Valorant Has a Smurfing Problem

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The smurfing problem in Valorant

Twitter: @kelttsu
TikTok: @kelttsu
Insta: @keltssu

I5 11400F
MSI nVidia Gtx1060 6gb gaming
16 (2X8)GB RGB kingston fury 3200mhz ram
H510 flow case
(most of you arent nerdy like me so if you have any other questions ask in the comments)

MSI mag 242C 165hz 1080P monitor
Keychron k6 65% red switch keyboard
Steelseries Prime
GXT 758 mousepad


Description (ignore): A video discussing the Valorant smurf problem and a couple of ways it could be solved by Valorant devs suggested by the Valorant community. Some of these tips are not so realistic while other are and could very well be implemented into Valorant by Riot Games soon.
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Dota 2 has the best way to prevent the smurfing problem. To play the ranked mode, you have to verify your phone number and have 100 hours of playtime


riot can use method that is already in the game which is phone number verification, they can just make that if you want to play rankeds you need to have phone number verified


Giving the players back the rr they had from the main account will be a really bad idea. It will make account selling allot easier and thats why most likely riot wont change this


I feel like Valorant should allow people to just demote themselves on their main profile with the caveat that they play against other people who demote their rank


I have an idea

Valorant ranking system punishes you for playing well.

For example if you’re ascendant 2 for example and get a KD of 30-5 it will jump elo and match you with elo of immortal 3’s even if their rank shows plat (smurfs) they will be of immortal + elo.

Best thing you can do at the moment is try not get a + KD and win the game if you can.
Unfortunately you get severely punished with matching either cheaters or super smurfs from super high elos.

This can be achieved by dropping less kills and getting 0-10 or 0-15 at the start for example. Then gradually playing well to your best all the while trying to maintain an even KD and not a positive one in important rounds or defence.

If you don’t do this and keep blasting 30+ kills you will eventually be matched with smurfs. Cause the opposing team will report you and you could end up being matched with cheaters too!

Unfortunately this is the only work around cause the system is extremely unfair with the behind the scenes calculations (elo) compared to your actual physical rank that you see. You maybe matching a gold in diamond but that (gold / silver in previous act badge) is not that elo it is much higher.

Drop kills and try win in a minus KD or even KD ratio.

Do not! Try and get positive KD or match MVP.

I have noticed that when you get match MVP the very next game your team mates will be amazing (like super smurfs) for one game then thats it its a downswing after that with matching vs smurfs and cheaters alike.

Similarly if you keep losing you will eventually match super low elo in comparison (the now gold 3 will feel like iron 1 and the platinum that played like a immortal 3 a few games ago will now feel like a bronze as these are now true golds and true plats).

Hope this helps.

Also this coincides with the fact that at mid to higher levels such as Gold, plat and diamond there are gonna be loads of boosters. So if you go into them hitting 30 bombs you will be placed much higher elo wise then you will go on a losing streak.

Its basically a mess and this is an idea to overcome it for the time being because playing well can land you in serious trouble elo wise compared to your physical rank and land you multiple losses in a row through smurfing and elo calibration which coincides with the smurfing problem giving us the mess that we have above.

By going even kd or slightly minus kd you make the booster do more of the work (on your team) thus frustrating them cause they want YOU to do it to get your elo up they will happily bottom frag and put away their ego as theyre boosting someone.

I can’t stress it enough that the physical rank and elo behind the scenes are two separate things and you can never see your true rank especially with the current circumstances of smurfs and cheaters.


I dont think that your last option is a good idea. What if i just have a very good round and pop of... Should my enemys on the same skill range get their rr back anyways?


I have an idea, so u know how vanguard detects if you are hacking, they shoul make it so it also checks your rank, So if someone whose rank is low and they are getting many kills, then it should suspend them or ban their smurf account as well as their main. (srry for my bad english, wht can i do)


Okay, I see a lot of problems in your reasoning.
First : smurfing as a whole is hard to stop this way cuz if you just make new acc the same rank as previous one, it won't help the other guys trying to make a new account to rank up because the system stuck them in low rank.
Second : I think that riot's system is great (MMR is really accurate and changes very fast) like if a Smurf plays in low ELO and top frags every game with 40/50 kills, riot will put him with higher ranks (silver playing with plat etc...). The only issues with this is that they can just int game afterwards to lower their MMR, so riot could try to ban faster or idk, detect them this way.
Last but not least, the thing u didn't take in consideration is that bought accounts exists, someone can just buy an account with the most d*shit MMR of all time and Smurf for a life time.


Make players verify their phone # to play ranked


heres my solution it may be harsh but smurfing is scummy i think you are aright there should be a detection software on your computer that counts your accounts but the punishment should be Hardware Bans or IP Bans for smurfing it should be the same consequence that the hackers and exploiters get
