The PAGAN TRINITY EXPOSED - Indisputable FACTS the Trinity IS False!

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In this video we expose the pagan Trinity. We answer the questions - Is the Trinity doctrine in the Bible? Why do Christians believe in a Trinity? We also give amazing facts and proof that the Trinity is a false doctrine. In exposing the Trinity lie one must be willing to take a clear and unbiased look at the Bible and Christian history. It's amazing how the facts regarding the pagan Trinity are so numerous and overwhelming. The history of the Church can be eye-opening. Why does the Roman Catholic church believe in a Trinity? Why do Protestants believe in a Trinity? Where did the false Trinity doctrine come from?

We hope you enjoyed the teaching: The pagan Trinity exposed - why do Christians believe in a Trinity?

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I have never nor will I believe in the doctrine of the Trinity.


I have always wondered why Jesus would pray to the Father if he was one and the same. It has never made sense to me!


I’m Muslim and hope to see my fellow true Christian brothers in heaven one day defend your lovely religion against this paganistic doctrine 😊


I am a Muslim and I want to say that this guy is a logical Christian. He's a very very very rare type of Christian.


I still can't see anywhere in the bible that the apostles mentioned trinity. Because a man has spirit, does that mean that a man is two ?


When Jesus together with His apostles go to the Garden of Getsemani, He prayed to God, so if He and God are one, is He praying to Himself, that is kinda ridiculous.


Very respectable breakdown... The concept of Trinity has left millions spiritually crippled...


There are so many man-made doctrines that have infiltrated the church over time. Once I began to grow suspicious, noticing how divisive these doctrines were and how they couldn't answer any question that didn't lead to more questions; I started opening my heart to God about this. I told God that I believed that His Word was meant to be understood one way and one way only by His people. That He was about oneness and unity. I prayed that He would guide me to His absolute truth. I have since distanced myself from these man-made doctrines and theologies. It also began with me being humble enough to admit that what I had been believing could be wrong and if proven so being able to let it go. But I was not going to be proven wrong by human opinion, it had to be via God's Word. Trying to discover this truth also led me to trust the older translations of the Word, how did the original readers of the Word understand it, and what it meant to them. I feel so much freer realizing that these doctrines just bog you down, the truth sets you free. Looking forward to learning so much more.


325 A.D. - It's official, after much debate, Athanasius won the day. While this was a major setback for those who embraced the original Jewish tenants as taught by the Messiah and His Apostles, this was a notable win for the Greek minded gentiles that influenced the church. Authors Anthony F. Buzzard and Charles F. Hunting state, “The Greek philosophically-minded Alexandrian theologians, led by Athanasius, won the day. Those more under the earlier influence of Jewish monotheism were defeated. Dissenters who refused to sign the agreement were immediately banished. The Church was now taken over and dictated to by theologians strongly influenced by the Greek mind… ‘When the Greek mind and the Roman mind, instead of the Hebrew mind, came to dominate the Church, there occurred a disaster from which the Church has never recovered, either in doctrine or practice’” (The Doctrine of the Trinity, pp. 151-152).


I do not believe in trinity, but:
Jesus-God with us
Holy Spirit-God in us.
There is ONE God, only one but he showes himself to us in different ways. We can never understand this fully until we go to heaven (I believe) and see with our own eyes what is going on.


The word became flesh. And dwelt among us.


Those pagan trinities are really 3 Gods.


the jews in old testament had one God the teology of trinity appear after three hundreed years after the death of Jesus noone even mention trinity is not from bible is a missinterpretation


I believe in the one GOD Yahweh, in his son Yeshua, and in God's Holy Spirit, but not in the sense that they are a Trinity. I'm surprised that so many Christians don't even want to acknowledge the pagan roots of many of their customs and beliefs.


I am Muslim and I believe there is only one God whom Christians call "the Father", and no he's not an old man with a beard, God is nothing like His creation


The Father = Only TRUE God
Jesus = Son of God
Holy Spirit = Spirit (or breath) of God and Jesus


😂😂😂 Christians are trying to make us believe that 1+1+1=1


why do they become so confrontational when you say you dont believe in the trinity?? there is a video of pastor anderson literally mad as hell about people not believing in the trinity. he literally tossed some guy out of church who simply tried to show him scriptures that support oneness. and pastor spent the rest of church ranting about the trinity. "IF YOU DONT SUPPORT THE TRINITY, GET OUT!!!" it was so unGod like. its not like he was making out of the blue claims....HE WAS BACKING IT UP WITH SCRIPTURE and pastor wasnt having ANY of it. like you know how a lot of atheists get when you mention Christianity, this is how it felt. it felt like pastor anderson was pure evil. he honestly looked like he wouldve fought anybody in that church. didnt Jesus tell us not to argue over scripture? because if we are for Jesus, then whats the problem?? that is the way i see it. if i dont agree with another Christian over scripture, WHO CARES. we come together for the same cause and that is all that matters. but dont tell me that i am going to hell because you still cling to a catholic throw back belief. THATS RIGHT. THE TRINITY BELIEF IS A CATHOLIC IDEA. and like most catholic ideas, its not a good one.


Good to see christians like you exist too. You are the people of the book, our brethren in faith. Jesus is our Messiah


Thank you yes the trinity is a man made concept
Christ is the son of God even Christ said that he also said that he came to do the will of his father our father he's God our God...