Best Way to Increase Battery in Tears of the Kingdom

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The Legend of Zelda Tears of The Kingdom lets you build a variety of Zonia contraptions that all consume your battery meter. Here is the Best Way to Increase Battery in Tears of the Kingdom

0:00 Intro
0:49 Forge Constructs
1:16 Large Zonaite’s Uses
3:14 Easy Miniboss Farming
5:28 Every Depths Miniboss
6:01 Rare Stone Talus in Depths
7:25 Boss Rewards in Depths
11:07 All Chests with Charges
13:52 Converting to Energy Cells
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Just a little correction. The 3 Elemental attack Armor sets that i mentioned don't require Large Zonaite, they require Large Zonai Charges. Sorry.


Fun fact, dragons take 10-11 minutes to recharge, so if you want to farm dragon parts you can sit on their backs and set a stopwatch. If you know their path you can fast travel to the skyview tower that the dragon is closest to or the closest light root if possible. Farosh goes down the crater to the top right of lake hylia, wraps around and dips into Faron a little bit but turns toward the gerudo region and out of the crater by the 7 heroines, then back over to the crater by lake hylia


The crystal refinery that is right by lookout landing can be unlocked as soon you touch the ground 14:13


Unlock 1/4 of the depths starting from below Rito Village. Just unlocking lightroots and clearing mobs along the way. Got 5 energy cells now.
Take your time, the game is massive.


With this, I will finally be able to use my contraptions for more than 10 seconds.


The crystal refinery at lookout landing is unlocked from the start. It was the first thing I climbed up after the tutorial. It just tells you to come back when you have enough.


A+ quality videos every 3 hours, Austin deserves a gold medal


Almost to that Max battery, thanks for helping me finishes the rest Austin. Everyone says this but yes these are actually the best guides!


I know it’s been months since I figured it out but it dead ass took me over a month to figure out how to upgrade the battery


The Marbled Gohma is also an easier fight in the depths because there is no ceiling for it to escape to, so it’s way easier to hit with Yunobo


Hey Austin, I just gotta say thank you for making such helpful videos for so long. I’ve been watching you for several years and you have helped me so much during them with Arceus, Violet, BotW and now TotK. You were super helpful in your explanations and don’t leave any details out when doing something. I really appreciate you and hope you will continue to make such helpful videos!


Thanks for always giving god tier advice for Tears Austin! really helpful when i wanna make amazing creations


I JUST learned that after you get all batteries you then have to get all the charges again to add even longer battery life. Turns the cells blue instead of green.


I can add to this. Mark each mini boss (and Lynels) with a unique identifier icon (cook pot for hinox, chest for mulduga, skull for Lynel, etc.) Also, the Majora's mask arena. Thats 6 Lynels to fight all in 1 area (5 in the arena, 1 right next to the Lightroot)


A much faster way is also duping the large zonaite (675 for 15 entire batteries) and going to the house that you built near terry town and sleeping. After you sleep, teleport to the great abandoned central mine and buy all of the large crystallized charges. After that go back to the house you built and sleep again. Keep continuing this cycle until you have enough crystallized charges to fill all your batteries


Thank you so much Austin for pumping these videos out! Been watching each episode to make sure I have the best first playthrough experience spoiler free!!


Thanks for all the tips that you give out for this game with as little spoilers as possible. Keep you the good work!


I recommend saving at least some zonaite for one reason
When you beat spirit temple there will be a construct next to miners when you come back
He will give you an ancient blade, which is the arrowhead of the ancient arrow
He then will trade 50 zonaite for 1 ancient blade, allowing for more!
(They work exactly like they did in botw)


I literally just started looking into this subject and I see you just uploaded the perfect video! Thanks for all your great guides!


Loving the content Austin! This really takes me back to 2017 when botw had just came out and I was watching all your guides back then as I am now
