When Our ‘Feelings’ Become Our God | Khutbah Highlight | Nouman Ali Khan | Dublin, Ireland

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In this short snippet from a khutbah delivered last year at the Islamic Foundation of Ireland in Dublin, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan scrapes the tip of the iceberg on the topic of psychology. More interestingly, he draws comparisons between ayat from the Quran and how modern day 'pop psychology' has led to an increase of self-diagnosed 'feelings' that are, in fact, an attempt to feed our own self-worth.



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And here I sit in therapy realizing that I need a better connection with my Rabb in order to overcome my traumas and grief. May Allah Swt continue to protect the Ummah 🤲🏽💜


I think people are missing the point here. Western psychology in itself is not the problem, in fact it is a very great tool to understand the self. The problem lies when we ONLY pursue western therapy and self indulge in our own experience WITHOUT seeking truth in Islam / Quran alongside therapy. The best is to practice both together, remaining grounded & humble and keeping strong iman, taqwah & tawakkul. Also it is important to remember the only one we should seek guidance from is Allah swt, not other people. But that doesn’t mean we cannot benefit from these practitioners either.


finally, someone said it. This thing of psychology becoming the ultimate truth and focusing just on your own well-being is an accepted form of selfishness and I don't understand why it is accepted unconditionally. Thank you, Ustad for finally addressing it.


"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. My mother's elder sister, who was like a mother to me, has passed away today.I request your du'a (prayers) for her maghfirat (forgiveness) and jannah (paradise). She was a kind and caring person who took care of me and my family. Please pray for her soul and share this news with others so we can gather as many prayers as possible." my name is MUHAMMAD Ahmer


Alhamdulillah for this lecture, majority of the people needs it🥲🥲it's such a shame that we let our feelings take control over us, 🥲may Allah forgive our sins and guide us towards right path and connects our heart with him❤, may Allah protect people of Palestine🇵🇸 and all the Muslims who are in trouble, Ameen


"People experience various calamities in life. As the Quran says, "ما أصاب من مصيبة إلا بإذن الله" (No disaster strikes except by the permission of Allah). The question then arises: Why does Allah allow such terrible things to happen? In this verse, Allah teaches us a profound lesson: "ومن يؤمن بالله يهدي قلبه" (Whoever truly has faith in Allah, Allah will guide their heart). This means that when we face anxiety, anger, pain, sadness, or frustration—perhaps feeling that someone has escaped justice or that life is unfair—if our hearts are steadfast in iman (faith) in Allah, He will guide us through these challenging emotions."🖤

These words will stand as timeless wisdom until the end of days.


Gaslighting isn't telling someone the truth. It's denying to accept their truth and making them feel they are wrong.


I really needed this ... I have been practicing psychology for 1 year, and my life got worse. I had lost my family happiness and my job as well due to this negative psychology. But islam and Quran helps me alot.. Allah is best healer


Day after day, it becomes more clear that we’ve been living a life that’s so heavily influenced by the media, and Islam truly separates the right from wrong and removes the curtain of deceit. Subhanallah. From feminism, liberalism, and every fancy word we’ve used in the past is how the Shaitan has crept into all our lives, forgetting that Islam sets us on the Straight Path. We have our way of life which is so beautiful. Subhanallah.
May Allah SWT keep us all steadfast and May He protect our hearts. 💕


We often let our feelings guide us too much, forgetting to prioritize Allah's commands. This lecture is a great reminder to keep our faith above our emotions. Thank you for this important message.
✨Barak'Allahu feekum! Ustadh.


One of the most powerful Khutbas of Ustad Nouman MashaAllah <3


Sometime we all don't realise that we start worshiping things other than Allah but the heart was created to worship Allah only , who is eternal every other thing will perish from this world .if this dunya is in your heart you are always going to find yourself dealing with emptiness loneliness and pain


When you connect the knowledge of the world with quran that is so fascinating and mind blowing. Always learn something from your lectures


I was so sad and traumatized and I don’t know how I came across this video and I cried and cried after hearing the truth 🥹 thanks may ALLAH give you Jannat. Ameen.


This Khutba spoke to my every thought. It's shocking how we worship our feelings and get so influenced by tiktok and IG psychologist who have a phd in creating posts! May Allah guide us all Ameen


05:00 _"i need to feel good"_
İ remember a psychologist saying that people used to go to the psychologist to get treatment for a disorder. There has been a shift somewhere in the 20th century where people start to go to the psychologist because they feel they don't get the maximum experience out of their lives.

You see now that young people, Especially young men, get aquatinted with Stoicism to learn how to live life with pain and suffering.


This message need to be conveyed and you did so.Thank you.Due to social media we all are confused about our relationships with our family and creating a trauma against everyone because we are listening these words narcissist and toxic very often and we are judging every one except ourselves. And its creating real toxic inside our hearts .May ALLAH save our hearts from such kind of fithnas. And please keep it up we need such kind of wake-up call time to time.


Ustad Nauman is the best psychologist.. ALHAMDULILLAH


this was much needed
thankyou ustaad for incredible contribution to let people understand real Islam.


Much needed topic! Jazak ALLAAHU khair
