3 Spring Garlic Tips - Garden Quickie Episode 186

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Time To Tend To Our Garlic! Spring is almost here and that means the few things we actually have to do for our garlic are all happening right now. Its not much, they are a low maintenance crop, but the few things we have to do are kind of non-negotiable!

2024 is the Year of the Garden! We deserve it after the last little while, and growing our own food and self sufficiency is just the reward we need to get back on track!

If you’re a Garlic aficionado and can’t get enough, here’s all the other Garlic videos in my library:

For more information on all your gardening questions, check out my other videos!:

If you're just starting out gardening in 2024, please check out my Amazon Affiliate links below to get the right tools for the job! It doesn't cost you a cent, but this channel receives a small incentive for any items purchase through Amazon. Happy Gardening!

Seedling Trays!

pH/Water/Light Meter

Composting Tumbler!

Handy 12-piece Garden Tool Set!:

Hand Pruners:

Watering Can:

Spray Gun:

Gardening Gloves:

#garlic #gardening #gardeningtips
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If you're just starting out gardening in 2024, please check out my Amazon Affiliate links below to get the right tools for the job! It doesn't cost you a cent, but this channel receives a small incentive for any items purchase through Amazon. Happy Gardening!

Seedling Trays!

pH/Water/Light Meter

Composting Tumbler!

Handy 12-piece Garden Tool Set!:

Hand Pruners:

Watering Can:

Spray Gun:

Gardening Gloves:


Thank you for creating and making this content available to help us. 🕊


Awesome quicky Jeffe! 👏I was just out in the garden watering and my soft neck garlic is so tall since I planted in fall! Time for some nutrients and the weeds around were pretty sparse and the mulch continues to be sturdy, love your hard neck, beautiful! Crossing fingers for success on my first harvest, which I'll have to refer back to your previous garlic video on when that is😂😅🧄🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ such a newb, but it's so much fun! Thanks again for the much needed tips..💪😎😘💓10A central coast Cali!


Thanks! First time growing garlic and was wondering what I needed to do


Squirrels dug up every single garlic bulb this winter. I hate Squirrels!


Thank you Jeff! In Michigan we are having a beautiful 68 degree day so I went and tended to my 9 little garlic sprouts 😂. They’re not quite as high as yours but they just got fertilized and mulched. ❤


Been growing garlic in MI for years. Started with a few Music, Elephant and some random stuff from the grocery store. Now I have hundreds and have to give them away every year. Never bothered to specifically apply fertilizer to them as they've never shown any signs of needing it. I do put some compost in all of my garden which I'm sure helps.


Ooh! 💚 Thanks for the quick videos, but I really like the complete thorough explanation ones! Everything you say is so nicely explained and it’s entertaining the way to edit your videos. Keep up these amazing videos! May I share them in my gardening group? I have about 8, 000 members and still growing!
-In Oregon 😊


Hi Jeff, great video on garlic! I must feed mine too. Thanks for sharing and take care 😊


I have my garlic bed thickly covered with dried leaves I gathered in the fall. Nothing poking through that layer yet. I will take your advice and feed those babies in a week or two (today's weather: mild this morning then -10C expected this afternoon with a flash freeze overnight)🇨🇦


Yeah...spring. It hit -24 here in zone 3 and we've got 18" of fresh snow on the ground there Mr BC showoff. ROFL !!!! Jealous ?? DAMNED STRAIGHT I'm jealous. ;)


I like having a quicky in the garden but my neighbours complained hehehe


There is a famous garlic farm here in the UK called The Garlic Farm and around Feb-march, then every 6 weeks after, they apply sulphate of potash to their garlic 👍


How do you time your fertilizing in regards to rain? Won't the rain wash it away?
I'm over in Tacoma and our 10-day is nothing but rain. 😒


What fertilizer do you recommend for early spring feeding? I’m thinking fish emulsion which is high in nitrogen but I’m not sure if that’s correct or not.


I'm growing garlic for the first time. Any tips I can get are much appreciated. - Lar


My fall garlic looks to be a fail. Five different types and only two littles sprouts showing!


Oops. I think I've been feeding my garlic too much. Mine is softneck if that matters; it's been growing since October and is huge.


Ah, my softnecks are now indoors behind the window. They all are hanging. A bit of water to try to get them going again. Hope I succeed.


1st year planting garlic.Planted in November NJ 6b.I have thick layers of straw and shredded leaves on my garlic bed. Should I remove the thick layer of staw and leaves?
