Autistic Adult Day In the Life (DO YOU DO THIS?)

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This is the day in a life of an autistic adult that you MUST Watch for you to learn about autism in adults. Including all typical daily routines that autistic adults may do.

This displays some basic autistic adult symptoms of how to deal with daily tasks and set up/ Focusing on executive function and other aspects of life as an a person with an autism spectrum disorder.

I have issues with fine motor skills and it does help that I also have autistic ADHD, as this presents big problems in the form of trying to get tasks completed calmly.

Autism in adults is always something that I feel is left out of when people look and assess for autism, it is almost like they can think that high functioning autism exists but they won’t say there is an autistic adult test.

I think it is because most people thing that it stops at autistic adolescent stages and when you are a fully grown adult you won’t have like autistic meltdowns etc, which is not true.

Throughout any typical day for me I am totally susceptible to all kinds of sensory overload issues, and a range of emotion / communication issues that an autistic adult would encounter.

Being an autistic adult I feel it is my job and duty to share how I interact and function in my daily life as I feel it can bring huge value to people, who are on the spectrum and who are wanting to support someone who is autistic.

Please let me know what you thought of this video by laving a comment below.






#Aspergers #ASD #Autism

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So at 4:40 I can highly relate to. Ever since I graduated from high school, I don't have a set schedule like I did before. So I'll spend all day doing stuff without eating or drinking.. which leads to me wanting to eat and drink a lot at night.


First view, first comment! Keep up the good work! You deserve the Prize!!! 😊😊😊 My best friend has NEVER cooked at all. He has a NEW 20-year-old stove, never used. He did make egg salad yesterday for sandwiches. First time in 65 years. I am SO PROUD of him and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!


Another vegan Aspie—that’s cool. I am the only one I know! Everything you say in most of your videos is very true for me and all my family members with ASD, which is most of us! We all have ADHD/ADD, OCD, social anxiety, and other neurodivergent comorbid conditions. You really explain very well what it is like to have Asperger’s—in my opinion. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I appreciate your show!


When your child gets old enough to go to school, this may bring a lot of stress triggers into your life, it certainly has for me. Right now you dictate your schedule but once your child is in school, your life is dictated by that schedule. There are many activities to attend to at school, all triggering, and possibly confronting even, especially if you are ASD. This has been the biggest challenge so far beyond any other situation, and it goes on for years! It is exhausting. Then if your child happens to be ASD too.... . I hope for you it all goes smoothly, you seem to be very organized and have a lot of supports. But for us, this institution and it's demands has been nearly more than we can all deal with. I hope I don't sound bleak, but this has been our experience, very challenging. Has anyone else felt this way from their childs school?


This was so helpful thankyou. I'm realising i am Autistic at the age of 58 and it is soo difficult to identify what i'm masking and acknowledge the difficulties i have with simple everyday life and work. I'm trying to apply for disability payment but am finding it so hard to identify and put into words what help and support i need on a daily basis. Your descriptions of your life has been insightful, thankyou.


Can you please talk about abnormal posture in people with autism? Including issues such as fatigue, awkwardness, clumsiness and instability of the foot, ankle and hip joints.


Thank you for sharing, not many people show their daily life with autism/how to make it easier. I enjoyed this video despite from the teeth brushing, for some reason even seeing other people doing it brings shivers down my spine.


I love how much I see of me in you, I love having things planned out. My friends all think it’s funny that I plan time to be spontaneous but they all go along with it.


I am curious about the morning routine in that, right now, my entire morning routine tends to be get out of bed between 6:30-7:45, then doze in front of the TV in the living room until 8:30, or until I have to be at work if I have to be there by 8:00-9:00 (which means getting ready about 45 min.-1hr before). So when I have early mornings at work, I tend to skip breakfast, which tends to lead to skipping vitamins because I can't take the multivitamin on an empty stomach. Part of my problem, though, is being consistent with what time I go to bed/ get up, since my hours are different all the time.


Im so glad for this video and not feeling so wrong and lonely about myself


That is super awesome that you just tell yourself to “get up at 5AM”. My dad used to do that with no alarm and he retired from UPS with that system!!


What is your Miracle morning? I’m curious to know!


I would be very interested in your morning routine. Do you have any advice for making routines? I haven't been diagnosed yet (working on it though) so all the help I get is from videos such as yours. Thank you so much for doing these since they have helped a lot with understanding my self.


I bump into door frames and accidentally bruise myself in many ways. My parents always just said I was a naturally prone clumsy individual. I use to close my hand in my dad's car door when younger as well.


It feels good to know I’m not alone in this world. People have always said I was strange. More and more as an adult in the work place I feel like I’m from a different planet. We just see and behave in the world differently than neurotypical people. Great video by the way.


I generally speaking get up around 6-9am (depending on how well I've slept; I've some sleep issues), eat breakfast (usually either müsli or peanut butter sandwich) and go to the gym. My entire day usually somehow gets thrown off a bit if I don't go to the gym first thing in the morning 🤷‍♂️ It also helps me regulate my meals; without it, I forget to eat, and then I suddenly have a head- and stomach ache, and am almost too nauseous to make any food at all.


When you mentioned the aspects of SPD something clicked for me. My ability to *articulate* my difficult areas is something ive really struggled with especially when it comes to working with people.

I have always *described* one issue as misjudging the length of my arms. The moment you said "Depth perception issues" it made sense. i'd only been able to describe how the issue feels and hadnt been able to connect the dots to the fundamental problem.

Thank you Dan. Once again another piece of the puzzle has dropped in and its all because of you and your insight.

edit: the more i think about it. i describe a LOT of things by how they manifest. which isnt really useful for other people. i need to connect more dots.


I struggle so much with a set schedule especially because schedules in my family change constantly as well and it makes it really hard to adopt new habits too.

At least I have a set morning and night routine so that helps a little.

And I have the postman anxiety too. It sucks!


interesting to know that cooking is a common difficulty with aspies... another thing for me to think about having gone undiagnosed thus far in my life (cooking has always been extremely stressful for me)
also, im curious, do you have data on aspies who are unable to develop routine? how the function, if at all?


very interesting! am also an aspie but we have extremely different lifestyles! although i am 14 and still at school but who knows, i could have a completely different life when i'm older!
just out of interest, would you recommend getting a diagnosis? i'm undiagnosed but after enough research, i am fully aware i have aspergers. i've always felt different but now i know why!😃
