Make Better Decisions: 3 Steps To Decide What’s Right For You

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Are you insecure about making decisions? Do you ask everyone you know, only to get more confused? Here are 3 steps to help you make wise, clear-headed choices -- all on your own.

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I realized once I was more comfortable doing things/activities alone (i.e. going to the movies, shopping at the mall) it was easier for me to just decide things without the input of others. If there is no one with you, you just make the decision yourself. The confidence of small decisions definitely helps with the big ones.


RissRose or Marissa brought me here. I needed inspiration and a positive person to help me be a better person. So glad I found you Marie!


OK..before I even watch the actual video, can I just mention these questions lately have been SPOT ON with my life.

Second - Marie, I seriously love you. You make such a serious stressful topic, seem so simple.

Lastly, thank you. Going to listen to myself more often and stop asking people for their opinion.


This video spoke to me in a huge way - that was me! In my teens and twenties I was that person who would take a poll, just to get everyone else's opinions first. I felt like I needed a safety net to know my perimeter of choices in most given situations. In my own journey over the past six years or so, (I think becoming a mother was the impetus) I have uncovered a supremely strong need for me to hear/to have my own voice. One of the first things that happened was I stopped cold turkey (just as you suggested) from asking anyone to convey their opinions before making my mind - not with emails, or many personal decisions. My desire to find out what "other might do in this given situation" was no longer important (or even intruiging) to me. Instead, what resonated most was the recognition that I HAVE A VALID P.O.V. and I need to take my own risks and make my own mistakes. Otherwise I'm basically disregarding what makes me unique and special. Sure, it feels safe to go with other people's ideas/opinions, yes it's frightening sometimes to pave your own way - but the alternative is living in the shadows of your own special self. I appreciated your advice and 3 steps, Marie! Now I'll go blog about it and refer back to you! :)


#3 is the best tip of all, and really drives the other two points. When you're in Divine Alignment, it's easier to make decisions. You've got to practice, though.

The other thing that helps me is to have a compass. In business and life, I have a set of priorities that I lay out at the beginning of the year. Then, when things come up that require a decision, I look to my compass to see which decisions will keep me moving in the direction I want to go.


Oh no! I am definitely a person with the clipboard. I always think that I will feel better if EVERYone agrees with my decision. But of course there is no decision that you can make that everyone will agree with. And whats worse is a few months ago I asked someone about something major and she told me to DEFINITELY do this - and a few days ago she told me I should definitely do something completely different! I need to become a decider...:)  


Great video! Even with a song!!! How cool is that?! I thought I would add my two cents here too. If its the fear of making a bad decision that is stopping you from making it on your own, listen what I gotta say. There is no bad choice. Seriously. We only need to make the best of the choice we picked. Thats it. The secret that made me free to make my decisions.


I'm a solo decision maker and I'm proud of that.Each decison will boost your confidence and make you stronger as a person. I believe that we all have a wisdom inside us that loves us and will always give us the best guidance.
Never call around and ask others for their opinions about their's not a wise thing to do because you have one life only and you obviously don't want to be told what to do all your life.


Marie you're so funny! I'm sure this situation frustrates Punam but if you could all make a funny video out of all our problems it would make it so much easier to laugh at it! :D

My best tip for making decisions is listen to your gut, your first response before your mind/fears/insecurities interfere. I'm good at following my intuition and hear it very strongly but I notice that others who don't also have good intuition that speaks to them loud and clear first thing before they drown it down with all their thoughts. Have the courage to take inspired action and follow through because practice makes improvement and the more you follow your intuition to better it will become in the future.

Be a little more impulsive in the sense that it's ok to act, practice and make mistakes. I think this is the nr 1 reason people are afraid of making a decision it's that they're afraid of the consequences. Look at it from another angle. Mistakes are lessons learned. It always makes you wiser and you wouldn't be who you are today with all your wisdom and experiences if it wasn't from the 'mistakes' you've made in life.

And remember that not making a decision is also a decision. It\s the decision not to make a decision only it doesn't empower you or your life. 


SOOO TRUE! My siblings always get mad at me because I always ask their opinion and I get so dependent on asking others' advice.  I feel this is because my parents both passed away and I am only 27 and I used to constantly rely on them to make decisions and do evyerthitng for me.  Now I should have confidence to make my own decisions because they taught me well and I am smart.  I was my mom's caretaker when she was sick with cancer and I am a teacher-- if I stop worrying about what others think about my decisions and just do what I think is right or makes me happy then I will learn from it and it will give me confidence (like u said) to keep making my own decisions.  Perfect example- I just had a talk about staying at my current job today with my principal-- I asked for all these peoples' advice and then just went in there, saw where the conversation was going and made my own decision (on the spot) of what to say, and I am happy with the outcome!  thank you for this i needed it!


Loved this video!  I find that if I am facing a big decision, if time permits, I allow it to sit for a couple of days.  Before I do that, I write down all of the pros and cons.  I use the "focus and diffuse" method.  Focus by writing down the pros and cons and analyzing, and then diffusing by letting it sit.  By the end of the two days, I typically know what I need to do.  


I look forward to Marie Tv...I like the humor mixed with point of the topic...great tips!!!


I have always been confident in myself and that has branched out to me being confident in my decision making. However, for those choices that are tough I have two people who I trust to give me valid advice. As Marie said, you can't ask everyone to make a choice for you mainly because not everyone thinks like you. So if you are gonna ask for advice they either need to be people who you trust, think like you, or you have to be strong enough to say this part I like and agree with and the other I do not. :)


stepping up a notch with the videos! Love it - well done marieforleo :)


LMBO!  No!  Not "I'm a Decider!"  LOL.  I am cracking up here!  Btw, absolutely loved the tweetable!


Shall I stay in my job or (starts whisper to not disturb phone call) just start a new business is my AB FAV!!!! lol

How come I miss this video?!!

Marie you are so hilarious!!


Oh - I have been there too.... until i realized, that every time i GAVE AWAY MY OWN POWER. The others will decide for you, based on what they need.
So the FIRST decision is - Whom you want the power  :-) 


So funny!!! Love your video style (and yes, I'm stalking your channel watching videos over 3 years old!) Love you Marie!


Actually I think that taking responsibility for your own decisions instead of blaming others is the most important thing.
Is there really such a thing as right or wrong decision? Every direction we choose leads us somewhere and I strongly believe that we get from life what we have to learn. With this knowledge in mind I´m able to relax while making choices that are important!
Good luck everyone and a wagon-load of trust in ourselves :)


Werk it Beyonceeee! ;) I always appreciate your humor twists Marie!
