Getting married in our early 20s #shorts

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It's hard to fight opposing forces of a young marriage, but it's worth the fight. Letting pessimists kill your joy of what can/could be a happy marriage isn't their place. Even the most kind advice can come off as sharp and unsolicited.


My husband and I got married at 19 & 21! EVERYBODY thought we were crazy! My mom's first question when he wanted to propose was, "Is she pregnant?" 😂 Nope, I was far from it! Lol we waited 5 years to have kids, now we have 3 boys! Celebrating our 10 year anniversary next May ❤


I met my husband on his 11th birthday and I was 9. We got married when I was 24. That same year we met my sister in law on her 8th birthday and she was also 24 when she married my brother.


Our culture tends to get hung up on the ages of couples instead of looking at the individuals. I’ve met 35 year old who haven’t done the maturing necessary for a successful marriage, but I’ve also met plenty that are ready at those controversial “young” ages. As a parent, if my kids bring home a potential spouse I will be evaluating the individuals and the couple as a whole not going off of their ages.


I got married at 20 will be celebrating our 40 year anniversary soon


22 and 23 isn't honestly that young imo. With societial norms now being "wait until you're in your 30s" for marriage is bs. If you feel ready, do it.
My husband and I met when we were 21 and 23, we got married at 25 & 27, had a baby by 26 & 27. I asked my mother if my bf (at the time, now husband) needed her blessing since my dad was out of the picture and she said "nah it's not like I can say no anyways because that's who you marrying, not me." She loved him anyways, and thought he was a good guy who was stable; completely different than what my mom ended up with so she trusted that I knew that was my person.


I got married at 17teen and 7mths. pregnant and we are still married 35yrs. later.


It seems at any age someone marries there will be judgement and questioning.
Just like the whole “kids” question at all stages of someone’s relationship.
When are you gonna have a kid? Why don’t you want a kid? Since you just had one WHEN are you gonna start going for another? Why do you only want 1 kid? Don’t start too late.
Why aren’t you adopting?

Another YouTuber I watch, someone posted a comment “why don’t you guys have kids”.
Like non of your business why. Someone’s life of NOT having kids is not your business. It could be by choice, or medical.
They get mad when people have bio children. They get mad when you go through IVF or surrogacy.

It’s pure ignorance and invasion. Society thinks it’s allowed and has the right to ask those questions to everyone. Even strangers.


Early 20s is not young, that’s literally been the norm for thousands of years. Since when is early 20s young??😂I can see people thinking 18-19 is young but people really expect people to wait till 25+ for married than 30+ for kids when the best time medically to have kids is in your 20s? Makes no sense


I got married at 21. We've been married for 17 years now and his dad is still trying to separate us. 😢


Wow thats good young my niece and her husband now at 25 they have a daughter my great niece . I on the other hand am single man at 36 never had a girlfriend or dated in my life, no kids .


my parents want us married so bad ! they’ve been calling us husband and wife for a while. We’ve already been living together for a couple years and have a baby due this month. I never really wanted to get married in my life but i guess for legal reasons it’ll be good?? I’m 23 he’s 26


I got married to my husband at 21. My parents hated it. My mother cried because she was like i cant believe you didnt have a big ceremony for your fater to walk you down the isle and i never got to help you dress shop.


My mom wants that too but i dont but i care about it i want it 30+ i am a gifted child with mission and soul responsibilities i didnt kno that my existence will be this hard but its okay as long as im folowing God


Why does abby seem so jealous or rude yo other girls 😅


J7st think long ago 14 and up was married age


Getting married young, is giving up on life. So many other things you could be doing contributing to society. Young marriage is failure. You need to touch grass, go to school, get a career, travel, be independent, happy and healthy without being tied down to another person. Getting married young is like leaving the party early. Really such a shame, and majority end up divorced years later. I’m 24 and cannot imagine being married. Absolutely horrible giving your freedom away. When you get married your life is over, so get it all of your system. One you’re tied down, your basic freedoms are stripped. You become a breeder and housewife.
