WHY the Trinity doctrine is FALSE

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The facts Checkmate Trinitarian doctrine. Trinitarians have no escape from this problem but to run and hide from it and to flee from the truth instead of face it honestly. Straight forward simple facts demand acknowledgment of the obvious truth. Those who love the truth know what to do. The only true God is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and there is no other God but the God of Jesus. And concerning those who do not love the truth, we also know what they will do. Men everywhere love their man-made idols much more than the true God, the God of our Lord. This is the way of deluded defiant men, those who deny and defy the truth of God. How about you? What will you do?
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Is there any other God than the God of Jesus? No, there is only one God - the God of Jesus. If you worship and serve a God which Jesus does not have, then you obviously have another God.


Yes, it is very easy to prove from Scripture that the Triune Pantheon is false. ...BUT, no matter how much Scripture you give these cultists they do not receive It, that is my experience now for more than 30 years. All I have met on my way have rejected It and clung to and defended their man-made theology. ...desperately so most times, and some times even to the point of being aggressive and hateful. Makes you WONDER about these Christians(?).


Great teaching! Thank You Brother Kel.❤


The truth is undeniable. If you are truly a follower of Christ, you will worship the same God he worshipped. He worshipped only one person as his God. The Father. John 17:3, John 20:17, Mark 15:34, Mark 14:36


It’s great to see another video from you; your channel has been a great resource for me in my awakening to the truth. Have you any thought to summarise your videos in a book?


trinity is pagan like easter and so many other nonsense traditions...even the sabbath on sunday, another false doctrine! And yes, christmas....it is all deceit!


Amwn. I have objectively read the Bible cover to cover many times, including Catholic Bibles. No where in the Bible does it ever suggest the great creator God is a trinity. Anyone who deliberately confuses themselves by attempting to justify falsehood, such as the man-made trinity doctrine, only harm themselves.


trinitarians love their brick and mortar indoctrinated certified expert bible scholars, so sad they muddy the scriptures, come to the Father as a child, ask Jesus for understanding, Jesus is my Rock, thank you and blessings to everyone to receive the true Gospel


A while back I wrote an exhaustive logical argument on the trinity. I apologize if it is rather technical, but I made use of Aquinas' terminology.
The argument goes as follows:

God is simple. This means, all that is in God is identical to God's essence. Thus there are no particulars in God. It is the particulars of a thing which distinguish it from merely its essence, making it possible for an instantiation of a thing to be non-identical to its essence. (i.e. I am a human but I am not identical to humanity) If there are no particulars, there are no possible instantiations which are non-identical to the essence. (e.g. There is only one possible equilateral triangle)

One of three things is true:
1.) It is not logically possible for a simplicity wherein there are not three distinct persons, who are nonetheless identical in essence to exist.

2.) The trinitarian and non-trinitarian divine simplicity are absolutely identical. If this is the case then 1. Trinitarians and Unitarians should live in harmony, as the two have no theological distinctions, or all distinctions are illusory. 2. It can be reasonably concluded that the assumption of the trinity is not only unecessary, by Occam's razor, but also logically vacuous. This is because the trinity is logically identical to the Unitarian simplicity, but adds the assumption of the three divine persons.

3.) A non-trinitatian simplicity is possible and non-identical to the trinitarian divine simplicity.
We can therefore conclude that one of two things is true. Either Dialetheism is true, and the proposition, "All that is in God is identical to Gods essence" is both true and false, or, We must conclude that the trinitarian simplicity is not logically possible.

P1) A non-trinitarian simplicity is logically possible.
P2) The Trinitarian simplicity is not identical to the non-trinitarian simplicity.
P3) Dialetheism is not true.
C) Therefore the trinitarian simplicity is not logically possible.


Wish i could have a discussion with you brother Kel.


The one verse bible bandits i call them.


The Trinity - Scripture denying, Logic defying, Hellenistic complying.


Sorry Kel, , it's very hard, because the trinitarians cannot accept the fact that they have been tricked. As always brother another good job. 🙏🙏❤️🙏🙏


There is no God but One, who is spirit and who is One, for there is only One spirit who is God, even, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the manifestation of the Word in flesh.



There is but one GOD and he recognizes no other. Jesus identifies GOD as both his
father and his GOD. Therefore, it follows that Jesus cannot be GOD. No small
attestation as it negates the vicarious atonement represented in the crucifixion.
A man may not make atonement for another's sin; therefore Jesus 'Must' be more
than a man. The Trinity' is invented to establish Jesus as GOD within an inexplicable
'Mystery'. If Jesus were GOD, Peter would have responded 'You are the GOD of Heaven
and Earth' rather than, 'You are the Christ, Son of the living GOD'. There is but one GOD
and he has no equal. Jesus acknowledged this.


Just watched a video of pastor Steven Anderson ranting about this. He believes it is heresy to deny the Trinity. Trinity gods existed in pagan cultures. It contradicts the fact that there is only one God. Good video.


My pastor said “get out of every church organization that supports the trinity” and now I know why! The trinitarians like living in confusion and are utterly rebellious people who do not believe the bible 100% they think they know more than God. It breaks my heart. Most of my Christian family and friends are living this lie.


Hey brother just wanted to say I've been watching your content now consistently for 5 years or longer and I really appreciate all that you do even though I've been challenging my position since day one your videos and website have really helped me. It's hard to go against the current especially when I see such good fruits coming from trinitarians more so than myself. I've been trying to get myself out there to street preach but I've been procrastinating for far too long. I now have a gopro and am planning on getting out there any day so I'll be putting out some videos of my own. Thank you again you have been a true blessing!


Can you do one on binitarian being false. So far you're my favorite teacher.


How about a fact that Jesus has Brothers and sisters.
And god has sons and daughtersjustsaying
