Why Does Your Dog Sleep With You? 7 Reasons You'll Love

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Do you often go to bed, only to be joined by your furry friend before you even close your eyes?
In this video, we will talk about why dogs love to sleep with you, and if it is safe to sleep with your dog

It’s in your dog’s nature
It is common for dogs to sleep with you due to their wolf ancestry. Domesticated dogs, like their wolf ancestors, are very social animals and they tend to stay together and sleep near members of their social group. Dogs view their human companions as members of their pack.
When they establish a strong bond with their human, it is common for them to want to follow their guardian everywhere and even sleep in the same bed.
They want to protect you
If we were in the wild, sleeping is when we are most vulnerable and exposed to predators. This is why many dogs prefer to sleep near their human companions, understanding the need to protect their guardians from any potential harm. Your canine companion is ready to protect you in case of an intruder or danger.
It helps them feel safe
Another reason that your dog wants to sleep close to you is because they feel secure and confident in your presence. In the wild, sleeping puts dogs in a very vulnerable position.
When your dog lies on their side and falls into a deep sleep next to you, it is a sign they trust you and they feel safe around you. Your dog knows that you will protect them and keep them safe should a predator launch a nighttime attack.
They are cold
Dogs will also sleep next to you so they can conserve body heat. In the wild, animals living together often huddle to share body heat. When your dog snuggles with you, they are seeking warmth and helping you stay warm.
Your dog doesn’t like their bed
Another reason why your canine companion may sleep with you is because they don’t like or feel comfortable in their own bed. If this is the case, it is likely they will find somewhere else to sleep, like your bed or the couch.
They Think You Need Them
Dogs are sensitive animals who are very good at picking up on human emotions. They can sense when their owners are sad or upset, and they will try to comfort us and make us feel better by being present and giving us some affection.
Your dog is showing you love
Simply put, if your dog is sleeping with you, it means they love you. Your pet feels safe with you, they want to protect you, they love your warmth and scent, and they want to show you love and affection. Sleeping on the same bed is a demonstration of their love.
Should you Let your Dog Sleep With you?
If you make some general considerations, sleeping in the same bed can be a positive habit . If you decide to sleep in the same bed as a dog, it is very important to maintain proper hygiene of the dog. Otherwise, they may not be the only visitor to your bed. Bugs, parasites, and dirt might also be present.
According to recent research published by Mayo Clinic Proceedings, sharing your bed with your canine companion may actually improve your sleep. Cuddling with your pet also leads to the release of oxytocin, the love chemical that reduces stress and elevates your mood. It can also help lower your heart rate, eases insomnia and result in a higher sleep efficiency score.
In short, as long as both you and your dog are healthy, it’s perfectly safe to snuggle up with your furry friend every night. Just make sure your dog has no fleas, ticks, parasites, or illnesses, and that he has up-to-date vaccinations.
Why Does your Dog Sit On your Feet?
Dogs sit on your feet for several reasons.
More often than not, dogs sit on your feet because they want to be close to you. This is a way of showing affection, just as you would choose to sit next to a friend or loved one.
Dogs also sit on you for protection when they are in an unfamiliar environment. Remaining close to their human companion gives dogs added security.
Interesting enough, sitting on your feet is also one way your dog marks its territory. When your pup sits on you, it lets them signal to others (humans and animals) that you are their human.
Why does your dog sit in your spot when you get up?
Dogs often sit in your spot when you get up because they enjoy the scent and warmth you leave behind. Your dog is connected to you and enjoys a nice warm place that smells like you.
Of course, dogs also steal your spot when they want your attention and hope to snuggle with you when you return to your seat.
Why do dogs lean against you?
If your dog comes up to you and leans their body weight against you, or perhaps cuddle against your side, they are showing affection. For many dogs, the lean is like a full-body hug.
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My dog has showed me more love and loyalty than any person In my life ever.


Dogs are a blessing, especially for a single person.


I'm disabled @ 62, I live with my 70 lb male pit bull , Dozer. He sleeps in my bed, and although it's a king size we both end up cuddled together on one side. He sometimes curls up, other times he's belly up, @ at times his heads on the pillow next to mine lol... I fall asleep much faster with my arm draped over his side. He is also my service dog and I can't imagine life without him by my side. ❤❤❤❤


I couldn’t imagine my life without a dog ❤️


My wife and I got a doberman from the rescue center at 11-months old. The first night, we gave him a bed across the other side of our bedroom - woke up to find that he had dragged it right next to our bed. A few mornings later, I woke up to find him in IN our bed between us. Yes, I said IN, not ON. He was under the covers and fast asleep with his head on the pillow next to mine. I still don't know how he managed to do that without waking us up. Ellie (my wife) passed away in 2020 and Duke (the doberman) last October. They were both too young to go and I miss them. It's just me and the pit-bull now - and yes he gets up on my bed every night (usually about 4am).

Edit: Thank-you all for the amazing and unexpected outpouring of empathy. I will see Ellie again one day. For the time being, Zeus (the pit-bull) is the best friend anyone could hope for.


My lab started sleeping with me after I got a panic attack one night, since then he just climbs the bed at 11:00 pm and even calls for me whenever I am late to bed . really your pets are Angels who loves you even more than yourself 😊


Dog, a man’s…a family’s best friend! Me and my GSD were inseparable for 11years then i had my daughter. For the next 4 yrs you couldn’t pry them apart with a 10 foot board! Then he passed, several months later my youngin still calls for him when we go outside…he was very much loved and is EXTREMELY missed…all dogs go to heaven.


Dogs are the absolute best friend a human can have. Hands down.


When my husband died at only 42 l let my two boxers sleep on the bed. It did us all good, they were happy sleeping with me and when i would wake during the night i could hear them snoring which helped me as my husband snored.


I have 14 dogs…. All rescues. How lucky was I to have found them. They are truly my babies. I would never ever abandon them. I love it when as many as possible sleep next to me.


My favorite bumper sticker is, 'the more people I meet, the more I love my dog.'


My wife saved a female puppy pitbull running on 8 MILE IN DETROIT 14 yrs ago brought her home, we all ready had 4 cats, 2 dogs, didnt think we would keep her, well me and her bonded so well I swear she could read my mind and very protective of me and my wife, well she slept with me every night right along my side I never had any
room but that was o.k. she passed away 6 months ago and I still cant sleep in my bed, miss her more than any human I ever had in my life,


I lost my wife 12 days before Christmas in 2019. We had Bailey a pit for 2 years before she past. We were broken hearted. Its me and my boy now and he's a great dog. He protects me and i treat him like a son. He sleeps with me every night, has the run of the house, has his own recliner and never argues about breakfast, lunch and dinner. Built like a rock and loves his daddy. The whole neighborhood knows about Bailey. He helped me and i helped him get over the loss. I'll sleep in the cold with him before i sleep in a warm house without him.


I just adopted a pup that was on the street, starving, defenseless, and wounded .I am proud to say she's recovered from her trauma, i show her love everyday. And yes! I have 2 dogs sleeping on my king-size bed.We are inseparable.K-9 love is endless.


I’m single have been for all my life, my dogs are great companions and they absolutely own my bed 😂😂❤I wouldn’t have it any other way and I’m 49. Dogs are a gift from the universe❤


I wouldn't have a dog if I wasn't willing to share my bed. They are my family. Their love is precious. ❤️


I just lost my 2 pups in the last year after having them 13 years. This made me both smile and cry. I miss my babies more than any words could convey😢


My buddy sleeps with me I’m paralyzed from the chest down and he does so much for me he saved my life more than a few times I would die for him


I've had three Border Collies in my adult life; each one had a different personality and I have loved everyone of them. Each time one passed away was as devastating as losing a child; on reflection they were my kids. Laddie, the fierce protector, who didn't trust strangers. Lacy, and was My Girl, who never met any human she didn't like and would hide her head under my side of the bed when there was a thunderstorm. Timber, who was rescued from a puppy mill at age 2. He was scared of everything when he first came to live with us, but became a brave and confident boy after he realized that he was safe and loved. He was never aggressive toward people, but was an alpha male at the park.

And then there is Bonny, my daughters Border Collie. I have learned that I am the adopted hooman, and she has to check on me every morning to make sure I am OK. She lives to cuddle on me and I play catch with her as much as she wants. She may be my daughters dog (legally) but she is mine and I am hers so to speak. All of my dogs have truly been a blessing to me and life would have been emptier without them. They're truly a blessing from GOD.


When my husband and I got together in our 40's I had my 17 year old Lhasa Apso Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear had the right side of the bed for 17 years. My husband was a little perplexed that he had to sleep with a dog. I told him that I left home at 14 years old and for good reasons, and that Mr. Bear has been the longest and best relationship I've in my whole life ! Not changing now ! Mr. Bear lived til 18 1/2 years old.
