The science of super longevity | Dr. Morgan Levine

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Science can’t stop aging, but it may be able to slow our epigenetic clocks.

What if we could slow down the hands of our biological clocks? This question underpins much of the research of Morgan Levine, who leads a research team at the life science company Altos Labs.

Levine investigates the fascinating intricacies of aging, recognizing that it doesn't happen at a uniform pace for everyone. Central to her exploration is the concept of epigenetics — the factors that influence gene activity without changing the DNA sequence. Levine focuses on DNA methylation, a significant epigenetic change that occurs with aging, and the development of models called "epigenetic clocks" that can be used to predict biological age.

While she acknowledges that it might be possible to reverse aging at a cellular level, Levine clarifies that the ultimate goal is not to "cure" aging or death, but to delay disease onset and improve healthspan.

0:00 Fast agers & slow agers
1:25 The hallmarks of aging
1:59 What is the epigenetic clock?
3:05 Can we ‘Benjamin Button’ aging?
5:22 The holy grail for scientists


About Morgan Levine:
Morgan Levine was previously a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the department of Pathology at Yale University where she ran the Laboratory for Aging in Living Systems. In 2022, she was recruited to join Altos Labs as a Founding Principal Investigator at the San Diego Institute of Science. She currently leads a research group at Altos Labs working at the intersection of bioinformatics, cellular biology, complex systems, and biostatistics with the overall goal of understanding the molecular trajectories aging cells, tissues, and organisms take through time.


Read more of our stories on aging:
Aging gratefully: Will you be happier in old age?
Blood test can calculate your true biological age
The brain undergoes a great “rewiring” after age 40


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Rather than chasing individual diseases, targeting the aging process itself could be the key to tackling multiple age-related conditions. A holistic approach for healthier aging! 💟


Firstly, very few people live past 100 and that may not change anytime soon. The important thing is living healthy into advanced old age rather than just surviving in poor health for a decade or more. I’m 62 and have done resistance training since I was 18 and have kept aerobically fit through various sports since I was 5 years old. I also eat little to no processed foods, eat in moderation and maintain a healthy amount of body fat. I do drink alcohol, almost exclusively red wine, but very little hard spirits or beer. My goal is to be able to live an active and healthy life for as long as I am able.


As this video accurately describes DNA methylation as it relates to aging, it is also of relevance to point out that exercise training can affect the epigenome as well. Many of the changes induced by exercise training have been linked to an anti-aging affect on the epigenome. There is some evidence that the aging process is at least partially reversed due to the effect exercise training has on DNA.


Thank you Dr. Morgan Levine and Big Think YouTube channel. I’m 51 years young, and a veteran boxer. At my age, I’m able to out box and out perform younger boxers because I tell them to take care of your bodies. Eat smart, get rest, and train like a beast yet train smart. God bless you and thank you for this knowledge. 😎🔥🥇


I like that she said we are concerned about it because of what it does to our parents, that is generally the closest emotional way that ageing affects us.


Hey Big Think this is awesome! Someone shared me this video... its so cool to see you guys covering Longevity and Life Extension! 🧬🔬


I've always said health span is much more important that life span, life is only worth living when you can do things and not be limited by health problems. Doctors really need to start focusing more on prevention if they want to improve longevity and we can only do this by encouraging a healthier lifestyle and educating people better on how the body works.


Rule of thumb... when a headline is written as a question, the answer is no.


There’s two aspects of aging to consider. One is appearance and the other is health. I am seventy years old and I am often told that I look much younger. I usually counter by saying that I may look young but I feel seventy. Regardless as to how you may look or even feel, humans rarely live to 100 years on average. This proves that we are NOT close to figuring out aging. As one man who was 108 said when asked about the secret to his longevity, “There’s no secret. I have lived this long because God wanted me to live this long.” I know that those who believe in evolution will say that can’t be the answer. Soooo wait on science 🧬 and let us see.


“Geroscience” is a promising scientific field of study. Slowing down, stopping, or reversing the aging process. To intervene with the natural development of any chronic diseases as opposed to targeting just one (ex: heart disease). Taking a holistic approach to our human body. To help people over the “hump” of our midlife years when our bodies are most vulnerable to developing diseases. More productive years potentially well into our late 90s and 100s, contributing in lieu of requiring, less physical and emotional and cognitive stress, contributing to the financial stability and greater good of society. Yes, keep innovating!


"A lot of people are very concerned about the aging process because of what it does to our appearance"
lol oh, here I am just worrying about it because of the whole closer to death thing, but okay


I don't understand why she says at the end that she doesn't think we can prevent aging / death. Her whole talk was about how we have already unlocked some promising methods of potentially reversing aging. Look, the point isn't just to delay death a little bit. Let's aim for curing aging completely.


I would like to ask a few questions here based on my little to no understanding of cells and their science.
1) Dont all cells in our body get replaced every 7 years so if the focus is reverseing ageing how does it affect the possibility of new cell formation or does it just shortens their life cycle or it just simple like reminding a clock
2) Also can cells learn? If you make a cells revers itself in age most of the time, when it becomes cancerous does it like not die becuase thats like the number 1 defence against cancer isn't it.
Would live to hear some more on this.


Nicely done, Morgan, particularly how you explain epigenetics as the operating system for the cell. Thanks for taking the time to do the video!


I'm 71 and look and move like I'm at least 20 years younger. I was raised by a Christian Science Healer so was taught that my MIND CREATES my REALITY. Except for brain damage as a toddler, all I use is aspirin. NOTHING else. I've finally recovered from an extremely stressful period. There were murders and I was almost one. My experiment now is to see how far I can push this mental healing. More exercise and basic healthy cooking. I walk a mile a couple times a week to get groceries.
This is my latest "trick". I listen to music from the 60s from when I was in HS. I use it as a meditation and let my body "remember" what it felt like to be 16. I mentally "greet and love" the cells of my body as if I was a kid. Amazing results.


Think about this: There are already many people alive today who will live to see the year 2100. Someone born today will only be 76 when they ring in the new year.
With the way technology is advancing I wouldn't be surprised it the first person who will eventually live to be 1000 years old is already living as well.


There are certain species that can reverse aging and not die due to age so it should be very possible once we solve this. Death due to age is prevalent among organisms but it's not a foregone conclusion. We need to decouple ourselves from dogma that death is inevitable while we explore this.


Author Ray Kurzweil figures human escape velocity is closer than we think. Scientific data on aging is only going to accelerate after all. Even David Sinclair (Professor of Genetics at Harvard.. and author himself) has made recent discoveries with mice - extending their lives, curing blindness and making old grey mice young again... it's incredibly exciting.


We should cure death. Life is beautiful and we should have the right to live forever if we choose.


Proper breathing can be extremely effective for both physical and mental health. On a physical level this will result in richer oxygenation of the blood which will result in many health benefits and perhaps even a longer life. But the true power of the breath comes into play when it is used to achieve a calmer and more centered being. You become better equipped to deal with life's difficulties and stressful situations. It can also be helpful in times of extreme grief and bereavement. The book “the full breath” of James Francis explains all this and also explains in simple terms the concept of spiritual development and enlightenment. One of the things that can ruin our health and our lives more than anything else is stress and mental distress. If you know someone who is suffering in life or is in great difficulty, this book could help them fight their way out and become happy and balanced again.