Riot FINALLY responds to smurfing

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Riot FINALLY responds to smurfing in League of Legends.

mr. rival @Rivalrvn

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My man Ryscu just casually putting ivern mid-gameplay of himself in the background while stomping a yone, good job bro hahah


"This account is doomed"

As long as we can still prononce this sentence the problem will always exist


"We don't want to introduce anything half-baked"
In reality, 80% of the things they introduce are in fact, half-baked.


some of the most cracked Ivern gameplay I have been cucked from seeing.


This is the first season ive attempted to climb ranked in years and about 15 games in i completely peaced out because of this. In half of my games i had either an AFK or an intentionally inting team mate all on accounts close to level 30.

My last straw was in a game where all lanes won, ez lp, but then our jgl does 1 bad gank and our twitch full tilts saying he hopes his mother gets raped and proceeds to int for the rest of the match.
Personal performance feels insignificant unless you play hyper carries and climbing from low elo just feels like total RNG atm.


What a pleasant Rioter who gives proper and clear responses. You love to see it.


Riot: We are doing something about smurfing, but first, check out this Ahri skin.


If the lp system reflected closer to how an Individual did in a given game, and didn't just allow 1 or 2 people on your team to perpetually bring you down then there would be less smurfing because losses wouldn't feel as unfair imo


It's absolutely aids to play against high elo smurfs or someone playing on someone elses account to boost their account. I've always stood for "you learn and get better by competing against someone better", but when someone else on your team runs it like its an olympic sport and you suddenly have a 15/0 three items Jax in your face at 12min, you cant really do shit lol


If they're going to have a "secret mmr" then winning or losing shouldn't effect your rank, you should just gain or lose points based on what your mmr actually is. That's why I always hated the "grind" of your first 10 games and the rank up series. I've lost so many important games because of afks and trolls, and even if I go 5-0 and take their inhib I still lose 15 mmr because my team has been feeding and throwing all game. Nothing like winning a 4 or 5 game streak only for 2 promo games in a row to have an afk player


I think there sohuld be a 'report' option for smurfing, not to get them banned but as a way to train Riot's AI to detect smurfs more rapidly and use a combination of flagging and machine learning to place smurfs faster in the right spot. The reason I'm saying this is cause when Riot just introduces an algorithm to detect smurfs, smurfs will figure this out really quickly and circumvent it. E.g. if it looks at your WR and game performance metrics for the first 3-10 games, smurfs will "soft int" those games and then start smurfing. An algorithm can't as easily distinguish someone starting to smurf after X games from someone having a few good games. By allowing the enemy team to help them get detected, this can quicken the process.


Love how they focus on toxic people and not on having a masters player eloboosting a bronze friend even if he's not toxic. It makes every game where either team has a smurf a complete non-game. Either the smurf will get ultra ahead because he's better than everyone in that game and turbo 1v9, or decide to grief the game because his jungler decided to do krugs. All smurfing does is create unfair matches where nobody except the smurf has any form of fun, and the smurf keeps doing it because it validates his shitty ego by beating on players that he knows are worse than them. Just make people tie their own accounts to something personal and unique so nobody can have more than 1 account. It's so simple


Wow! Only took them... 13 years to start taking this issue seriously! You heard that right. Even back in S1, smurfs were an issue and riot did nothing this whole time. There were even level smurfs back then! You would get no people with no life that would make brand new accounts just to beat up on new players.


i think the worst thing about smurf accounts is the fact that these people will really often just start trolling after 1 dead because they just dont care about this account for obvious reason


My biggest problem with soloqueue (Currently hardstuck D4). is that 25% of my games i’m vsing a challenger smurf, 25% of my games i’m laning vs a boosted silver player. Neither of which is fun. So that leaves only about 50% of games where i actually get to have fun in soloqueue. Smurfing and boosting are just such big problems and riot needs to find a way to award or penalize individual performances rather than just win or loss.


tldr riot said, "yep. We do stuff." but no actual description on what's being done.


I really worry when i heard the "get to plat in 2-3 games" because this can either mean silver players can buy smurfs until they get lucky winstreak and suddenly end up in plat while still in placements or it means that if plat player buys an offrole smurf he just insta gets to plat and just ruins the experience for other people in division by playing at level that is far below the rest of his team.


1:25 it also feels bad to play with teammates that are far below you in terms of skill level.


It's a highly complex problem also because they can sell more skins / boosts cause they start all over again.


I won a game because i had a smurf challenger in my team and I lost next game because they had a smurf challenger. Both streamers with 1000 viewers 👌
