What is Phantom Limb Pain?

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Dr. Nick Scott discusses Phantom Limb Pain.

Watch this video and learn about symptoms and treatments for Phantom Limb Pain.

Pain Doctor Nick Scott Talks About Phantom Limb Pain.

Phantom limb pain is the sensation of pain perceived from a limb that is no longer attached to the body; a phenomenon experienced by patients having lost an upper or lower extremity due to trauma or surgical amputation1. Phantom limb pain is common following limb removal, affecting between 49–88% of amputees2. Onset of phantom limb pain typically occurs shortly after limb loss, although in some cases it sets on months or years later1.

A phantom limb is the sensation that a person has when a body part or limb has been amputated, but still feels as if it is attached. Many amputees have phantom sensations, which are not painful. It is estimated that 85% of people experience phantom limb sensations in the first several weeks following amputation, however, a smaller population of people will continue to feel these sensation for prolonged periods of time. It is reported that 60% of people will continue to experience sensations one year after the surgery (Manchikanti and Singh 2004).

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