Introduction to Internal Family Systems Q&A with Dr. Richard Schwartz (Creator of IFS)

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This IFS presentation is fabulous. It's the first and only description of how, in the last 16 years, I have worked to understand myself, which necessitated
analyzing my parents and siblings. I became my Protector in early childhood.
Psychoanalysis did not work for me, in mid twenties but now that I have mostly fixed myself (I'll tell you how in a minute.) Since my early professional help was via Psychoanalysis, the ideal pairing would be a blending of IFS and psychoanalysis for more reasons not discussed in the main presentation.
This could get long, and I apologize, but this presentation is so all encompassing to me, for many reasons. Dr Schwartz has developed the system that l parelled, out of necessity! Furthermore, I believe, as an aside, that people who go through IFS to completion will have less ADHD while young, and less Dementia when old! As everything stems from dysfunctional childhoods, in varying degrees. This is my understanding based on self observation and assessment, encompassing all but the first two years of my life. My first vivid memory was at approx 2.5 years. The most recent 16 years in self isolation allowed me to utilize YouTube presentations of various therapists, social workers, psychologists, coaches, etc. I watched literally hundreds. Whenever I felt that some video that "spoke" to me, I would follow that person until I found benefit for whatever issue I focused on. Then I would move on to someone else that carried me further in my healing. Throughout these years, I went through much depression, feeling suicidal at times, (confident that if truly needed, I would go for help.) Everything I did was intuitively followed. Now, with Dr Schwartz's IFS approach, I'm beginning to wonder if I was healing all my sundry parts of my personality from different episodes of my childhood. I think I was! More than once I tried to imagine how I could recreate my personal method for others to use to treat themselves. Try as I did, it seemed impossible for me to describe my logic.
All my research on myself, led me to believe that I could not heal myself unless I understood the dynamics of my parent's marriage, and why I had always been scapegoated, being the youngest of 4 children. So, for me it's been an overwhelming ordeal. I am so exhausted from years of self work, and am now elderly. But if I died tomorrow I can accept that, knowing that I have graduated to having reach the 8 C's. Well, at least on days of being in the two upper levels of daily observation using the Polyvagal System. I don't recall being on the bottom level for many months now!
There are many treatment modalities, but if I were beginning again, at ANY age, I definitely would investigate Dr Schwartz's IFS, hands down.


I love this therapy, it's absolutely the best for me! I tried to work with quite a few psychologists here in Germany to cure my fear of anger. All of them got angry with me, some already at the second or third hour. This was like wanting to help someone with spider phobia by throwing by surprise a spider into their lap.
But with this method I work with my parts one by one. And if they are too big or scary for me, I focus on befriending them.


I've just started this therapy. So far it seems way better than any other model of therapy.❤


How lucky I am to find this video and the life changing information.


Outstanding interview!!! You asked great questions


This is very good news for the people who are trying to become more successful and responsible for themselves and others. Congratulations


I am a psychotherapist and I really love this modality. As an attachment theory based clinician this aligns naturally with my style.


Thank you for this, I've heard of shadow work plenty, bit it didn't quite click until listening to this.


Dr. Schwartz is a national treasure. His methods work very well.


Excellent questions! Impressive host. Really enjoyed.


Brilliant man. He explained this so simply for us non psychologists.


Very interesting interview. Dr. Schwartz is fortunately articulate and knows his "discovery" expertly. Insightful interviewing as well. Very good indeed.


This is groundbreaking information 🎉I feel so hopeful


Facinating ..
The fragmented self and learning to reunite them to become a whole being...


Dr. Schwartz is my hero. I love the book recommendation, IFS as a philosophy and a universally applicable model for understanding ourselves and the world is so intriguing!


Good questions! Got ALOT of notes from this. Thank you very much!


I love the Title you chose for your book, No Bad Parts! All my parts said "Fuck yeah!" Out loud when I heard it.
My friends do not believe this and it's so heart breaking
If I ever get the opportunity to do something to help others and chose a similar Title. 🙊🙉🙈


Thanks so much for this interview, the way you facilitated generated such amazing information. Loved every bit of it.


ONE OF THE BEST modalitiesss to heallll al ot with Thankyou Doctor Richard Schwartz.... Great Help Mankind


Sometimes a bit deep, but knowing the enneagram makes this so much clearer. Self=essence, Centers of intelligence...heart has trouble with shame/victim, head types have trouble with fear/anxiety body types have trouble with anger/contol... Types 1 perfectionist fights the inner critic, type 2 values helping others and forgetting themselves type 3 performer forgets value of self separate from what they do, type 8 the challenger has trouble being vulnerable... you get the picture. There is a childhood wound that causes one to deal with the world in a certain way. It is a personality tool that can define your box or help you out of it.
