How to Achieve Smooth Blends - HC 416

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In this Hobby Cheating Tutorial, I take you through the full spectrum of techniques of blending and how to best succeed no matter how you're trying to blend on those minis!
#warhammer #miniaturepainting

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Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl: (paint, primer, basing paste, etc.):
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After watching your videos for a couple years I just want thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into these videos Vince. The content you put out is really something to be proud of. Your videos remind me of why I fell in love with the internet and what I thought it would and should become. Knowledgeable people sharing information with like minded people. Not thumbnails, clickbait, and engagement farming.

I really appreciate the knowledge you share and the example you provide.


Idk much but what I do know is I now know why you are a legend in the miniature community. That is all. Hope everyone has an amazing day! Filled with beautiful blends.


Did anyone else have a couple moments where the video froze up, but the sound kept going? Frustrating because blending is the technique I most need to work on.


I really appreciate your explanation of the basic chemistry of acrylic paint, and why that makes it fundamentally difficult to blend. Very clear and succinct.


Well done. This is one of the hardest things for beginners and intermediate to effectively learn because key steps are often omitted in tutorials. It would be great to revisit this topic in even greater detail about how much paint you load your brush and on other textures - it’s so important. Thanks Vince for all you do for the hobby


Don't underestimate how useful using your finger to swipe away some of the paint can be for helping with the blends.


explanation of how and why and weak points of the techniques is spot on and very helpful. Great video as always Vince. Thanks a bunch.


You absolutely blew my mind. I never thought about blending the way you explained and the meaning of everything. I think you actually found the best balance between practicality and theory in your videos. It’s not often that I find myself speechless, but this is one of those times. Thank you very much for explaining this.


thanks vince for the suuuper useful vid - been trying to learn how to do blends but thought it was doing it wrong because it still looked too blocky. but now i know i need to look at glazing between them


I love your content Vince, you're always the first place I look for anything I'm struggling with when painting and always give great advice.

On a totally different note, your analysis mic when painting is stellar, but I often find I need to turn up the volume a bit more to hear you when you're talking to the camera, do you think you could incorporate the other mic into the camera speaking segments as well so we, your fans, might get to hear your in depth analysis as clearly as possible? Thank you for all your hardwork in your videos!


This is such a wonderful video not only explaining why it’s so hard to blend acrylic paints and demonstrating all the major methods but also reminding everyone that the perfect blend requires multiple steps to achieve. That butter analogy is a fantastic way to explain feathering. In case anyone was confused by the term “voiding out” it simply means that Vince is wiping off excess paint on a nearby paper towel. Sometimes I wonder why I’m not using oil paints or airbrush more frequently 😂


I have started the miniature painting hobby in the past couple of months and I have found your HC videos very useful as I am learning the various techniques. A lot of times I have been binge watching many videos in one sitting (at 1.5 times speed usually).Thank you very much for making all this awesome instructional content!


I have seen a lot of vlending videos. This was the best i have ever seen, despite the freeze frames.


When I go into ’blending mode’ i have a small eyeglass cleaner spray bottle to keep the moisture up. Sometimes I use the cloud of aerated water to keep the o2 level. I will use the spritzer for washes as well.


Super helpful to see the different blending techniques side by side. They all seem pretty interchangeable.

The concept of glazing after a blend was a much needed breakthrough for me. It kind of feels like you're doing everything wrong until you get to the very last step that pulls it all together. The wider scope of context for the techniques is super important, at least for me. Thanks for the level up Vince!


Brilliant video, the sound was a struggle unlike your usual quality, but that said as usual very informative and tips taken to help my next mini, thanks Vince you nake Saturday's worthwhile on youtube.


The clearest explanation of blending techniques I've seen!


vince just wanted to say thanks, the amount of knowledge im getting from this videos is simply amazing, one of the most informative painting guides on yt for sure!


Thanks vince it was interesting to watch. I recently tested some heavy bodies and got better results in a couple of hours than i do in 6-12 of normal hobby acrylics. The testing continues but its always good to consider other techniques. Oil paints intrigue me alot its just my laziness that stops me from testing them more.


0:50 Yes, those two things are important features, but I think that misses a key reason - it is non-toxic and it doesn't require solvents - that is actually the main reason acrylics displaced enamels.
