign of madness"? That's just not true. The power of the spoken word is very powerful! We need to work in unison with our mind, body and spirit not against them. The brain needs to have the message relayed to it that we are, in fact, not in danger but well. Thanking the brain for looking out for us but letting it know that we're not in imminent danger is a perfect example of how we can work with our brain rather than against it.
Thanks for reminding us, Dan. X


The mindset truly has been the biggest thing for me. So many times I’ve thought that if I just do more I’ll get better, but I was still focused on fear so symptoms would get worse and I’d freak out and start questioning everything and the cycle would begin again. I’ve finally gotten my mind in the right place and now when symptoms increase I know why and the fear comes down and symptoms start to settle. It really has to be reinforced by your thoughts, and then your behavior teaches your brain you’re actually okay. It’s not easy, but staying consistent is key.


You words are so wise and appreciated it. I learned from you and from the comments.I deeply believe that.." when the student is ready...the teacher will appear". Years of am 100% open to your knowledge.Blessings to your heart.


Just an amazing video. I don’t know how you come up with new content everyday. I am a cancer survivor and I know I am healed . It has been 4 years since treatment. But it did my heart and brain good to hear you include us survivors in this video. There can be lots of fear surrounding that diagnosis. I thank you with all my heart. You help so many 😊


Twice this month the back spasmed and both times stuck in bed in agony and both times after doing what I wanted to do, thing I lived and make me happy! This, perplexes me!


Based on this I just found a really good way to talk to my brain which calmed symptoms down very quicky, I had kinda been at war before but this is so much better. First I got a really happy memory in my mind, then said to my brain, I know what's going on on here, you're using the wrong neural pathways because you think I'm in danger, but i'm not and there's nothing wrong with me. wouldn't you like to go back to doing things like (the happy memory). and I said in your own time you can go back to using the correct neural pathways then we can go back to doing all those happy things. but having the strong happy memory in mind, something that's really emotive sends a strong signal of safety and warmth the brain. it really helped me anyway.


Just listening helped my mind to stop panicking.. It's messing with my stomach, and I know there's no issue.. thank you!


I need constant reminders of this Dan.. I need to talk more kindly to it.


Thank you I am going crazy here I have a long flight to catch and my whole body and mind is shaking from anxiety. I will try this one.


Yeah, I agree. I don’t need to “yell” at my brain. Counter productive.
