Why is My dog Panting so Much - Top 9 Reasons - Dog Health Vet Advice

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Panting can be normal in dogs, but if you're wondering "why my dog is panting so much" or they are panting all the time then you need to know that this could be a sign they are suffering from a serious disease. A dog that is panting heavily when they are resting and in a cool environment is definitely not normal.

The causes of panting in dogs include: Normal panting, Anxiety or fear, breed-related problems, developing heatstroke, pain, lung disease, heart disease, hormone problems, and anemia

These are all very different conditions that are treated and managed in different ways. It's really important you act early to find out why your dog is panting all the time so that any treatment has the best chance of helping your dog.


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- The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute specific vet advice for any individual cat, dog or other animals of any species.
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I was kind of expecting a video of the dog panting to see if it matched our's. Thanks for the help though!


Thank you so much you saved my dogs live😓😓😓


He earns all he does, be grateful we have good vets to diagnosised our pets, like our children .


I go hiking with my dog all the time, this video help a lot!!


Great helpful advice about why your dog might be panting too much 👍 it must be tough for those squashed nose breeds. Thankfully my dog just pants after a run.


My overweight dog pants at weird times for no reason and I have found that putting a fan that is blowing on her and just helping her relax however I can seems to help the panting stop.
Try it out!


I just got a 4 year old dog today and it has not stopped panting. I was thinking it was anxiety and you said it in the video. But I'm just making sure


My puppy is 2 months old and just randomly starts panting even when trying to sleep he’s quite then starts panting and goes back to sleeping and i got it yesterday


Very good nice vet, if you have a dog or child you should pay for their expensive s, they are family, , remember vers deserve what they do for pets . He was informative .


Thanks bro because I really wanted to know


Are there different types of panting. Eg does a dog in pain pant differently to one having anxiety or one after exercise? Etc


My dog is painting/breathing fast when he sleeps. Sometimes my dog stops breathing for a moment than goes back to breathing heavy. I dont know what to do. He's a adult to.


My dog pants a lot but she stops like 30min later when she lays on my arm then when I move she starts to pant again, is she stressed out?


My dogs scared of my sleep paralysis demon


My dog has Laryngeal Paralysis and have odd breathing i have taken him of kibble as its not good for dogs and give him grain free dog meat that has human fit meat in it and mix it with brown rice, sweet potato or rolled oat and some veg. Lion mane mushroom can heal the nervous system as Laryngeal Paralysis is neurological. I also give my 12 yr old lab enzymes as they lose this from tap water and cooked meat, raw is a good idea like raw beef mince, liver, heart and chicken feet. I give my dog powder enzymes on his food and leave for 20 mins to help break this down. Giving a dog probiotics is a good idea in a old dog, tap water kills this off so i give my dog bottled spring water. I must say how Moringa is a miracle plant for humans and dogs, it has 17 times more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach and had vit A, C, B6, Magnesium and much more. Moringa can cure up to 800 diseases like Parkinson's and get rid of arthritis pain. My dog only eats this mixed with raw honey as it smells a bit and the honey hides this.


Hello good buddy 👍 Dr Alex..I'm dealing with this problem with arnold now my vet isn't open today I sent her a text trying to get a hold of her Arnold kept me up all night last night with his heavy panting and breathing he has calmed down with the panting but he is still breathing fast in which he has had that problem for a long time due to him being overweight but I have to try to get help for him today. Thanks so much for your videos Dr Alex


my dog has fast breading, fast heart beat and drinking a lot of whater plz help


So the temp near my place is usually low 90s or high 80s but today it is 74 and she's panting a lot


I have a question, so my mom is a clean freak she doesn’t want any hair any anything to be dirty inside the house so my mom made a decision to have my dog outside to sleep outside stay outside whatever outside take showers outside and stuff like that my dog because of the heat outside where I live in Texas is super hot and she’s always panting I don’t know if it’s good for my dog to be panting every day 24/7 all the time so my question is do you think she would have a shorter lifespan because she’s totally healthy it’s just that I don’t think it’s right for her to be doing that all the time so is she going To live a shorter life or a normal dog life


Ok good I went to park and I he drank water and everything and layes on bed and breathing fast so mine was the first one 👍🏽
