Common Reasons Why A Dog Stops Eating

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Common reasons why a dog stops eating are similar to why humans stop eating.

Just because your dog doesn't eat one meal, doesn't mean your dog is sick.

A change in your dogs routine or diet can be enough to put FIDO off his dinner.

However if your dog skips a meal and shows other signs of not being well, you may have reason for concern, and a call to your local vet is advised.

Dr. Pete Wedderburn explains in the above video - When to call a vet if you dog has gone off his food.

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When I give my dog meat he won't eat but he waves his tail when I go near him carrying a bowl. What is the reason???


pls help me my puppy is looking at me sad I try giving him food he can't eat I'm scared he died


My dog regularly only eats breakfast. She doesn’t touch dinner or any treats we give her. She used to scarf down her food. Now, she barely eats 1/2 a cup of food a day..


My dogs bowl is always full but he never eats help 😞


Hi, my dog seems fine he just stopped eating his pellets he'll eat chicken but not pellets i don't know why, he's 8 years old he usually loves eating


My dog bit me but it's that bad and now, I'm so worried 'cause he's not eating. I love him so much 😭


my dog is not eating food after his pair dog died (1 month ) we are hand feeding forcible no choice ...i have tried every food plzzz help


My puppy won't eat. I think he is sick. He is looking me with his sad eyes. Huhu. I'm scared that he might die. 😓😢


My huskadore eats like two bites then goes and plays comes back and eats 2 bites and the same thing happens


How I got my dog to eat...I got a treat bag empty the bag and put the dog food in then say wanna treat and shake the bag and take the treat aka the dog food put it on ur hand and it might work


I have a small puppy, She is very little and got winged way to early. She won't eat, And she sleeps for half of the day. I've never had a puppy who was this young before.


My dog hasn’t eaten in two days. She is old, blind, and can barely walk. Also she is sleeping more than usual recently and my mum says that she is dying. She does have bad days sometimes so I’m thinking my this is just a couple of bad days.


my shih tzu is not eating her meal.. she ate a little cooked chicken meat last night. Now, she's sleeping beside me but she didn't eat today (it's already 5:23PM). Well, she's eating tiny bits of food when I'm putting the food in her mouth. Is she sick or just lazy? I'm so scared.


My dog doesnt eat normally since yesterday? Normally I gave him hus food and ofcourse with water but didnt ate it so I gave him food without water waa mixed in and today he wont eat his food today so I gave him his food without water but he only ate one scoop only please help me


Sir my puppy 17 days.. He is not opening mouth not eating any thing


I went to yt last month and searched for several videos like this one because i didn't know what to do to make my dog eat. She was very lazy to eat and picky. Then last last week i petted my dog and figured out she was almost skin and bones after not eating for almost 5 days. So I tried making some mediumto feed her and until I dicovered force feeding, with syringe. Small dogs like fine food, they are lazy to chew so syringe was the best way. And good news, it worked, my dog eats very well now with syringe and even eats foods that she didn't liked before


Mine is spoiled that drives me up the wall. Eats when He feels like it. Have bought so much different kibbles with no success. Know I make chicken thighs or breast and mix with dry food and it’s working also beef and pork also it has to have some gravy. Also mix dry food with goat milk it has worked.Just saying my experience with my adorable Chihuahua!


My dog haven't eaten for 3 days but she wave her tail whenever she sees really sad and I wanna cry thinking what if she die😥😥😥


Pls how can I get my sick puppy to eat as he is vomiting and I just can't stand the way he look. Pliz any advice


My dog only eats if I'm sitting there watching him. When he is hungry he comes to get me barking at me trying to lead me to the kitchen. So I sit down and look at him, then he eats.
