2-Minute Neuroscience: Phantom Limb

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Phantom limb is a condition in which someone who has lost a part of their body (e.g., due to amputation) continues to experience phantom sensations coming from the missing body part. In this video, I discuss some of the hypotheses that have been proposed to explain this strange phenomenon.


Phantom limb is a condition in which someone who has lost a part of their body continues to experience phantom sensations coming from that body part. Despite the name, phantom limb doesn’t only occur in limbs, and has also been recorded after the loss of other body parts like breasts, genitals, and even teeth. Phantom sensations are thought to be experienced by almost all amputees, and most suffer from some degree of phantom pain.

Scientists have proposed a number of hypotheses to explain phantom limb, but the phenomenon is still poorly understood. The prevailing explanation is an idea known as cortical reorganization. According to this hypothesis, when a limb is lost, the neurons in the somatosensory cortex that used to respond to signals from that limb begin to respond to signals from other nearby neurons. This can cause sensations felt in other parts of the body to lead to the stimulation of neurons in the somatosensory cortex devoted to the now missing limb, which causes the brain to perceive sensations in the missing limb.

Another hypothesis suggests that your brain maintains an internal representation of your body, which aids in body positioning and movement among other things. But when a limb is lost the body representation can remain intact. This persistent neural representation might lead to the sense that the limb is still there, and could even generate pain when the intention to move the limb is discordant with the lack of sensory feedback from the missing body part.

The peripheral nervous system might also be involved. When a limb is lost, damaged neurons often attempt to repair themselves by growing new extensions. But without a limb to grow into, the new extensions have nowhere to go, and they form a mass of neural tissue called a neuroma. The neuroma can generate erratic signals, which may underlie the sensations and pain associated with phantom limb.


Collins KL, Russell HG, Schumacher PJ, Robinson-Freeman KE, O'Conor EC, Gibney KD, Yambem O, Dykes RW, Waters RS, Tsao JW. A review of current theories and treatments for phantom limb pain. J Clin Invest. 2018 Jun 1;128(6):2168-2176. doi: 10.1172/JCI94003. Epub 2018 Jun 1. PMID: 29856366; PMCID: PMC5983333.

Flor H, Nikolajsen L, Staehelin Jensen T. Phantom limb pain: a case of maladaptive CNS plasticity? Nat Rev Neurosci. 2006 Nov;7(11):873-81. doi: 10.1038/nrn1991. PMID: 17053811.

Ramachandran VS, Hirstein W. The perception of phantom limbs. The D. O. Hebb lecture. Brain. 1998 Sep;121 ( Pt 9):1603-30. doi: 10.1093/brain/121.9.1603. PMID: 9762952.

Weeks SR, Anderson-Barnes VC, Tsao JW. Phantom limb pain: theories and therapies. Neurologist. 2010 Sep;16(5):277-86. doi: 10.1097/NRL.0b013e3181edf128. PMID: 20827116.
Рекомендации по теме

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


I got hit by a metal gear. Lost my left arm. I still feel phamtom pains


People born with no limbs also feel phantom pain. This suggests that the body is already mapped out in the brain.


Hands down, the most interesting topic in neuroscience to deep dive into! 🙏


Who here grew watching Syfy or science fiction show like Star Wars and thought how cool it would be having a prosthetic or robotic limb. Only to grow up and realize how depressing it must be losing a piece/part of yourself


This was perfect and concise for 2 minutes, Thank You!


This was mentioned in the book Descartes’ Error by Antonio Damasio and it blew my mind when i read it. It is good to hear other hypotheses on this subject. Great video


Hi! I Just wanna say I love your videos and your website! Thanks for the awesome job in explaining basic neuroscience concepts, the world definitely needs more culture about it.
Your work Is helping me a lot writing my thesis essay about art and the brain!


I can't thank you enough. You're amazing for providing us with these videos! Please keep them coming. :)


Brilliantly explained . Great help for medical students


Awesome video as always! I love these short neuroscience videos. Would love a future video on mirror neurons or brain activation during dreams if possible


As an upper limb amputee, It is so affirming to hear phantom limb pain is not a psychological issue like some people think.


When an abdominal injury is not "repaired" surgically, and just stiched up or allowed to heal on its own, years later with bodily changes (for example, childbirth), a neuoma can form under the wound. I believe keloid type scaring plays a part .
Has anyone investigated the site of amputations as well?

This video is fascinating. Thank you.


Every time I hear "phantom limb", I think of the House MD episode where he kidnaps and helps the one arm veteran get rid of his phantom limb pain with mirror therapy.


Thanks a lot from this medical student


Excellent! Much appreciated! 👍

That was also my understanding, the brain is always on a loop and it is expecting a feedback but not getting any. 🤔 a Neuralink implant at the neuroma might be able to artificially create that feedback and ease the pain. 🤔


Where was you channel when I was in high school! 😅


I think i have phantom pain were my appendix was is that a thing?


Hello discovered your channel just wanted a sub! Neuroscience majors where y’all at ?


My appendix sutures just started aching me afte lr 13 years and the pain has been unbearable is that alos regarded as phantom
